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1 Kings 7:23 (NLT) New Living Translation

1 Solomon also built a palace for himself, and it took him thirteen years to complete the construction.
2 One of Solomon's buildings was called the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon. It was 150 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. There were four rows of cedar pillars, and great cedar beams rested on the pillars.
3 The hall had a cedar roof. Above the beams on the pillars were forty-five side rooms, arranged in three tiers of fifteen each.
4 On each end of the long hall were three rows of windows facing each other.
5 All the doorways and doorposts had rectangular frames and were arranged in sets of three, facing each other.
6 Solomon also built the Hall of Pillars, which was 75 feet long and 45 feet wide. There was a porch in front, along with a canopy supported by pillars.
7 Solomon also built the throne room, known as the Hall of Justice, where he sat to hear legal matters. It was paneled with cedar from floor to ceiling.
8 Solomon's living quarters surrounded a courtyard behind this hall, and they were constructed the same way. He also built similar living quarters for Pharaoh's daughter, whom he had married.
9 From foundation to eaves, all these buildings were built from huge blocks of high-quality stone, cut with saws and trimmed to exact measure on all sides.
10 Some of the huge foundation stones were 15 feet long, and some were 12 feet long.
11 The blocks of high-quality stone used in the walls were also cut to measure, and cedar beams were also used.
12 The walls of the great courtyard were built so that there was one layer of cedar beams between every three layers of finished stone, just like the walls of the inner courtyard of the LORD's Temple with its entry room.
13 King Solomon then asked for a man named Huram to come from Tyre.
14 He was half Israelite, since his mother was a widow from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father had been a craftsman in bronze from Tyre. Huram was extremely skillful and talented in any work in bronze, and he came to do all the metal work for King Solomon.
15 Huram cast two bronze pillars, each 27 feet tall and 18 feet in circumference.
16 For the tops of the pillars he cast bronze capitals, each 7-1/2 feet tall.
17 Each capital was decorated with seven sets of latticework and interwoven chains.
18 He also encircled the latticework with two rows of pomegranates to decorate the capitals over the pillars.
19 The capitals on the columns inside the entry room were shaped like water lilies, and they were six feet tall.
20 The capitals on the two pillars had 200 pomegranates in two rows around them, beside the rounded surface next to the latticework.
21 Huram set the pillars at the entrance of the Temple, one toward the south and one toward the north. He named the one on the south Jakin, and the one on the north Boaz.
22 The capitals on the pillars were shaped like water lilies. And so the work on the pillars was finished.
23 Then Huram cast a great round basin, 15 feet across from rim to rim, called the Sea. It was 7-1/2 feet deep and about 45 feet in circumference.
24 It was encircled just below its rim by two rows of decorative gourds. There were about six gourds per foot all the way around, and they were cast as part of the basin.
25 The Sea was placed on a base of twelve bronze oxen, all facing outward. Three faced north, three faced west, three faced south, and three faced east, and the Sea rested on them.
26 The walls of the Sea were about three inches thick, and its rim flared out like a cup and resembled a water lily blossom. It could hold about 11,000 gallons of water.
27 Huram also made ten bronze water carts, each 6 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 4-1/2 feet tall.
28 They were constructed with side panels braced with crossbars.
29 Both the panels and the crossbars were decorated with carved lions, oxen, and cherubim. Above and below the lions and oxen were wreath decorations.
30 Each of these carts had four bronze wheels and bronze axles. There were supporting posts for the bronze basins at the corners of the carts; these supports were decorated on each side with carvings of wreaths.
31 The top of each cart had a rounded frame for the basin. It projected 1-1/2 feet above the cart's top like a round pedestal, and its opening was 2-1/4 feet across; it was decorated on the outside with carvings of wreaths. The panels of the carts were square, not round.
32 Under the panels were four wheels that were connected to axles that had been cast as one unit with the cart. The wheels were 2-1/4 feet in diameter
33 and were similar to chariot wheels. The axles, spokes, rims, and hubs were all cast from molten bronze.
34 There were handles at each of the four corners of the carts, and these, too, were cast as one unit with the cart.
35 Around the top of each cart was a rim nine inches wide. The corner supports and side panels were cast as one unit with the cart.
36 Carvings of cherubim, lions, and palm trees decorated the panels and corner supports wherever there was room, and there were wreaths all around.
37 All ten water carts were the same size and were made alike, for each was cast from the same mold.
38 Huram also made ten smaller bronze basins, one for each cart. Each basin was six feet across and could hold 220 gallons of water.
