Bible Versions
Bible Books


1 אַל־תְּקַנֵּא בְּאַנְשֵׁי רָעָה וְאַל־ תִּתְאָו כ (תִּתְאָיו ק) לִהְיֹות אִתָּם׃
2 כִּי־שֹׁד יֶהְגֶּה לִבָּם וְעָמָל שִׂפְתֵיהֶם תְּדַבֵּרְנָה׃
3 בְּחָכְמָה יִבָּנֶה בָּיִת וּבִתְבוּנָה יִתְכֹּונָן׃
4 וּבְדַעַת חֲדָרִים יִמָּלְאוּ כָּל־הֹון יָקָר וְנָעִים׃
5 גֶּבֶר־חָכָם בַּעֹוז וְאִישׁ־דַּעַת מְאַמֶּץ־כֹּחַ׃
6 כִּי בְתַחְבֻּלֹות תַּעֲשֶׂה־לְּךָ מִלְחָמָה וּתְשׁוּעָה בְּרֹב יֹועֵץ׃
7 רָאמֹות לֶאֱוִיל חָכְמֹות בַּשַּׁעַר לֹא יִפְתַּח־פִּיהוּ׃
8 מְחַשֵּׁב לְהָרֵעַ לֹו בַּעַל־מְזִמֹּות יִקְרָאוּ׃
9 זִמַּת אִוֶּלֶת חַטָּאת וְתֹועֲבַת לְאָדָם לֵץ׃
10 הִתְרַפִּיתָ בְּיֹום צָרָה צַר כֹּחֶכָה׃
11 הַצֵּל לְקֻחִים לַמָּוֶת וּמָטִים לַהֶרֶג אִם־תַּחְשֹׂוךְ׃
12 כִּי־תֹאמַר הֵן לֹא־יָדַעְנוּ זֶה הֲ‍לֹא־תֹכֵן לִבֹּות ׀ הוּא־יָבִין וְנֹצֵר נַפְשְׁךָ הוּא יֵדָע וְהֵשִׁיב לְאָדָם כְּפָעֳלֹו׃
13 אֱכָל־בְּנִי דְבַשׁ כִּי־טֹוב וְנֹפֶת מָתֹוק עַל־חִכֶּךָ׃
14 כֵּן ׀ דְּעֶה חָכְמָה לְנַפְשֶׁךָ אִם־מָצָאתָ וְיֵשׁ אַחֲרִית וְתִקְוָתְךָ לֹא תִכָּרֵת׃ פ
15 אַל־תֶּאֱרֹב רָשָׁע לִנְוֵה צַדִּיק אַל־תְּשַׁדֵּד רִבְצֹו׃
16 כִּי שֶׁבַע ׀ יִפֹּול צַדִּיק וָקָם וּרְשָׁעִים יִכָּשְׁלוּ בְרָעָה׃
17 בִּנְפֹל אֹויְבֶיךָ כ (אֹויִבְךָ ק) אַל־תִּשְׂמָח וּבִכָּשְׁלֹו אַל־יָגֵל לִבֶּךָ׃
18 פֶּן־יִרְאֶה יְהוָה וְרַע בְּעֵינָיו וְהֵשִׁיב מֵעָלָיו אַפֹּו׃
19 אַל־תִּתְחַר בַּמְּרֵעִים אַל־תְּקַנֵּא בָּרְשָׁעִים׃
20 כִּי ׀ לֹא־תִהְיֶה אַחֲרִית לָרָע נֵר רְשָׁעִים יִדְעָךְ׃
21 יְרָא־אֶת־יְהוָה בְּנִי וָמֶלֶךְ עִםשֹׁ־ונִים אַל־תִּתְעָרָב׃
22 כִּי־פִתְאֹם יָקוּם אֵידָם וּפִיד נֵיהֶם מִי יֹודֵעַ׃ ס
23 גַּם־אֵלֶּה לַחֲכָמִים הַכֵּר־פָּנִים בְּמִשְׁפָּט בַּל־טֹוב׃
24 אֹמֵר ׀ לְרָשָׁע צַדִּיק אָתָּה יִקְּבֻהוּ עַמִּים יִזְעָמוּהוּ לְאֻמִּים׃
25 וְלַמֹּוכִיחִים יִנְעָם וַעֲלֵיהֶם תָּבֹוא בִרְכַּת־טֹוב׃
26 שְׂפָתַיִם יִשָּׁק מֵשִׁיב דְּבָרִים נְכֹחִים׃
27 הָכֵן בַּחוּץ ׀ מְלַאכְתֶּךָ וְעַתְּדָהּ בַּשָּׂדֶה לָךְ אַחַר וּבָנִיתָ בֵיתֶךָ׃ פ
28 אַל־תְּהִי עֵד־חִנָּם בְּרֵעֶךָ וַהֲפִתִּיתָ בִּשְׂפָתֶיךָ׃
29 אַל־תֹּאמַר כַּאֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה־לִי כֵּן אֶעֱשֶׂה־לֹּו אָשִׁיב לָאִישׁ כְּפָעֳלֹו׃
30 עַל־שְׂדֵה אִישׁ־עָצֵל עָבַרְתִּי וְעַל־כֶּרֶם אָדָם חֲסַר־לֵב׃
31 וְהִנֵּה עָלָה כֻלֹּו ׀ קִמְּשֹׂנִים כָּסּוּ פָנָיו חֲרֻלִּים וְגֶדֶר אֲבָנָיו נֶהֱרָסָה׃
32 וָאֶחֱזֶה אָנֹכִי אָשִׁית לִבִּי רָאִיתִי לָקַחְתִּי מוּסָר׃
33 מְעַט נֹות מְעַט תְּנוּמֹות מְעַט ׀ חִבֻּק יָדַיִם לִשְׁכָּב׃
