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1 הוֹי H1945 חֹֽשְׁבֵי H2803 ־ CPUN אָוֶן H205 NMS וּפֹעֲלֵי H6466 רָע H7451 AMS עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN מִשְׁכְּבוֹתָם H4904 בְּאוֹר H216 B-CMS הַבֹּקֶר H1242 יַעֲשׂוּהָ H6213 כִּי H3588 CONJ יֶשׁ H3426 ADV ־ CPUN לְאֵל H410 L-NMS יָדָֽם H3027 ׃ EPUN
2 וְחָמְדוּ H2530 שָׂדוֹת H7704 וְגָזָלוּ H1497 וּבָתִּים H1004 וְנָשָׂאוּ H5375 וְעָֽשְׁקוּ H6231 גֶּבֶר H1397 NMS וּבֵיתוֹ H1004 וְאִישׁ H376 W-NMS וְנַחֲלָתֽוֹ H5159 ׃ EPUN פ CPUN
3 לָכֵן H3651 L-ADV כֹּה H3541 אָמַר H559 VQQ3MS יְהוָה H3068 EDS הִנְנִי H2005 IJEC-1MS חֹשֵׁב H2803 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN הַמִּשְׁפָּחָה H4940 הַזֹּאת H2063 D-DFS רָעָה H7451 AFS אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO לֹֽא H3808 ADV ־ CPUN תָמִישׁוּ H4185 מִשָּׁם H8033 M-ADV צַוְּארֹֽתֵיכֶם H6677 וְלֹא H3808 W-NADV תֵֽלְכוּ H1980 רוֹמָה H7317 כִּי H3588 CONJ עֵת H6256 NMS רָעָה H7451 AFS הִֽיא H1931 ׃ EPUN
4 בַּיּוֹם H3117 B-AMS הַהוּא H1931 D-PPRO-3MS יִשָּׂא H5375 VQY3MS עֲלֵיכֶם H5921 PREP-2MP מָשָׁל H4912 NMS וְנָהָה H5091 נְהִי H5092 נִֽהְיָה H1961 אָמַר H559 VQQ3MS שָׁדוֹד H7703 נְשַׁדֻּנוּ H7703 חֵלֶק H2506 CMS עַמִּי H5971 יָמִיר H4171 אֵיךְ H349 יָמִישׁ H4185 לִי L-PPRO-1MS לְשׁוֹבֵב H7728 שָׂדֵינוּ H7704 יְחַלֵּֽק H2505 ׃ EPUN
5 לָכֵן H3651 L-ADV לֹֽא H3808 ADV ־ CPUN יִֽהְיֶה H1961 VQY3MS לְךָ L-PPRO-2MS מַשְׁלִיךְ H7993 חֶבֶל H2256 בְּגוֹרָל H1486 בִּקְהַל H6951 יְהוָֽה H3068 NAME-4MS ׃ EPUN
6 אַל H408 NPAR ־ CPUN תַּטִּפוּ H5197 יַטִּיפוּן H5197 לֹֽא H3808 ADV ־ CPUN יַטִּפוּ H5197 לָאֵלֶּה H428 לֹא H3808 NADV יִסַּג H5253 כְּלִמּֽוֹת H3639 ׃ EPUN
7 הֶאָמוּר H559 בֵּֽית H1004 ־ CPUN יַעֲקֹב H3290 הֲקָצַר H7114 רוּחַ H7307 NFS יְהוָה H3068 EDS אִם H518 PART ־ CPUN אֵלֶּה H428 PMP מַעֲלָלָיו H4611 הֲלוֹא H3808 D-NPAR דְבָרַי H1697 CMP-1MS יֵיטִיבוּ H3190 עִם H5973 PREP הַיָּשָׁר H3477 הוֹלֵֽךְ H1980 ׃ EPUN
8 וְאֶתְמוּל H865 עַמִּי H5971 לְאוֹיֵב H341 L-VQPMS יְקוֹמֵם H6965 מִמּוּל H4136 שַׂלְמָה H8008 אֶדֶר H145 תַּפְשִׁטוּן H6584 מֵעֹבְרִים H5674 בֶּטַח H983 NMS שׁוּבֵי H7725 מִלְחָמָֽה H4421 ׃ EPUN
9 נְשֵׁי H802 GFP עַמִּי H5971 תְּגָרְשׁוּן H1644 מִבֵּית H1004 תַּֽעֲנֻגֶיהָ H8588 מֵעַל H5921 M-PREP עֹֽלָלֶיהָ H5768 תִּקְחוּ H3947 הֲדָרִי H1926 לְעוֹלָֽם H5769 ׃ EPUN
10 קוּמוּ H6965 וּלְכוּ H1980 W-VQI2MP כִּי H3588 CONJ לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN זֹאת H2063 DPRO הַמְּנוּחָה H4496 בַּעֲבוּר H5668 B-NMS טָמְאָה H2930 תְּחַבֵּל H2254 וְחֶבֶל H2256 נִמְרָֽץ H4834 ׃ EPUN
11 לוּ H3863 CONJ ־ CPUN אִישׁ H376 NMS הֹלֵךְ H1980 רוּחַ H7307 NFS וָשֶׁקֶר H8267 כִּזֵּב H3576 אַטִּף H5197 לְךָ L-PPRO-2MS לַיַּיִן H3196 וְלַשֵּׁכָר H7941 וְהָיָה H1961 W-VQQ3MS מַטִּיף H5197 הָעָם H5971 הַזֶּֽה H2088 D-PMS ׃ EPUN
12 אָסֹף H622 אֶאֱסֹף H622 יַעֲקֹב H3290 כֻּלָּךְ H3605 קַבֵּץ H6908 אֲקַבֵּץ H6908 שְׁאֵרִית H7611 יִשְׂרָאֵל H3478 יַחַד H3162 ADV אֲשִׂימֶנּוּ H7760 כְּצֹאן H6629 בָּצְרָה H1223 כְּעֵדֶר H5739 בְּתוֹךְ H8432 B-NMS הַדָּֽבְרוֹ H1699 תְּהִימֶנָה H1949 מֵאָדָֽם H120 ׃ EPUN
13 עָלָה H5927 הַפֹּרֵץ H6555 לִפְנֵיהֶם H6440 L-CMP-3MP פָּֽרְצוּ H6555 וַֽיַּעֲבֹרוּ H5674 שַׁעַר H8179 NMS וַיֵּצְאוּ H3318 W-VQY3MP בוֹ PREP-3MS וַיַּעֲבֹר H5674 W-VQY3MS מַלְכָּם H4428 לִפְנֵיהֶם H6440 L-CMP-3MP וַיהוָה H3068 W-EDS בְּרֹאשָֽׁם H7218 ׃ PREP-3MS פ PREP-3MS
