Bible Language


1 לַמְנַצֵּחַ H5329 לידיתון H3038 מִזְמוֹר H4210 לְדָוִֽד H1732 ׃ EPUN אָמַרְתִּי H559 VQQ1MS אֶֽשְׁמְרָה H8104 דְרָכַי H1870 מֵחֲטוֹא H2398 בִלְשׁוֹנִי H3956 אֶשְׁמְרָה H8104 לְפִי H6310 L-CMS מַחְסוֹם H4269 בְּעֹד H5704 רָשָׁע H7563 AMS לְנֶגְדִּֽי H5048 ׃ EPUN
2 נֶאֱלַמְתִּי H481 דוּמִיָּה H1747 הֶחֱשֵׁיתִי H2814 מִטּוֹב H2896 וּכְאֵבִי H3511 נֶעְכָּֽר H5916 ׃ EPUN
3 חַם H2552 ־ CPUN לִבִּי H3820 NMS-1MS ׀ CPUN בְּקִרְבִּי H7130 בַּהֲגִיגִי H1901 תִבְעַר H1197 ־ CPUN אֵשׁ H784 CMS דִּבַּרְתִּי H1696 VPQ1MS בִּלְשֽׁוֹנִי H3956 ׃ EPUN
4 הוֹדִיעֵנִי H3045 יְהוָה H3068 EDS ׀ CPUN קִצִּי H7093 וּמִדַּת H4060 יָמַי H3117 CMS-1MS מַה H4100 IPRO ־ CPUN הִיא H1931 PPRO-3FS אֵדְעָה H3045 VQI1MS מֶה H4100 IPRO ־ CPUN חָדֵל H2310 אָֽנִי H589 PPRO-1MS ׃ EPUN
5 הִנֵּה H2009 IJEC טְפָחוֹת H2947 ׀ CPUN נָתַתָּה H5414 UNKN יָמַי H3117 CMS-1MS וְחֶלְדִּי H2465 כְאַיִן H369 נֶגְדֶּךָ H5048 אַךְ H389 ADV כָּֽל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN הֶבֶל H1892 NMS כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN אָדָם H120 NMS נִצָּב H5324 סֶֽלָה H5542 ׃ EPUN
6 אַךְ H389 ADV ־ CPUN בְּצֶלֶם H6754 B-CMS ׀ CPUN יִֽתְהַלֶּךְ H1980 ־ CPUN אִישׁ H376 NMS אַךְ H389 ADV ־ CPUN הֶבֶל H1892 NMS יֶהֱמָיוּן H1993 יִצְבֹּר H6651 VQY3MS וְֽלֹא H3808 W-NPAR ־ CPUN יֵדַע H3045 מִי H4310 IPRO ־ CPUN אֹסְפָֽם H622 ׃ EPUN
7 וְעַתָּה H6258 W-ADV מַה H4100 IPRO ־ CPUN קִּוִּיתִי H6960 אֲדֹנָי H136 EDS תּוֹחַלְתִּי H8431 לְךָ L-PPRO-2MS הִֽיא H1931 ׃ EPUN
8 מִכָּל H3605 M-CMS ־ CPUN פְּשָׁעַי H6588 הַצִּילֵנִי H5337 חֶרְפַּת H2781 נָבָל H5036 AMS אַל H408 NPAR ־ CPUN תְּשִׂימֵֽנִי H7760 ׃ EPUN
9 נֶאֱלַמְתִּי H481 לֹא H3808 NADV אֶפְתַּח H6605 VQY1MS ־ CPUN פִּי CMS-1MS כִּי H3588 CONJ אַתָּה H859 PPRO-2MS עָשִֽׂיתָ H6213 VQQ2MS ׃ EPUN
10 הָסֵר H5493 מֵעָלַי H5921 M-PREP-1MS נִגְעֶךָ H5061 מִתִּגְרַת H8409 יָדְךָ H3027 CFS-2MS אֲנִי H589 PPRO-1MS כָלִֽיתִי H3615 ׃ EPUN
11 בְּֽתוֹכָחוֹת H8433 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN עָוֺן H5771 NMS ׀ CPUN יִסַּרְתָּ H3256 VPQ2MS אִישׁ H376 NMS וַתֶּמֶס H4529 כָּעָשׁ H6211 חֲמוּדוֹ H2530 אַךְ H389 ADV הֶבֶל H1892 NMS כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN אָדָם H120 NMS סֶֽלָה H5542 ׃ EPUN
12 שִֽׁמְעָה ־ CPUN תְפִלָּתִי H8605 ׀ CPUN יְהוָה H3068 EDS וְשַׁוְעָתִי H7775 ׀ CPUN הַאֲזִינָה H238 VHI2MS-3FS אֶֽל H413 PREP ־ CPUN דִּמְעָתִי H1832 אַֽל H408 ADV ־ CPUN תֶּחֱרַשׁ H2790 כִּי H3588 CONJ גֵר H1616 אָנֹכִי H595 PPRO-1MS עִמָּךְ H5973 PREP-2FS תּוֹשָׁב H8453 כְּכָל H3605 ־ CPUN אֲבוֹתָֽי H1 ׃ EPUN