39 He set five water carts on the south side of the Temple and five on the north side. The great bronze basin called the Sea was placed near the southeast corner of the Temple.
40 He also made the necessary washbasins, shovels, and bowls.So at last Huram completed everything King Solomon had assigned him to make for the Temple of the LORD:
41 the two pillars; the two bowl-shaped capitals on top of the pillars; the two networks of interwoven chains that decorated the capitals;
42 the 400 pomegranates that hung from the chains on the capitals (two rows of pomegranates for each of the chain networks that decorated the capitals on top of the pillars);
43 the ten water carts holding the ten basins;
44 the Sea and the twelve oxen under it;
45 the ash buckets, the shovels, and the bowls. Huram made all these things of burnished bronze for the Temple of the LORD, just as King Solomon had directed.
46 The king had them cast in clay molds in the Jordan Valley between Succoth and Zarethan.
47 Solomon did not weigh all these things because there were so many; the weight of the bronze could not be measured.
48 Solomon also made all the furnishings of the Temple of the LORD: the gold altar; the gold table for the Bread of the Presence;
49 the lampstands of solid gold, five on the south and five on the north, in front of the Most Holy Place; the flower decorations, lamps, and tongs-- all of gold;
50 the small bowls, lamp snuffers, bowls, dishes, and incense burners-- all of solid gold; the doors for the entrances to the Most Holy Place and the main room of the Temple, with their fronts overlaid with gold.
51 So King Solomon finished all his work on the Temple of the LORD. Then he brought all the gifts his father, David, had dedicated-- the silver, the gold, and the various articles-- and he stored them in the treasuries of the LORD's Temple.
1 But Solomon H8010 MMS was building H1129 VQQ3MS his own house H1004 NMS-3MS thirteen H7969 BFS years H8141 NFS , and he finished H3615 W-VPY3MS all H3605 NMS his house H1004 CMS-3MS .
2 He built H1129 W-VQY3MS also the house H1004 CMS of the forest H3293 of Lebanon H3844 ; the length H753 thereof was a hundred H3967 MFS cubits H520 UFS , and the breadth H7341 thereof fifty H2572 W-MMP cubits H520 UFS , and the height H6967 thereof thirty H7970 W-MMP cubits H520 UFS , upon H5921 PREP four H702 MMS rows H2905 of cedar H730 pillars H5982 CMP , with cedar H730 beams H3773 upon H5921 PREP the pillars H5982 .
3 And it was covered H5603 with cedar H730 above H4605 upon H5921 PREP the beams H6763 , that H834 RPRO lay on H5921 PREP forty H705 MMP five H2568 pillars H5982 , fifteen H2568 in a row H2905 .
4 And there were windows H8261 in three H7969 NFS rows H2905 , and light H4237 was against H413 PREP light H4237 in three H7969 NFS ranks H6471 .
5 And all H3605 W-CMS the doors H6607 and posts H4201 were square H7251 , with the windows H8260 : and light H4237 was against H413 PREP light H4237 in three H7969 MFS ranks H6471 .
6 And he made H6213 VQQ3MS a porch H197 of pillars H5982 ; the length H753 thereof was fifty H2572 MMP cubits H520 UFS , and the breadth H7341 thereof thirty H7970 W-MMP cubits H520 UFS : and the porch H197 was before H5921 PREP them : and the other pillars H5982 and the thick beam H5646 were before H5921 PREP them .
7 Then he made H6213 VQQ3MS a porch H197 for the throne H3678 where H834 RPRO he might judge H8199 , even the porch H197 of judgment H4941 : and it was covered H5603 with cedar H730 from one side of the floor H7172 to H5704 PREP the other H7172 .
8 And his house H1004 where H834 RPRO he dwelt H3427 VQY3MS had another H312 court H2691 within H1004 the porch H197 , which was H1961 VQQ3MS of the like H2088 D-PMS work H4639 . Solomon H8010 MMS made H6213 VQY3MS also a house H1004 for Pharaoh H6547 EMS \'s daughter H1323 , whom H834 RPRO he had taken H3947 VQQ3MS to wife , like unto this H2088 D-PMS porch H197 .
9 All H3605 NMS these H428 PMP were of costly H3368 stones H68 NFP , according to the measures H4060 of hewed stones H1496 , sawed H1641 with saws H4050 , within H1004 M-NMS and without H2351 WM-NMS , even from the foundation H4527 unto H5704 PREP the coping H2948 , and so on the outside H2351 WM-NMS toward H5704 PREP the great H1419 court H2691 .
