Bible Language

Exodus 33 (ERVEN) Easy to Read - English

1 Then the Lord said to Moses, "You and the people you brought out of Egypt must leave this place. Go to the land that I promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I promised them that I would give that land to their descendants.
2 So I will send an angel to go before you, and I will defeat the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. I will force them to leave your land.
3 So go to the land filled with many good things, but I will not go with you. You people are very stubborn. If I go with you, I might destroy you along the way."
4 The people heard this bad news and became very sad, so they stopped wearing jewelry.
5 This was because the Lord said to Moses, "Tell the Israelites, 'You are a stubborn people. I might destroy you even if I travel with you only a short time. So take off all your jewelry while I decide what to do with you.'"
6 So the Israelites stopped wearing their jewelry at Mount Horeb.
7 Moses used to take a tent a short way outside the camp. He called it "the meeting tent. " Anyone who wanted to ask something from the Lord would go to the meeting tent outside the camp.
8 Any time Moses went out to the tent, all the people watched him. They stood at the entrance of their tents and watched Moses until he entered the meeting tent.
9 Whenever Moses went into the tent, the tall cloud would come down and stay at the entrance to the tent. And the Lord would speak with Moses.
10 So when the people saw the cloud at the entrance of the tent, they would go to the entrance of their own tents and bow down to worship God.
11 In this way the Lord spoke to Moses face to face like a man speaks with his friend. Then Moses would go back to the camp, but his helper, Joshua son of Nun, always stayed in the tent.
12 Moses said to the Lord, "You told me to lead these people, but you did not say who you would send with me. You said to me, 'I know you very well, and I am pleased with you.'
13 If I have really pleased you, then teach me your ways. I want to know you. Then I can continue to please you. Remember that these people are your nation."
14 The Lord answered, "I myself will go with you. I will lead you."
15 Then Moses said to the him, "If you don't go with us, then don't make us leave this place.
16 Also, how will we know if you are pleased with me and these people? If you go with us, we will know for sure. If you don't go with us, these people and I will be no different from any other people on the earth."
17 Then the Lord said to Moses, "I will do what you ask. I will do this because I am pleased with you and because I know you very well."
18 Then Moses said, "Now, please show me your Glory. "
19 Then the Lord answered, "I will show my love and mercy to anyone I want to. So I will cause my perfect goodness to pass by in front of you, and I will speak my name, the Lord, so that you can hear it.
20 But you cannot see my face. No one can see me and continue to live.
21 "Here is a place by me where you stand on this large rock.
22 I will put you in a large crack in that rock. Then I will cover you with my hand, and my Glory will pass by.
23 Then I will take away my hand, and you will see my back. But you will not see my face."