Bible Language

Leviticus 7:14 (NLT) New Living Translation

1 "These are the instructions for the guilt offering. It is most holy.
2 The animal sacrificed as a guilt offering must be slaughtered at the place where the burnt offerings are slaughtered, and its blood must be splattered against all sides of the altar.
3 The priest will then offer all its fat on the altar, including the fat of the broad tail, the fat around the internal organs,
4 the two kidneys and the fat around them near the loins, and the long lobe of the liver. These are to be removed with the kidneys,
5 and the priests will burn them on the altar as a special gift presented to the LORD. This is the guilt offering.
6 All males from a priest's family may eat the meat. It must be eaten in a sacred place, for it is most holy.
7 "The same instructions apply to both the guilt offering and the sin offering. Both belong to the priest who uses them to purify someone, making that person right with the LORD.
8 In the case of the burnt offering, the priest may keep the hide of the sacrificed animal.
9 Any grain offering that has been baked in an oven, prepared in a pan, or cooked on a griddle belongs to the priest who presents it.
10 All other grain offerings, whether made of dry flour or flour moistened with olive oil, are to be shared equally among all the priests, the descendants of Aaron.
11 "These are the instructions regarding the different kinds of peace offerings that may be presented to the LORD.
12 If you present your peace offering as an expression of thanksgiving, the usual animal sacrifice must be accompanied by various kinds of bread made without yeast-- thin cakes mixed with olive oil, wafers spread with oil, and cakes made of choice flour mixed with olive oil.
13 This peace offering of thanksgiving must also be accompanied by loaves of bread made with yeast.
14 One of each kind of bread must be presented as a gift to the LORD. It will then belong to the priest who splatters the blood of the peace offering against the altar.
15 The meat of the peace offering of thanksgiving must be eaten on the same day it is offered. None of it may be saved for the next morning.
16 "If you bring an offering to fulfill a vow or as a voluntary offering, the meat must be eaten on the same day the sacrifice is offered, but whatever is left over may be eaten on the second day.
17 Any meat left over until the third day must be completely burned up.
18 If any of the meat from the peace offering is eaten on the third day, the person who presented it will not be accepted by the LORD. You will receive no credit for offering it. By then the meat will be contaminated; if you eat it, you will be punished for your sin.
19 "Meat that touches anything ceremonially unclean may not be eaten; it must be completely burned up. The rest of the meat may be eaten, but only by people who are ceremonially clean.
20 If you are ceremonially unclean and you eat meat from a peace offering that was presented to the LORD, you will be cut off from the community.
21 If you touch anything that is unclean (whether it is human defilement or an unclean animal or any other unclean, detestable thing) and then eat meat from a peace offering presented to the LORD, you will be cut off from the community."
22 Then the LORD said to Moses,
23 "Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. You must never eat fat, whether from cattle, sheep, or goats.
24 The fat of an animal found dead or torn to pieces by wild animals must never be eaten, though it may be used for any other purpose.
25 Anyone who eats fat from an animal presented as a special gift to the LORD will be cut off from the community.
26 No matter where you live, you must never consume the blood of any bird or animal.
27 Anyone who consumes blood will be cut off from the community."
28 Then the LORD said to Moses,
29 "Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. When you present a peace offering to the LORD, bring part of it as a gift to the LORD.
30 Present it to the LORD with your own hands as a special gift to the LORD. Bring the fat of the animal, together with the breast, and lift up the breast as a special offering to the LORD.
31 Then the priest will burn the fat on the altar, but the breast will belong to Aaron and his descendants.
32 Give the right thigh of your peace offering to the priest as a gift.
33 The right thigh must always be given to the priest who offers the blood and the fat of the peace offering.
34 For I have reserved the breast of the special offering and the right thigh of the sacred offering for the priests. It is the permanent right of Aaron and his descendants to share in the peace offerings brought by the people of Israel.
35 This is their rightful share. The special gifts presented to the LORD have been reserved for Aaron and his descendants from the time they were set apart to serve the LORD as priests.
36 On the day they were anointed, the LORD commanded the Israelites to give these portions to the priests as their permanent share from generation to generation."
37 These are the instructions for the burnt offering, the grain offering, the sin offering, and the guilt offering, as well as the ordination offering and the peace offering.
38 The LORD gave these instructions to Moses on Mount Sinai when he commanded the Israelites to present their offerings to the LORD in the wilderness of Sinai.
1 Likewise this H2063 is the law H8451 CFS of the trespass offering H817 : it H1931 PPRO-3MS is most holy H6944 .
2 In the place H4725 B-CMS where H834 RPRO they kill H7819 the burnt offering H5930 shall they kill H7819 the trespass offering H817 : and the blood H1818 CMS-3MS thereof shall he sprinkle H2236 round about H5439 upon H5921 PREP the altar H4196 D-NMS .