10 And the foundation H3245 was of costly H3368 stones H68 NFP , even great H1419 stones H68 NFP , stones H68 CMP of ten H6235 MFS cubits H520 , and stones H68 of eight H8083 MFS cubits H520 .
11 And above H4605 were costly H3368 stones H68 NFP , after the measures H4060 of hewed stones H1496 , and cedars H730 .
12 And the great H1419 D-AFS court H2691 round about H5439 ADV was with three H7969 NFS rows H2905 of hewed stones H1496 , and a row H2905 of cedar H730 beams H3773 , both for the inner H6442 court H2691 of the house H1004 CMS of the LORD H3068 EDS , and for the porch H197 of the house H1004 .
13 And king H4428 D-NMS Solomon H8010 MMS sent H7971 W-VQY3MS and fetched H3947 W-VQY3MS Hiram H2438 out of Tyre H6865 .
14 He H1931 PPRO-3MS was a widow H490 NFS \'s son H1121 of the tribe H4294 of Naphtali H5321 , and his father H1 was a man H376 NMS of Tyre H6876 , a worker H2790 in brass H5178 CFS : and he was filled H4390 with H854 wisdom H2451 , and understanding H8394 , and cunning H1847 D-CFS to work H6213 W-VQY3MS all H3605 NMS works H4399 in brass H5178 . And he came H935 W-VQY3MS to H413 PREP king H4428 D-NMS Solomon H8010 MMS , and wrought H6213 W-VQY3MS all H3605 NMS his work H4399 .
15 For he cast H6696 two H8147 ONUM pillars H5982 of brass H5178 CFS , of eighteen H8083 MFS cubits H520 UFS high H6967 apiece H5982 : and a line H2339 of twelve H8147 MFS cubits H520 UFS did compass either of them about H5437 .
16 And he made H6213 VQQ3MS two H8147 chapiters H3805 of molten H3332 brass H5178 CFS , to set H5414 L-VQFC upon H5921 PREP the tops H7218 CMP of the pillars H5982 : the height H6967 of the one H259 chapiter H3805 was five H2568 MFS cubits H520 , and the height H6967 of the other H8145 chapiter H3805 was five H2568 cubits H520 :
17 And nets H7638 of checker H7639 NFS work H4639 M-CMS , and wreaths H1434 of chain H8333 work H4639 M-CMS , for the chapiters H3805 which H834 RPRO were upon H5921 PREP the top H7218 NMS of the pillars H5982 ; seven H7651 NUM-MS for the one H259 chapiter H3805 , and seven H7651 W-MMS for the other H8145 chapiter H3805 .
18 And he made H6213 W-VQY3MS the pillars H5982 , and two H8147 rows H2905 round about H5439 ADV upon H5921 PREP the one H259 network H7639 , to cover H3680 the chapiters H3805 that H834 RPRO were upon H5921 PREP the top H7218 NMS , with pomegranates H7416 : and so H3651 did H6213 W-VQY3MS he for the other H8145 chapiter H3805 .
19 And the chapiters H3805 that H834 RPRO were upon H5921 PREP the top H7218 NMS of the pillars H5982 were of lily H7799 work H4639 M-CMS in the porch H197 , four H702 MFS cubits H520 .
20 And the chapiters H3805 upon H5921 PREP the two H8147 ONUM pillars H5982 had pomegranates also H1571 CONJ above H4605 , over against H5980 the belly H990 which H834 RPRO was by H5676 the network H7639 : and the pomegranates H7416 were two hundred H3967 MFD in rows H2905 round about H5439 ADV upon H5921 PREP the other H8145 chapiter H3805 .
21 And he set up H6965 the pillars H5982 in the porch H197 of the temple H1964 : and he set up H6965 the right H3233 pillar H5982 , and called H7121 W-VQY3MS the name H8034 CMS-3MS thereof Jachin H3199 : and he set up H6965 the left H8042 pillar H5982 , and called H7121 W-VQY3MS the name H8034 CMS-3MS thereof Boaz H1162 .
22 And upon H5921 W-PREP the top H7218 NMS of the pillars H5982 was lily H7799 work H4639 M-CMS : so was the work H4399 of the pillars H5982 finished H8552 .
23 And he made H6213 W-VQY3MS a molten H3332 sea H3220 D-NMS , ten H6235 MFS cubits H520 from the one brim H8193 to H5704 PREP the other H8193 : it was round H5696 all about H5439 ADV , and his height H6967 was five H2568 cubits H520 : and a line H6957 of thirty H7970 MMP cubits H520 did compass H5437 it round about H5439 .
