Bible Language


1 לַמְנַצֵּחַ H5329 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN שֹׁשַׁנִּים H7799 לִבְנֵי H1121 L-CMP ־ CPUN קֹרַח H7141 מַשְׂכִּיל H4905 שִׁיר H7892 יְדִידֹֽת H3039 ׃ EPUN רָחַשׁ H7370 לִבִּי H3820 NMS-1MS ׀ PUNC דָּבָר H1697 VQPMS טוֹב H2896 AMS אֹמֵר H559 אָנִי H589 PPRO-1MS מַעֲשַׂי H4639 לְמֶלֶךְ H4428 L-CMS לְשׁוֹנִי H3956 CMS-1MS עֵט H5842 ׀ PUNC סוֹפֵר H5608 מָהִֽיר H4106 ׃ EPUN
2 יָפְיָפִיתָ H3302 מִבְּנֵי H1121 אָדָם H120 NMS הוּצַק H3332 חֵן H2580 NMS בְּשְׂפְתוֹתֶיךָ H8193 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN כֵּן H3651 ADV בֵּֽרַכְךָ H1288 אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP לְעוֹלָֽם H5769 ׃ EPUN
3 חֲגֽוֹר H2296 ־ CPUN חַרְבְּךָ H2719 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN יָרֵךְ H3409 גִּבּוֹר H1368 AMS הוֹדְךָ H1935 וַהֲדָרֶֽךָ H1926 ׃ EPUN
4 וַהֲדָרְךָ H1926 ׀ CPUN צְלַח H6743 רְכַב H7392 עַֽל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN דְּבַר H1697 CMS ־ CPUN אֱמֶת H571 CFS וְעַנְוָה H6037 ־ CPUN צֶדֶק H6664 NMS וְתוֹרְךָ H3384 נוֹרָאוֹת H3372 יְמִינֶֽךָ H3225 CFS-2MS ׃ EPUN
5 חִצֶּיךָ H2671 שְׁנוּנִים H8150 עַמִּים H5971 NMP תַּחְתֶּיךָ H8478 יִפְּלוּ H5307 בְּלֵב H3820 אוֹיְבֵי H341 הַמֶּֽלֶךְ H4428 ׃ EPUN
6 כִּסְאֲךָ H3678 אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP עוֹלָם H5769 NMS וָעֶד H5703 שֵׁבֶט H7626 CMS מִישֹׁר H4334 שֵׁבֶט H7626 CMS מַלְכוּתֶֽךָ H4438 ׃ EPUN
7 אָהַבְתָּ H157 צֶּדֶק H6664 וַתִּשְׂנָא H8130 רֶשַׁע H7562 NMS עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN כֵּן H3651 ADV ׀ CPUN מְשָׁחֲךָ H4886 אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP אֱלֹהֶיךָ H430 NAME-4MP שֶׁמֶן H8081 NMS שָׂשׂוֹן H8342 מֵֽחֲבֵרֶֽיךָ H2270 ׃ EPUN
8 מֹר H4753 ־ CPUN וַאֲהָלוֹת H174 קְצִיעוֹת H7102 כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN בִּגְדֹתֶיךָ H899 מִֽן H4480 ־ CPUN הֵיכְלֵי H1964 שֵׁן H8127 מִנִּי H4482 שִׂמְּחֽוּךָ H8055 ׃ EPUN
9 בְּנוֹת H1323 CFP מְלָכִים H4428 NMP בְּיִקְּרוֹתֶיךָ H3368 נִצְּבָה H5324 שֵׁגַל H7694 לִֽימִינְךָ H3225 בְּכֶתֶם H3800 B-CMS אוֹפִֽיר H211 LFS ׃ EPUN
10 שִׁמְעִי ־ CPUN בַת H1323 וּרְאִי H7200 וְהַטִּי H5186 אָזְנֵךְ H241 וְשִׁכְחִי H7911 עַמֵּךְ H5971 וּבֵית H1004 W-NMS אָבִֽיךְ H1 ׃ EPUN
11 וְיִתְאָו H183 הַמֶּלֶךְ H4428 D-NMS יָפְיֵךְ H3308 כִּי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN הוּא H1931 PPRO-3MS אֲדֹנַיִךְ H113 וְהִשְׁתַּֽחֲוִי H7812 ־ CPUN לֽוֹ L-PPRO-3MS ׃ EPUN
12 וּבַֽת H1323 ־ CPUN צֹר H6865 ׀ CPUN בְּמִנְחָה H4503 פָּנַיִךְ H6440 יְחַלּוּ H2470 עֲשִׁירֵי H6223 עָֽם H5971 NMS ׃ EPUN
13 כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN כְּבוּדָּה H3520 בַת H1323 ־ CPUN מֶלֶךְ H4428 NMS פְּנִימָה H6441 מִֽמִּשְׁבְּצוֹת H4865 זָהָב H2091 NMS לְבוּשָֽׁהּ H3830 ׃ EPUN
14 לִרְקָמוֹת H7553 תּוּבַל H2986 לַמֶּלֶךְ H4428 בְּתוּלוֹת H1330 אַחֲרֶיהָ H310 רֵעוֹתֶיהָ H7464 מוּבָאוֹת H935 לָֽךְ L-PPRO-2FS ׃ EPUN
15 תּוּבַלְנָה H2986 בִּשְׂמָחֹת H8057 וָגִיל H1524 תְּבֹאֶינָה H935 בְּהֵיכַל H1964 מֶֽלֶךְ H4428 NMS ׃ EPUN
16 תַּחַת H8478 NMS אֲבֹתֶיךָ H1 יִהְיוּ H1961 VQY3MP בָנֶיךָ H1121 CMP-2MS תְּשִׁיתֵמוֹ H7896 לְשָׂרִים H8269 בְּכָל H3605 B-CMS ־ CPUN הָאָֽרֶץ H776 D-GFS ׃ EPUN
17 אַזְכִּירָה H2142 שִׁמְךָ H8034 בְּכָל H3605 B-CMS ־ CPUN דֹּר H1755 וָדֹר H1755 W-NMS עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN כֵּן H3651 ADV עַמִּים H5971 NMP יְהוֹדֻךָ H3034 לְעֹלָם H5769 L-NMS וָעֶֽד H5703 ׃ EPUN