34 וּבָא־מִתְהַלֵּךְ רֵישֶׁךָ וּמַחְסֹרֶיךָ כְּאִישׁ מָגֵן׃ פ
1 Be not H408 NPAR thou envious H7065 against evil H7451 AFS men H376 B-CMP , neither H408 ADV desire H183 to be H1961 with H854 them .
2 For H3588 CONJ their heart H3820 CMS-3MP studieth H1897 VQY3MS destruction H7701 , and their lips H8193 talk H1696 of mischief H5999 .
3 Through wisdom H2451 B-NFS is a house H1004 built H1129 VNY3MS ; and by understanding H8394 it is established H3559 :
4 And by knowledge H1847 shall the chambers H2315 be filled H4390 with all H3605 NMS precious H3368 AMS and pleasant H5273 riches H1952 NMS .
5 A wise H2450 AMS man H1397 is strong H5797 ; yea , a man H376 of knowledge H1847 NFS increaseth H553 strength H3581 .
6 For H3588 CONJ by wise counsel H8458 thou shalt make H6213 VQY2MS thy war H4421 NFS : and in multitude H7230 of counselors H3289 there is safety H8668 .
7 Wisdom H2454 NFP is too high H7311 for a fool H191 L-AMS : he openeth H6605 not H3808 NADV his mouth H6310 CMS-3MS in the gate H8179 .
8 He that deviseth H2803 to do evil H7489 shall be called H7121 a mischievous H4209 person H1167 .
9 The thought H2154 of foolishness H200 is sin H2403 CFS : and the scorner H3887 is an abomination H8441 to men H120 L-CMS .
10 If thou faint H7503 in the day H3117 B-NMS of adversity H6869 NFS , thy strength H3581 is small H6862 AMS .
11 If H518 PART thou forbear H2820 to deliver H5337 them that are drawn H3947 unto death H4194 LD-NMS , and those that are ready H4131 to be slain H2027 ;
12 If H3588 CONJ thou sayest H559 VQY2MS , Behold H2005 IJEC , we knew H3045 it H2088 DPRO not H3808 NADV ; doth not H3808 ADV he that pondereth H8505 the heart H3820 consider H995 VQY3MS it ? and he that keepeth H5341 thy soul H5315 , doth not he H1931 PPRO-3MS know H3045 VQY3MS it ? and shall not he render H7725 to every man H120 L-CMS according to his works H6467 ?
13 My son H1121 NMS-1MS , eat H398 thou honey H1706 , because H3588 CONJ it is good H2896 AMS ; and the honeycomb H5317 , which is sweet H4966 to H5921 PREP thy taste H2441 :
14 So H3651 ADV shall the knowledge H3045 of wisdom H2451 NFS be unto thy soul H5315 : when H518 PART thou hast found H4672 it , then there shall be H3426 a reward H319 CFS , and thy expectation H8615 shall not H3808 NADV be cut off H3772 .