24 And under H8478 M-CFS the brim H8193 of it round about H5439 ADV there were knops H6497 compassing H5437 it , ten H6235 MFS in a cubit H520 , compassing H5362 the sea H3220 D-NMS round about H5439 ADV : the knops H6497 were cast H3332 in two H8147 ONUM rows H2905 , when it was cast H3333 .
25 It stood H5975 upon H5921 PREP twelve H8147 ONUM oxen H1241 NMS , three H7969 NFS looking H6437 toward the north H6828 , and three H7969 NFS looking H6437 toward the west H3220 , and three H7969 NFS looking H6437 toward the south H5045 , and three H7969 NFS looking H6437 toward the east H4217 : and the sea H3220 was set above H4605 upon H5921 PREP them , and all H3605 W-CMS their hinder parts H268 were inward H1004 .
26 And it was a handbreadth H2947 thick H5672 , and the brim H8193 thereof was wrought H4639 like the brim H8193 CFS of a cup H3563 , with flowers H6525 of lilies H7799 : it contained H3557 two thousand H505 baths H1324 .
27 And he made H6213 W-VQY3MS ten H6235 MFS bases H4350 of brass H5178 CFS ; four H702 MFS cubits H520 was the length H753 CMS of one H259 base H4350 , and four H702 W-BFS cubits H520 the breadth H7341 CMS-3FS thereof , and three H7969 cubits H520 the height H6967 CFS-3FS of it .
28 And the work H4639 M-CMS of the bases H4350 was on this H2088 W-PMS manner : they had borders H4526 , and the borders H4526 were between H996 PREP the ledges H7948 :
29 And on H5921 the borders H4526 that H834 RPRO were between H996 PREP the ledges H7948 were lions H738 , oxen H1241 NMS , and cherubims H3742 : and upon H5921 W-PREP the ledges H7948 there was a base H3653 above H4605 M-ADV : and beneath H8478 the lions H738 and oxen H1241 were certain additions H3914 made of thin H4174 work H4639 M-CMS .
30 And every H259 D-ONUM base H4350 had four H702 brazen H5178 CFS wheels H212 , and plates H5633 of brass H5178 CFS : and the four H702 corners H6471 thereof had undersetters H3802 : under H8478 M-CFS the laver H3595 were undersetters H3802 molten H3332 , at the side H5676 M-CMS of every H376 NMS addition H3914 .
31 And the mouth H6310 of it within H1004 the chapiter H3805 and above H4605 was a cubit H520 : but the mouth H6310 thereof was round H5696 after the work H4639 M-CMS of the base H3653 , a cubit H520 UFS and a half H2677 : and also H1571 W-CONJ upon H5921 PREP the mouth H6310 CMS-3FS of it were gravings H4734 with their borders H4526 , foursquare H7251 , not H3808 NADV round H5696 .
32 And under H8478 the borders H4526 were four H702 wheels H212 ; and the axletrees H3027 of the wheels H212 were joined to the base H4350 : and the height H6967 of a H259 wheel H212 was a cubit H520 UFS and half H2677 a cubit H520 .
33 And the work H4639 of the wheels H212 was like the work H4639 of a chariot H4818 wheel H212 : their axletrees H3027 , and their naves H1354 , and their felloes H2839 , and their spokes H2840 , were all H3605 molten H3332 VOPMS .
34 And there were four H702 W-BFS undersetters H3802 to H413 PREP the four H702 MFS corners H6438 CFP of one H259 base H4350 : and the undersetters H3802 were of H4480 PREP the very base H4350 itself .
35 And in the top H7218 of the base H4350 was there a round H5696 compass H5439 ADV of half H2677 a cubit H520 high H6967 : and on H5921 W-PREP the top H7218 NMS of the base H4350 the ledges H3027 thereof and the borders H4526 thereof were of H4480 PREP-3FS the same .
36 For on H5921 PREP the plates H3871 of the ledges H3027 thereof , and on H5921 PREP the borders H4526 thereof , he graved H6605 cherubims H3742 , lions H738 , and palm trees H8561 , according to the proportion H4626 of every one H376 NMS , and additions H3914 round about H5439 .
37 After this H2063 manner he made H6213 VQQ3MS the ten H6235 MFS bases H4350 : all H3605 of them had one H259 MMS casting H4165 , one H259 OFS measure H4060 , and one H259 MMS size H7095 .
38 Then made H6213 W-VQY3MS he ten H6235 lavers H3595 of brass H5178 CFS : one H259 laver H3595 contained H3557 forty H705 MMP baths H1324 : and every H259 laver H3595 was four H702 MFS cubits H520 : and upon H5921 PREP every one H259 MMS of the ten H6235 bases H4350 one H259 laver H3595 .