1 To the chief Musician H5329 upon H5921 PREP Shoshannim H7799 , for the sons H1121 L-CMP of Korah H7141 , Maschil H4905 , A Song H7892 of loves H3039 . My heart H3820 NMS-1MS is inditing H7370 a good H2896 AMS matter H1697 VQPMS : I H589 PPRO-1MS speak H559 of the things which I have made H4639 touching the king H4428 L-CMS : my tongue H3956 CMS-1MS is the pen H5842 of a ready H4106 writer H5608 .
2 Thou art fairer H3302 than the children H1121 of men H120 NMS : grace H2580 NMS is poured H3332 into thy lips H8193 : therefore H3651 ADV God H430 EDP hath blessed H1288 thee forever H5769 .
3 Gird H2296 thy sword H2719 upon H5921 PREP thy thigh H3409 , O most mighty H1368 AMS , with thy glory H1935 and thy majesty H1926 .
4 And in thy majesty H1926 ride H7392 prosperously H6743 because H5921 PREP of truth H571 CFS and meekness H6037 and righteousness H6664 NMS ; and thy right hand H3225 CFS-2MS shall teach H3384 thee terrible H3372 things .
5 Thine arrows H2671 are sharp H8150 in the heart H3820 of the king H4428 \'s enemies H341 ; whereby the people H5971 NMP fall H5307 under H8478 thee .
6 Thy throne H3678 , O God H430 EDP , is forever H5769 NMS and ever H5703 : the scepter H7626 CMS of thy kingdom H4438 is a right H4334 scepter H7626 CMS .
7 Thou lovest H157 righteousness H6664 , and hatest H8130 wickedness H7562 NMS : therefore H3651 ADV God H430 EDP , thy God H430 NAME-4MP , hath anointed H4886 thee with the oil H8081 NMS of gladness H8342 above thy fellows H2270 .
8 All H3605 NMS thy garments H899 smell of myrrh H4753 , and aloes H174 , and cassia H7102 , out of H4480 the ivory H8127 palaces H1964 , whereby H4480 they have made thee glad H8055 .
9 Kings H4428 NMP \' daughters H1323 CFP were among thy honorable H3368 women : upon thy right hand H3225 did stand H5324 the queen H7694 in gold H3800 B-CMS of Ophir H211 LFS .
10 Hearken H8085 , O daughter H1323 , and consider H7200 , and incline H5186 thine ear H241 ; forget H7911 also thine own people H5971 , and thy father H1 \'s house H1004 W-NMS ;
11 So shall the king H4428 D-NMS greatly desire H183 thy beauty H3308 : for H3588 CONJ he H1931 PPRO-3MS is thy Lord H113 ; and worship H7812 thou him .
12 And the daughter H1323 of Tyre H6865 shall be there with a gift H4503 ; even the rich H6223 among the people H5971 NMS shall entreat H2470 thy favor H6440 .
13 The king H4428 NMS \'s daughter H1323 is all H3605 NMS glorious H3520 within H6441 : her clothing H3830 is of wrought H4865 gold H2091 NMS .
14 She shall be brought H2986 unto the king H4428 in raiment of needlework H7553 : the virgins H1330 her companions H7464 that follow H310 her shall be brought H935 unto thee .
15 With gladness H8057 and rejoicing H1524 shall they be brought H2986 : they shall enter H935 into the king H4428 NMS \'s palace H1964 .
16 Instead H8478 NMS of thy fathers H1 shall be H1961 VQY3MP thy children H1121 CMP-2MS , whom thou mayest make H7896 princes H8269 in all H3605 B-CMS the earth H776 D-GFS .
17 I will make thy name H8034 to be remembered H2142 in all H3605 B-CMS generations H1755 : therefore H3651 ADV shall the people H5971 NMP praise H3034 thee forever H5769 L-NMS and ever H5703 .