3 And he shall offer H7126 of H4480 M-PREP-3MS it all H3605 NMS the fat H2459 thereof ; the rump H451 , and the fat H2459 that covereth H3680 the inwards H7130 ,
4 And the two H8147 ONUM kidneys H3629 , and the fat H2459 that H834 RPRO is on H5921 PREP them , which H834 RPRO is by H5921 PREP the flanks H3689 , and the caul H3508 that is above H5921 PREP the liver H3516 , with H5921 PREP the kidneys H3629 , it shall he take away H5493 :
5 And the priest H3548 shall burn H6999 them upon the altar H4196 for an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD H3068 L-EDS : it H1931 PPRO-3MS is a trespass offering H817 .
6 Every H3605 NMS male H2145 NMS among the priests H3548 shall eat H398 thereof : it shall be eaten H398 in the holy H6918 place H4725 : it H1931 PPRO-3MS is most holy H6944 .
7 As the sin offering H2403 is , so is the trespass offering H817 : there is one H259 OFS law H8451 NFS for them : the priest H3548 that H834 RPRO maketh atonement H3722 therewith shall have H1961 it .
8 And the priest H3548 that offereth H7126 any man H376 NMS \'s burnt offering H5930 , even the priest H3548 shall have H1961 to himself the skin H5785 NMS of the burnt offering H5930 which H834 RPRO he hath offered H7126 VHQ3MS .
9 And all H3605 W-CMS the meat offering H4503 NFS that H834 RPRO is baked H644 in the oven H8574 , and all H3605 W-CMS that is dressed H6213 in the frying pan H4802 , and in H5921 the pan H4227 , shall be H1961 the priest H3548 \'s that offereth H7126 it .
10 And every H3605 W-CMS meat offering H4503 NFS , mingled H1101 with oil H8081 , and dry H2720 , shall all H3605 L-CMS the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 have H1961 VQY3FS , one H376 NMS as much as another H251 .
11 And this H2063 is the law H8451 CFS of the sacrifice H2077 NMS of peace offerings H8002 , which H834 RPRO he shall offer H7126 unto the LORD H3068 .
12 If H518 PART he offer H7126 it for H5921 PREP a thanksgiving H8426 NFS , then he shall offer H7126 with H5921 PREP the sacrifice H2077 NMS of thanksgiving H8426 unleavened H4682 cakes H2471 mingled H1101 with oil H8081 , and unleavened H4682 wafers H7550 anointed H4886 with oil H8081 , and cakes H2471 mingled H1101 with oil H8081 , of fine flour H5560 , fried H7246 .
13 Besides H5921 PREP the cakes H2471 , he shall offer H7126 for his offering H7133 leavened H2557 bread H3899 NMS with H5921 PREP the sacrifice H2077 NMS of thanksgiving H8426 of his peace offerings H8002 .
14 And of H4480 M-PREP-3MS it he shall offer H7126 one H259 MMS out of the whole H3605 M-CMS oblation H7133 for a heave offering H8641 unto the LORD H3068 L-EDS , and it shall be H1961 the priest H3548 \'s that sprinkleth H2236 the blood H1818 CMS of the peace offerings H8002 .
15 And the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 NMS of his peace offerings H8002 for thanksgiving H8426 shall be eaten H398 the same day H3117 B-NMS that it is offered H7133 ; he shall not H3808 ADV leave H5117 any of H4480 M-PREP-3MS it until H5704 PREP the morning H1242 .
16 But if H518 W-PART the sacrifice H2077 NMS of his offering H7133 be a vow H5088 , or H176 CONJ a voluntary offering H5071 , it shall be eaten H398 the same day H3117 B-NMS that he offereth H7126 his sacrifice H2077 : and on the morrow H4283 also the remainder H3498 of H4480 M-PREP-3MS it shall be eaten H398 :
17 But the remainder H3498 of the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 on the third H7992 D-ONUM day H3117 B-AMS shall be burnt H8313 with fire H784 .
18 And if H518 W-PART any of the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 NMS of his peace offerings H8002 be eaten at all H398 on the third H7992 D-ONUM day H3117 B-AMS , it shall not H3808 NADV be accepted H7521 , neither H3808 NADV shall it be imputed H2803 unto him that offereth H7126 it : it shall be H1961 VQY3MS an abomination H6292 , and the soul H5315 that eateth H398 of H4480 M-PREP-3MS it shall bear H5375 his iniquity H5771 .
19 And the flesh H1320 that H834 RPRO toucheth H5060 VQY3MS any H3605 NMS unclean H2931 thing shall not H3808 NADV be eaten H398 ; it shall be burnt H8313 with fire H784 : and as for the flesh H1320 , all H3605 NMS that be clean H2889 AMS shall eat H398 VQY3MS thereof H1320 NMS .
20 But the soul H5315 that H834 RPRO eateth H398 VQY2MS of the flesh H1320 NMS of the sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings H8002 , that H834 RPRO pertain unto the LORD H3068 L-EDS , having his uncleanness H2932 upon H5921 PREP-3MS him , even that H1931 D-PPRO-3FS soul H5315 D-NFS shall be cut off H3772 from his people H5971 .