15 Lay not wait H408 NPAR , O wicked H7563 AMS man , against the dwelling H5116 of the righteous H6662 AMS ; spoil H7703 not H408 ADV his resting place H7258 :
16 For H3588 CONJ a just H6662 AMS man falleth H5307 seven H7651 MFS times , and riseth up again H6965 : but the wicked H7563 shall fall H3782 into mischief H7451 .
17 Rejoice H8055 not H408 NPAR when thine enemy H341 falleth H5307 B-VQFC , and let not H408 NPAR thine heart H3820 CMS-2MS be glad H1523 when he stumbleth H3782 :
18 Lest H6435 CONJ the LORD H3068 EDS see H7200 VQY3MS it , and it displease H7489 him , and he turn away H7725 his wrath H639 CMS-3MS from M-PREP-3MS him .
19 Fret not thyself H408 NPAR because of evil H7489 men , neither H408 NPAR be thou envious H7065 at the wicked H7563 ;
20 For H3588 CONJ there shall be H1961 no H3808 UNKN reward H319 CFS to the evil H7451 man ; the candle H5216 CMS of the wicked H7563 AMP shall be put out H1846 VQY3MS .
21 My son H1121 NMS-1MS , fear H3372 thou the LORD H3068 EDS and the king H4428 : and meddle H6148 not H408 NPAR with H5973 PREP them that are given to change H8138 :
22 For H3588 CONJ their calamity H343 NMS-3MP shall rise H6965 VQY3MS suddenly H6597 ADV ; and who H4310 IPRO knoweth H3045 the ruin H6365 W-NMS of them both H8147 ONUM-3MP ?
23 These H428 PMP things also H1571 CONJ belong to the wise H2450 . It is not H1077 ADV good H2896 AMS to have respect H5234 of persons H6440 NMP in judgment H4941 .
24 He that saith H559 unto the wicked H7563 , Thou H859 PPRO-2MS art righteous H6662 AMS ; him shall the people H5971 NMP curse H5344 VQY3MP , nations H3816 shall abhor H2194 him :
25 But to them that rebuke H3198 him shall be delight H5276 , and a good H2896 AMS blessing H1293 shall come H935 VQY2MS upon H5921 them .
26 Every man shall kiss H5401 his lips H8193 NFD that giveth H7725 VHPMS a right H5228 answer H1697 NMP .
27 Prepare H3559 VHI2MS thy work H4399 NFS-2MS without H2351 BD-NMS , and make it fit H6257 W-VPI2MS for thyself in the field H7704 B-NMS ; and afterwards H310 ADV build H1129 W-VQQ2MS thine house H1004 CMS-2MS .
28 Be H1961 VQI3FS not H408 NPAR a witness H5707 against thy neighbor H7453 without cause H2600 ADV ; and deceive H6601 not with thy lips H8193 .
29 Say H559 not H408 NPAR , I will do H6213 so H3651 ADV to him as H834 K-RPRO he hath done H6213 VQY1MS to me : I will render H7725 to the man H376 LD-NMS according to his work H6467 .
30 I went H5674 by H5921 PREP the field H7704 CMS of the slothful H6102 , and by H5921 PREP the vineyard H3754 of the man H120 NMS void H2638 JMS of understanding H3820 NMS ;
31 And , lo H2009 IJEC , it was all H3605 grown over H5927 with thorns H7063 , and nettles H2738 had covered H3680 the face H6440 CMS-3MS thereof , and the stone H68 wall H1444 thereof was broken down H2040 .
32 Then I H595 PPRO-1MS saw H2372 , and considered it well H7896 VQY1MS : I looked H7200 VQQ1MS upon it , and received H3947 instruction H4148 .
33 Yet a little H4592 AMS sleep H8142 , a little H4592 AMS slumber H8572 , a little H4592 AMS folding H2264 of the hands H3027 NFD to sleep H7901 :
34 So shall thy poverty H7389 come H935 as one that traveleth H1980 VTPMS ; and thy want H4270 as an armed H4043 man H376 .
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