13 הָשַׁע H8159 מִמֶּנִּי H4480 M-PREP-1MS וְאַבְלִיגָה H1082 W-VHI1MS בְּטֶרֶם H2962 B-ADV אֵלֵךְ H1980 VQY1MS וְאֵינֶֽנִּי H369 W-ADV-1MS ׃ EPUN
1 To the chief Musician, H5329 even to Jeduthun, H3038 A Psalm H4210 of David. H1732 I said, H559 I will take heed H8104 to my ways, H1870 that I sin not H4480 H2398 with my tongue: H3956 I will keep H8104 my mouth H6310 with a bridle, H4269 while H5750 the wicked H7563 is before H5048 me.
2 I was dumb H481 with silence, H1747 I held my peace, H2814 even from good H4480 H2896 ; and my sorrow H3511 was stirred. H5916
3 My heart H3820 was hot H2552 within H7130 me , while I was musing H1901 the fire H784 burned: H1197 then spoke H1696 I with my tongue, H3956
4 LORD H3068 , make me to know H3045 mine end, H7093 and the measure H4060 of my days, H3117 what H4100 it H1931 is; that I may know H3045 how H4100 frail H2310 I H589 am .
5 Behold H2009 , thou hast made H5414 my days H3117 as a handbreadth; H2947 and mine age H2465 is as nothing H369 before H5048 thee: verily H389 every H3605 man H120 at his best state H5324 is altogether H3605 vanity. H1892 Selah. H5542
6 Surely H389 every man H376 walketh H1980 in a vain show: H6754 surely H389 they are disquieted H1993 in vain: H1892 he heapeth up H6651 riches , and knoweth H3045 not H3808 who H4310 shall gather H622 them.
7 And now, H6258 Lord, H136 what H4100 wait H6960 I for? my hope H8431 is in thee.
8 Deliver H5337 me from all H4480 H3605 my transgressions: H6588 make H7760 me not H408 the reproach H2781 of the foolish. H5036
9 I was dumb, H481 I opened H6605 not H3808 my mouth; H6310 because H3588 thou H859 didst H6213 it .
10 Remove H5493 thy stroke H5061 away from H4480 H5921 me: I H589 am consumed H3615 by the blow H4480 H8409 of thine hand. H3027
11 When thou with rebukes H8433 dost correct H3256 man H376 for H5921 iniquity, H5771 thou makest his beauty H2530 to consume away H4529 like a moth: H6211 surely H389 every H3605 man H120 is vanity. H1892 Selah. H5542
12 Hear H8085 my prayer, H8605 O LORD, H3068 and give ear H238 unto my cry; H7775 hold not thy peace H2790 H408 at H413 my tears: H1832 for H3588 I H595 am a stranger H1616 with H5973 thee, and a sojourner, H8453 as all H3605 my fathers H1 were .
13 O spare H8159 H4480 me , that I may recover strength, H1082 before H2962 I go H1980 hence , and be no H369 more.