21 Moreover the soul H5315 W-GFS that H3588 CONJ shall touch H5060 any H3605 B-CMS unclean H2931 thing , as the uncleanness H2932 of man H120 NMS , or H176 CONJ any unclean H2931 beast H929 , or H176 CONJ any H3605 B-CMS abominable H8263 unclean H2931 thing , and eat H398 W-VQQ3MS of the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 NMS of peace offerings H8002 , which H834 RPRO pertain unto the LORD H3068 L-EDS , even that H1931 D-PPRO-3FS soul H5315 W-GFS shall be cut off H3772 from his people H5971 .
22 And the LORD H3068 EDS spoke H1696 W-VPY3MS unto H413 PREP Moses H4872 , saying H559 ,
23 Speak H1696 VPFC unto H413 PREP the children H1121 of Israel H3478 , saying H559 L-VQFC , Ye shall eat H398 VQY2MP no manner H3605 NMS of fat H2459 , of ox H7794 CMS , or of sheep H3775 , or of goat H5795 .
24 And the fat H2459 of the beast that dieth of itself H5038 , and the fat H2459 of that which is torn with beasts H2966 , may be used H6213 in any H3605 L-CMS other use H4399 : but ye shall in no wise eat H3808 NADV of it .
25 For H3588 CONJ whosoever H3605 NMS eateth H398 the fat H2459 of H4480 PREP the beast H929 D-NFS , of which H834 RPRO men offer H7126 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD H3068 L-EDS , even the soul H5315 D-NFS that eateth H398 it shall be cut off H3772 from his people H5971 .
26 Moreover ye shall eat H398 no manner H3605 W-CMS of blood H1818 NMS , whether it be of fowl H5775 or of beast H929 , in any H3605 of your dwellings H4186 .
27 Whatsoever H3605 NMS soul H5315 GFS it be that H834 RPRO eateth H398 VQY2MS any manner H3605 NMS of blood H1818 NMS , even that H1931 D-PPRO-3FS soul H5315 GFS shall be cut off H3772 from his people H5971 .
28 And the LORD H3068 EDS spoke H1696 W-VPY3MS unto H413 PREP Moses H4872 , saying H559 ,
29 Speak H1696 VPFC unto H413 PREP the children H1121 of Israel H3478 , saying H559 L-VQFC , He that offereth H7126 the sacrifice H2077 NMS of his peace offerings H8002 unto the LORD H3068 L-EDS shall bring H935 his oblation H7133 unto the LORD H3068 L-EDS of the sacrifice H2077 of his peace offerings H8002 .
30 His own hands H3027 CFD-3MS shall bring H935 the offerings of the LORD made by fire H801 , the fat H2459 with H5921 PREP the breast H2373 , it shall he bring H935 , that the breast H2373 may be waved H5130 for a wave offering H8573 before H6440 L-CMP the LORD H3068 EDS .
31 And the priest H3548 shall burn H6999 the fat H2459 upon the altar H4196 : but the breast H2373 shall be H1961 W-VQQ3MS Aaron H175 \'s and his sons H1121 \' .
32 And the right H3225 D-NFS shoulder H7785 shall ye give H5414 unto the priest H3548 for a heave offering H8641 of the sacrifices H2077 of your peace offerings H8002 .
33 He among the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 , that offereth H7126 the blood H1818 CMS of the peace offerings H8002 , and the fat H2459 , shall have H1961 the right H3225 D-NFS shoulder H7785 for his part H4440 .
34 For CONJ the wave H8573 breast H2373 and the heave H8641 shoulder H7785 have I taken H3947 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 from off the sacrifices H2077 of their peace offerings H8002 , and have given H5414 them unto Aaron H175 the priest H3548 and unto his sons H1121 by a statute H2706 forever H5769 NMS from among H854 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 LMS .
35 This H2063 DPRO is the portion of the anointing H4888 of Aaron H175 , and of the anointing H4888 of his sons H1121 CMP-3MS , out of the offerings of the LORD made by fire H801 , in the day H3117 B-NMS when he presented H7126 VHQ3MS them to minister unto the LORD in the priest\'s office H3547 ;
36 Which H834 RPRO the LORD H3068 EDS commanded H6680 VPQ3MS to be given H5414 L-VQFC them of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 , in the day H3117 B-NMS that he anointed H4886 them , by a statute H2708 forever H5769 NMS throughout their generations H1755 .
37 This H2063 DPRO is the law H8451 of the burnt offering H5930 , of the meat offering H4503 , and of the sin offering H2403 , and of the trespass offering H817 , and of the consecrations H4394 , and of the sacrifice H2077 of the peace offerings H8002 ;
38 Which H834 RPRO the LORD H3068 EDS commanded H6680 VPQ3MS Moses H4872 in mount H2022 Sinai H5514 , in the day H3117 B-NMS that he commanded H6680 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 to offer H7126 their oblations H7133 unto the LORD H3068 L-EDS , in the wilderness H4057 of Sinai H5514 .