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James 5:4 (NLT) New Living Translation

1 Look here, you rich people: Weep and groan with anguish because of all the terrible troubles ahead of you.
2 Your wealth is rotting away, and your fine clothes are moth-eaten rags.
3 Your gold and silver have become worthless. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh like fire. This treasure you have accumulated will stand as evidence against you on the day of judgment.
4 For listen! Hear the cries of the field workers whom you have cheated of their pay. The wages you held back cry out against you. The cries of those who harvest your fields have reached the ears of the Lord of Heaven's Armies.
5 You have spent your years on earth in luxury, satisfying your every desire. You have fattened yourselves for the day of slaughter.
6 You have condemned and killed innocent people, who do not resist you.
7 Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord's return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen.
8 You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near.
9 Don't grumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. For look-- the Judge is standing at the door!
10 For examples of patience in suffering, dear brothers and sisters, look at the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.
11 We give great honor to those who endure under suffering. For instance, you know about Job, a man of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was kind to him at the end, for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy.
12 But most of all, my brothers and sisters, never take an oath, by heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no, so that you will not sin and be condemned.
13 Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises.
14 Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord.
15 Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven.
16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
17 Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years!
18 Then, when he prayed again, the sky sent down rain and the earth began to yield its crops.
19 My dear brothers and sisters, if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back,
20 you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins.
1 Go to G33 now G3568 ADV , ye G3588 T-NPM rich men G4145 A-NPM , weep G2799 V-AAM-2P and howl G3649 V-PAP-NPM for G1909 PREP your G3588 T-DPF miseries G5004 N-DPF that shall come upon G1904 V-PNP-DPF you .
2 Your G3588 T-NSM riches G4149 N-NSM are corrupted G4595 V-2RAI-3S , and G2532 CONJ your G3588 T-NPN garments G2440 N-NPN are G1096 V-2RAI-3S motheaten G4598 A-NPN .
3 Your G3588 T-NSM gold G5557 N-NSM and G2532 CONJ silver G696 N-NSM is cankered G2728 V-RPI-3S ; and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-NSM rust G2447 N-NSM of them G846 P-GPM shall be G2071 V-FXI-3S a G1519 PREP witness G3142 N-ASN against you G5213 P-2DP , and G2532 CONJ shall eat G5315 V-FDI-3S your G3588 T-APF flesh G4561 N-APF as it were G5613 ADV fire G4442 N-ASN . Ye have heaped treasure together G2343 V-AAI-2P for G1722 PREP the last G2078 A-DPF days G2250 N-DPF .
4 Behold G2400 V-2AAM-2S , the G3588 T-NSM hire G3408 N-NSM of G3588 T-GPM the G3588 T-GPM laborers G2040 N-GPM who have reaped down G270 V-AAP-GPM your G3588 T-APF fields G5561 N-APF , which is of G575 PREP you G3588 T-NSM kept back by fraud G650 V-RPP-NSM , crieth G2896 V-PAI-3S : and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-GPM cries G994 of them which have reaped G2325 V-AAP-GPM are entered G1525 V-2RAI-3P into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-APN ears G3775 N-APN of the Lord G2962 N-GSM of Sabaoth G4519 HEB .
5 Ye have lived in pleasure G5171 V-AAI-2P on G1909 PREP the G3588 T-GSF earth G1093 N-GSF , and G2532 CONJ been wanton G4684 V-AAI-2P ; ye have nourished G5142 V-AAI-2P your G3588 T-APF hearts G2588 N-APF , as in G1722 PREP a day G2250 N-DSF of slaughter G4967 N-GSF .
6 Ye have condemned G2613 V-AAI-2P and killed G5407 V-AAI-2P the G3588 T-ASM just G1342 A-ASM ; and he doth not G3756 PRT-N resist G498 V-PMI-3S you G5213 P-2DP .
7 Be patient G3114 V-AAM-2P therefore G3767 CONJ , brethren G80 N-VPM , unto G2193 CONJ the G3588 T-GSF coming G3952 N-GSF of G3588 T-GSM the G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM . Behold G2400 V-2AAM-2S , the G3588 T-NSM husbandman G1092 N-NSM waiteth for G1551 V-PNI-3S the G3588 T-ASM precious G5093 A-ASM fruit G2590 N-ASM of G3588 T-GSF the G3588 T-GSF earth G1093 N-GSF , and G2532 CONJ hath long patience G3114 V-PAP-NSM for G1909 PREP it G846 P-ASM , until G2193 CONJ he receive G2983 V-2AAS-3S the early G4406 A-ASM and G2532 CONJ latter G3797 A-ASM rain G5205 N-ASM .
8 Be ye also patient G3114 V-AAM-2P ; establish G4741 V-AAM-2P your G3588 T-APF hearts G2588 N-APF : for G3754 CONJ the G3588 T-NSF coming G3952 N-NSF of G3588 T-GSM the G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM draweth nigh G1448 V-RAI-3S .
9 Grudge G4727 V-PAM-2P not G3361 PRT-N one against another G240 C-GPM , brethren G80 N-VPM , lest G3363 ye be condemned G2632 : behold G2400 V-2AAM-2S , the G3588 T-NSM judge G2923 N-NSM standeth G2476 V-RAI-3S before G4253 PREP the G3588 T-GPF door G2374 N-GPF .