39 And he put H5414 W-VQQ3MS five H2568 MFS bases H4350 on H5921 PREP the right H3225 side H3802 of the house H1004 D-NMS , and five H2568 on H5921 PREP the left H8040 side H3802 of the house H1004 D-NMS : and he set H5414 VQQ3MS the sea H3220 D-NMS on the right H3233 side H3802 of the house H1004 D-NMS eastward H6924 over against H4136 the south H5045 .
40 And Hiram H2438 made H6213 W-VQY3MS the lavers H3595 , and the shovels H3257 , and the basins H4219 . So Hiram H2438 made an end H3615 W-VPY3MS of doing H6213 W-VQY3MS all H3605 NMS the work H4399 that H834 RPRO he made H6213 W-VQY3MS king H4428 Solomon H8010 MMS for the house H1004 CMS of the LORD H3068 NAME-4MS :
41 The two H8147 ONUM pillars H5982 , and the two bowls H1543 of the chapiters H3805 that H834 RPRO were on H5921 PREP the top H7218 NMS of the two H8147 pillars H5982 ; and the two H8147 MFD networks H7639 , to cover H3680 the two H8147 ONUM bowls H1543 of the chapiters H3805 which H834 RPRO were upon H5921 PREP the top H7218 NMS of the pillars H5982 ;
42 And four H702 MFS hundred H3967 BFP pomegranates H7416 for the two H8147 networks H7639 , even two H8147 rows H2905 of pomegranates H7416 for one H259 network H7639 , to cover H3680 the two H8147 ONUM bowls H1543 of the chapiters H3805 that H834 RPRO were upon H5921 PREP the pillars H5982 ;
43 And the ten H6235 bases H4350 , and ten H6235 lavers H3595 on H5921 PREP the bases H4350 ;
44 And one H259 sea H3220 D-NMS , and twelve H8147 oxen H1241 D-NMS under H8478 NMS the sea H3220 D-NMS ;
45 And the pots H5518 , and the shovels H3257 , and the basins H4219 : and all H3605 NMS these H428 vessels H3627 D-NMP , which H834 RPRO Hiram H2438 made H6213 VQQ3MS to king H4428 Solomon H8010 MMS for the house H1004 CMS of the LORD H3068 EDS , were of bright H4803 brass H5178 CFS .
46 In the plain H3603 of Jordan H3383 D-EFS did the king H4428 D-NMS cast H3332 them , in the clay H4568 ground H127 D-NFS between H996 PREP Succoth H5523 and Zarthan H6891 .
47 And Solomon H8010 MMS left H5117 all H3605 NMS the vessels H3627 D-NMP unweighed , because they were exceeding H3966 ADV many H7230 M-NMS : neither H3808 NADV was the weight H4948 of the brass H5178 found out H2713 .
48 And Solomon H8010 MMS made H6213 W-VQY3MS all H3605 NMS the vessels H3627 D-NMP that H834 RPRO pertained unto the house H1004 CMS of the LORD H3068 EDS : the altar H4196 of gold H2091 , and the table H7979 of gold H2091 , whereupon H834 RPRO the shewbread H3899 NMS was ,
49 And the candlesticks H4501 of pure H5462 VWPMS gold H2091 NMS , five H2568 MFS on the right H3225 side , and five H2568 on the left H8040 , before H6440 L-CMP the oracle H1687 , with the flowers H6525 , and the lamps H5216 , and the tongs H4457 of gold H2091 ,
50 And the bowls H5592 , and the snuffers H4212 , and the basins H4219 , and the spoons H3709 , and the censers H4289 of pure H5462 VWPMS gold H2091 NMS ; and the hinges H6596 of gold H2091 , both for the doors H1817 of the inner H6442 house H1004 D-NMS , the most H6944 holy H6944 place , and for the doors H1817 of the house H1004 D-NMS , to wit , of the temple H1964 .
51 So was ended H7999 all H3605 NMS the work H4399 that H834 RPRO king H4428 D-NMS Solomon H8010 MMS made H6213 VQQ3MS for the house H1004 CMS of the LORD H3068 EDS . And Solomon H8010 MMS brought in W-VHY3MS the things which David H1732 MMS his father H1 CMS-3MS had dedicated H6944 ; even the silver H3701 , and the gold H2091 , and the vessels H3627 D-NMP , did he put H5414 VQQ3MS among the treasures H214 of the house H1004 CMS of the LORD H3068 NAME-4MS .
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