1 Woe H1945 to them that devise H2803 iniquity, H205 and work H6466 evil H7451 upon H5921 their beds H4904 ! when the morning H1242 is light, H216 they practice H6213 it, because H3588 it is H3426 in the power H410 of their hand. H3027
2 And they covet H2530 fields, H7704 and take them by violence; H1497 and houses, H1004 and take them away: H5375 so they oppress H6231 a man H1397 and his house H1004 even a man H376 and his heritage. H5159
3 Therefore H3651 thus H3541 saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Behold, H2009 against H5921 this H2063 family H4940 do I devise H2803 an evil, H7451 from H4480 H8033 which H834 ye shall not H3808 remove H4185 your necks; H6677 neither H3808 shall ye go H1980 haughtily: H7317 for H3588 this H1931 time H6256 is evil. H7451
4 In that H1931 day H3117 shall one take up H5375 a parable H4912 against H5921 you , and lament H5091 with a doleful H5093 lamentation, H5092 and say, H559 We be H1961 utterly spoiled H7703 H7703 : he hath changed H4171 the portion H2506 of my people: H5971 how H349 hath he removed H4185 it from me! turning away H7728 he hath divided H2505 our fields. H7704
5 Therefore H3651 thou shalt have H1961 none H3808 that shall cast H7993 a cord H2256 by lot H1486 in the congregation H6951 of the LORD. H3068
6 Prophesy H5197 ye not, H408 say they to them that prophesy: H5197 they shall not H3808 prophesy H5197 to them, H428 that they shall not H3808 take H5253 shame. H3639
7 O thou that art named H559 the house H1004 of Jacob, H3290 is the spirit H7307 of the LORD H3068 straitened H7114 ? are these H428 his doings H4611 ? do not H3808 my words H1697 do good H3190 to H5973 him that walketh H1980 uprightly H3477 ?
8 Even of late H865 my people H5971 is risen up H6965 as an enemy: H341 ye pull off H6584 the robe H145 with H4480 H4136 the garment H8008 from them that pass by H4480 H5674 securely H983 as men averse H7725 from war. H4421
9 The women H802 of my people H5971 have ye cast out H1644 from their pleasant H8588 houses H4480 H1004 ; from H4480 H5921 their children H5768 have ye taken away H3947 my glory H1926 forever. H5769
10 Arise H6965 ye , and depart; H1980 for H3588 this H2063 is not H3808 your rest: H4496 because H5668 it is polluted, H2930 it shall destroy H2254 you , even with a sore H4834 destruction. H2256
11 If H3863 a man H376 walking H1980 in the spirit H7307 and falsehood H8267 do lie, H3576 saying , I will prophesy H5197 unto thee of wine H3196 and of strong drink; H7941 he shall even be H1961 the prophet H5197 of this H2088 people. H5971
12 I will surely assemble H622 H622 , O Jacob, H3290 all H3605 of thee ; I will surely gather H6908 H6908 the remnant H7611 of Israel; H3478 I will put H7760 them together H3162 as the sheep H6629 of Bozrah, H1223 as the flock H5739 in the midst H8432 of their fold: H1699 they shall make great noise H1949 by reason of the multitude of men H4480 H120 .
13 The breaker H6555 is come up H5927 before H6440 them : they have broken up, H6555 and have passed through H5674 the gate, H8179 and are gone out H3318 by it : and their king H4428 shall pass H5674 before H6440 them , and the LORD H3068 on the head H7218 of them.
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