10 Take G2983 V-2AAM-2P , my G3450 P-1GS brethren G80 N-VPM , the G3588 T-APM prophets G4396 N-APM , who G3739 R-NPM have spoken G2980 V-AAI-3P in the G3588 T-DSN name G3686 N-DSN of the Lord G2962 N-GSM , for G3588 T-GSF an example G5262 N-ASN of suffering affliction G2552 N-GSF , and G2532 CONJ of patience G3115 N-GSF .
11 Behold G2400 V-2AAM-2S , we G3588 T-APM count them G3588 T-APM happy G3106 V-PAI-1P which endure G5278 V-PAP-APM . Ye have heard G191 V-AAI-2P of G3588 T-ASF the G3588 T-ASF patience G5281 N-ASF of Job G2492 N-PRI , and G2532 CONJ have seen G1492 the G3588 T-ASN end G5056 N-ASN of the Lord G2962 N-GSM ; that G3754 CONJ the G3588 T-ASN Lord G2962 N-GSM is G2076 V-PXI-3S very pitiful G4184 A-NSM , and G2532 CONJ of tender mercy G3629 A-NSM .
12 But G1161 CONJ above G4253 PREP all things G3956 A-GPN , my G3450 P-1GS brethren G80 N-VPM , swear G3660 V-PAM-2P not G3361 PRT-N , neither G3383 CONJ by heaven G3772 N-ASM , neither G3383 CONJ by the G3588 T-ASF earth G1093 N-ASF , neither G3383 CONJ by any G243 A-ASM other G5100 X-ASM oath G3727 N-ASM : but G1161 CONJ let your G3588 T-NSN yea G3483 PRT be G2277 V-PXM-3S yea G3483 PRT ; and G2532 CONJ your G3756 PRT-N nay G3588 PRT-N , nay G3756 PRT-N ; lest G3363 ye fall G4098 V-2AAS-2P into G1519 PREP condemnation G5272 N-ASF .
13 Is any among you afflicted G2553 V-PAI-3S ? let him pray G4336 V-PNM-3S . Is any merry G2114 V-PAI-3S ? let him sing psalms G5567 V-PAM-3S .
14 Is any sick G770 V-PAI-3S among G1722 PREP you G5213 P-2DP ? let him call for G4341 V-ADM-3S the G3588 T-APM elders G4245 A-APM of G3588 T-GSF the G3588 T-GSF church G1577 N-GSF ; and G2532 CONJ let them pray G4336 V-ADM-3P over G1909 PREP him G846 P-ASM , anointing G218 V-AAP-NPM him G846 P-ASM with oil G1637 N-DSN in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSN name G3686 N-DSN of G3588 T-GSM the G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM :
15 And G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-NSF prayer G2171 N-NSF of faith G4102 N-GSF shall save G4982 V-FAI-3S the G3588 T-ASM sick G2577 V-PAP-ASM , and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-NSM Lord G2962 N-NSM shall raise him up G1453 V-FAI-3S ; and if G2579 COND-C he have G5600 V-PXS-3S committed G4160 V-RAP-NSM sins G266 N-APF , they shall be forgiven G863 V-FPI-3S him G846 P-ASM .
16 Confess G1843 V-PMM-2P your faults G3900 N-APN one to another G240 C-DPM , and G2532 CONJ pray G2172 V-PNM-2P one for another G240 C-GPM , that G3704 ADV ye may be healed G2390 V-APS-2P . The effectual fervent G1754 V-PMP-NSF prayer G1162 N-NSF of a righteous man G1342 A-GSM availeth G2480 V-PAI-3S much G4183 A-ASN .
17 Elijah G2243 N-NSM was G2258 V-IXI-3S a man G444 N-NSM subject to like passions G3663 A-NSM as we G2254 P-1DP are , and G2532 CONJ he G3588 T-GSM prayed earnestly G4336 V-ADI-3S that it might not G3361 PRT-N rain G1026 V-AAN : and G2532 CONJ it rained G1026 V-AAI-3S not G3756 PRT-N on G1909 PREP the G3588 T-GSF earth G1093 N-GSF by the space of three G5140 A-APM years G1763 N-APM and G2532 CONJ six G1803 A-NUI months G3376 N-APM .
18 And G2532 CONJ he prayed G4336 V-ADI-3S again G3825 ADV , and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-NSM heaven G3772 N-NSM gave G1325 V-AAI-3S rain G5205 N-ASM , and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-NSF earth G1093 N-NSF brought forth G985 V-AAI-3S her G3588 T-ASM fruit G2590 N-ASM .
19 Brethren G80 N-VPM , if G1437 COND any G5100 X-NSM of G1722 PREP you G5213 P-2DP do err G4105 V-APS-3S from G575 PREP the G3588 T-GSF truth G225 N-GSF , and G2532 CONJ one G5100 X-NSM convert G1994 V-AAS-3S him G846 P-ASM ;
20 Let him know G1097 V-PAM-3S , that G3588 T-NSM he which converteth G1994 V-AAP-NSM the sinner G268 A-ASM from G1537 PREP the error G4106 N-GSF of his G846 P-GSM way G3598 N-GSF shall save G4982 V-FAI-3S a soul G5590 N-ASF from G1537 PREP death G2288 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ shall hide G2572 V-FAI-3S a multitude G4128 N-ASN of sins G266 N-GPF .
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