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1 אֵל H410 EDS ־ CPUN נְקָמוֹת H5360 יְהוָה H3068 EDS אֵל H410 EDS נְקָמוֹת H5360 הוֹפִֽיַע H3313 ׃ EPUN
2 הִנָּשֵׂא H5375 שֹׁפֵט H8199 הָאָרֶץ H776 D-GFS הָשֵׁב H7725 VHFA גְּמוּל H1576 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN גֵּאִֽים H1343 ׃ EPUN
3 עַד H5704 PREP ־ CPUN מָתַי H4970 IGAT רְשָׁעִים H7563 AMP ׀ CPUN יְהוָה H3068 EDS עַד H5704 PREP ־ CPUN מָתַי H4970 IGAT רְשָׁעִים H7563 AMP יַעֲלֹֽזוּ H5937 ׃ EPUN
4 יַבִּיעוּ H5042 יְדַבְּרוּ H1696 עָתָק H6277 יִֽתְאַמְּרוּ H559 כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN פֹּעֲלֵי H6466 VQCMP אָֽוֶן H205 NMS ׃ EPUN
5 עַמְּךָ H5971 יְהוָה H3068 EDS יְדַכְּאוּ H1792 וְֽנַחֲלָתְךָ H5159 יְעַנּֽוּ H6031 ׃ EPUN
6 אַלְמָנָה H490 NFS וְגֵר H1616 יַהֲרֹגוּ H2026 וִֽיתוֹמִים H3490 יְרַצֵּֽחוּ H7523 ׃ EPUN
7 וַיֹּאמְרוּ H559 W-VQY3MP לֹא H3808 NADV יִרְאֶה H7200 VQY3MS ־ CPUN יָּהּ H3050 וְלֹא H3808 W-NADV ־ CPUN יָבִין H995 VQY3MS אֱלֹהֵי H430 CDP יַעֲקֹֽב H3290 ׃ EPUN
8 בִּינוּ H995 בֹּעֲרִים H1197 בָּעָם H5971 וּכְסִילִים H3684 W-NMP מָתַי H4970 IGAT תַּשְׂכִּֽילוּ H7919 ׃ EPUN
9 הֲנֹטַֽע H5193 אֹזֶן H241 NFS הֲלֹא H3808 I-NADV יִשְׁמָע אִֽם H518 PART ־ CPUN יֹצֵֽר H3335 עַיִן H5869 NMS הֲלֹא H3808 I-NADV יַבִּֽיט H5027 ׃ EPUN
10 הֲיֹסֵר H3256 גּוֹיִם H1471 NMP הֲלֹא H3808 I-NADV יוֹכִיחַ H3198 VHY3MS הַֽמְלַמֵּד H3925 אָדָם H120 NMS דָּֽעַת H1847 ׃ EPUN
11 יְֽהוָה H3068 יֹדֵעַ H3045 VQPMS מַחְשְׁבוֹת H4284 CFP אָדָם H120 NMS כִּי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN הֵמָּה H1992 PPRO-3MP הָֽבֶל H1892 ׃ EPUN
12 אַשְׁרֵי H835 CMP ׀ CPUN הַגֶּבֶר H1397 אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO ־ CPUN תְּיַסְּרֶנּוּ H3256 יָּהּ H3050 וּֽמִתּוֹרָתְךָ H8451 תְלַמְּדֶֽנּוּ H3925 ׃ EPUN
13 לְהַשְׁקִיט H8252 לוֹ L-PPRO-3MS מִימֵי H3117 רָע H7451 AMS עַד H5704 PREP יִכָּרֶה H3738 לָרָשָׁע H7563 שָֽׁחַת H7845 ׃ EPUN
14 כִּי H3588 CONJ ׀ CPUN לֹא H3808 NPAR ־ CPUN יִטֹּשׁ H5203 יְהוָה H3068 EDS עַמּוֹ H5971 וְנַחֲלָתוֹ H5159 לֹא H3808 NPAR יַעֲזֹֽב H5800 ׃ EPUN
15 כִּֽי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN עַד H5704 PREP ־ CPUN צֶדֶק H6664 NMS יָשׁוּב H7725 VQY3MS מִשְׁפָּט H4941 NMS וְאַחֲרָיו H310 W-PREP-3MS כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN יִשְׁרֵי H3477 ־ CPUN לֵֽב H3820 NMS ׃ EPUN
16 מִֽי H4310 IPRO ־ CPUN יָקוּם H6965 VQY3MS לִי L-PPRO-1MS עִם H5973 PREP ־ CPUN מְרֵעִים H7489 מִֽי H4310 IPRO ־ CPUN יִתְיַצֵּב H3320 לִי L-PPRO-1MS עִם H5973 PREP ־ CPUN פֹּעֲלֵי H6466 VQCMP אָֽוֶן H205 NMS ׃ EPUN
17 לוּלֵי H3884 יְהוָה H3068 EDS עֶזְרָתָה H5833 לִּי EPUN כִּמְעַט H4592 K-AMS ׀ PUNC שָֽׁכְנָה H7931 דוּמָה H1745 נַפְשִֽׁי H5315 CFS-1MS ׃ EPUN
18 אִם H518 PART ־ CPUN אָמַרְתִּי H559 VQQ1MS מָטָה H4131 רַגְלִי H7272 CFS-1MS חַסְדְּךָ H2617 יְהוָה H3068 EDS יִסְעָדֵֽנִי H5582 ׃ EPUN
19 בְּרֹב H7230 שַׂרְעַפַּי H8312 בְּקִרְבִּי H7130 תַּנְחוּמֶיךָ H8575 יְֽשַׁעַשְׁעוּ H8173 נַפְשִֽׁי H5315 CFS-1MS ׃ EPUN
20 הַֽיְחָבְרְךָ H2266 כִּסֵּא H3678 הַוּוֹת H1942 יֹצֵר H3335 עָמָל H5999 NMS עֲלֵי H5921 PREP ־ CPUN חֹֽק H2706 NMS ׃ EPUN
21 יָגוֹדּוּ H1413 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN נֶפֶשׁ H5315 GFS צַדִּיק H6662 AMS וְדָם H1818 נָקִי H5355 AMS יַרְשִֽׁיעוּ H7561 ׃ EPUN
22 וַיְהִי H1961 W-VQY3MS יְהוָה H3068 EDS לִי L-PPRO-1MS לְמִשְׂגָּב H4869 וֵאלֹהַי H430 לְצוּר H6697 מַחְסִֽי H4268 ׃ EPUN
23 וַיָּשֶׁב H7725 W-VHY3MS עֲלֵיהֶם H5921 PREP-3MP ׀ CPUN אֶת H853 PART ־ CPUN אוֹנָם H205 וּבְרָעָתָם H7451 יַצְמִיתֵם H6789 יַצְמִיתֵם H6789 יְהוָה H3068 EDS אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ H430 ׃ EPUN
1 O LORD H3068 God, H410 to whom vengeance H5360 belongeth ; O God, H410 to whom vengeance H5360 belongeth , show thyself. H3313
2 Lift up thyself, H5375 thou judge H8199 of the earth: H776 render H7725 a reward H1576 to H5921 the proud. H1343
3 LORD H3068 , how long H5704 H4970 shall the wicked, H7563 how long H5704 H4970 shall the wicked H7563 triumph H5937 ?
4 How long shall they utter H5042 and speak H1696 hard things H6277 ? and all H3605 the workers H6466 of iniquity H205 boast themselves H559 ?
5 They break in pieces H1792 thy people, H5971 O LORD, H3068 and afflict H6031 thine heritage. H5159
6 They slay H2026 the widow H490 and the stranger, H1616 and murder H7523 the fatherless. H3490
7 Yet they say, H559 The LORD H3050 shall not H3808 see, H7200 neither H3808 shall the God H430 of Jacob H3290 regard H995 it .
8 Understand H995 , ye brutish H1197 among the people: H5971 and ye fools, H3684 when H4970 will ye be wise H7919 ?
9 He that planted H5193 the ear, H241 shall he not H3808 hear H8085 ? he that formed H3335 the eye, H5869 shall he not H3808 see H5027 ?
10 He that chastiseth H3256 the heathen, H1471 shall not H3808 he correct H3198 ? he that teacheth H3925 man H120 knowledge, H1847 shall not he know ?
11 The LORD H3068 knoweth H3045 the thoughts H4284 of man, H120 that H3588 they H1992 are vanity. H1892
12 Blessed H835 is the man H1397 whom H834 thou chastenest, H3256 O LORD, H3050 and teachest H3925 him out of thy law H4480 H8451 ;
13 That thou mayest give him rest H8252 from the days H4480 H3117 of adversity, H7451 until H5704 the pit H7845 be digged H3738 for the wicked. H7563
14 For H3588 the LORD H3068 will not H3808 cast off H5203 his people, H5971 neither H3808 will he forsake H5800 his inheritance. H5159
15 But H3588 judgment H4941 shall return H7725 unto H5704 righteousness: H6664 and all H3605 the upright H3477 in heart H3820 shall follow H310 it.
16 Who H4310 will rise up H6965 for me against H5973 the evildoers H7489 ? or who H4310 will stand up H3320 for me against H5973 the workers H6466 of iniquity H205 ?
17 Unless H3884 the LORD H3068 had been my help, H5833 my soul H5315 had almost H4592 dwelt H7931 in silence. H1745
18 When H518 I said, H559 My foot H7272 slippeth; H4131 thy mercy, H2617 O LORD, H3068 held me up. H5582
19 In the multitude H7230 of my thoughts H8312 within H7130 me thy comforts H8575 delight H8173 my soul. H5315
20 Shall the throne H3678 of iniquity H1942 have fellowship H2266 with thee , which frameth H3335 mischief H5999 by H5921 a law H2706 ?
21 They gather themselves together H1413 against H5921 the soul H5315 of the righteous, H6662 and condemn H7561 the innocent H5355 blood. H1818
22 But the LORD H3068 is H1961 my defense; H4869 and my God H430 is the rock H6697 of my refuge. H4268
23 And he shall bring H7725 upon H5921 them H853 their own iniquity, H205 and shall cut them off H6789 in their own wickedness; H7451 yea , the LORD H3068 our God H430 shall cut them off. H6789
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