Bible Versions
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Galatians 1:7 (NRSV) New Revised Standard Version

1 Paul an apostle-- sent neither by human commission nor from human authorities, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead--
2 and all the members of God's family who are with me, To the churches of Galatia:
3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,
4 who gave himself for our sins to set us free from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,
5 to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--
7 not that there is another gospel, but there are some who are confusing you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to what we proclaimed to you, let that one be accursed!
9 As we have said before, so now I repeat, if anyone proclaims to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let that one be accursed!
10 Am I now seeking human approval, or God's approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
11 For I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is not of human origin;
12 for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
13 You have heard, no doubt, of my earlier life in Judaism. I was violently persecuting the church of God and was trying to destroy it.
14 I advanced in Judaism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions of my ancestors.
15 But when God, who had set me apart before I was born and called me through his grace, was pleased
16 to reveal his Son to me, so that I might proclaim him among the Gentiles, I did not confer with any human being,
17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were already apostles before me, but I went away at once into Arabia, and afterwards I returned to Damascus.
18 Then after three years I did go up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and stayed with him fifteen days;
19 but I did not see any other apostle except James the Lord's brother.
20 In what I am writing to you, before God, I do not lie!
21 Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia,
22 and I was still unknown by sight to the churches of Judea that are in Christ;
23 they only heard it said, "The one who formerly was persecuting us is now proclaiming the faith he once tried to destroy."
24 And they glorified God because of me.
1 Paul G3972 N-NSM , an apostle G652 N-NSM , ( PRT-N not G3756 PRT-N of G575 PREP men G444 N-GPM , neither G3761 ADV by G1223 PREP man G444 N-GSM , but G235 CONJ by G1223 PREP Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ God G2316 N-GSM the Father G3962 N-GSM , who raised G1453 V-AAP-GSM him G846 P-ASM from G1537 PREP the dead G3498 A-GPM ; )
2 And G2532 CONJ all G3956 A-NPM the G3588 T-NPM brethren G80 N-NPM which are with G4862 PREP me G1698 P-1DS , unto the G3588 T-DPF churches G1577 N-DPF of Galatia G1053 N-GSF :
3 Grace G5485 N-NSF be to you G5213 P-2DP and G2532 CONJ peace G1515 N-NSF from G575 PREP God G2316 N-GSM the Father G3962 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ from our G2257 P-1GP Lord G2962 N-GSM Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM ,
4 Who gave G1325 V-2AAP-GSM himself G1438 F-3ASM for G5228 our G3588 T-GPF sins G266 N-GPF , that G3704 ADV he might deliver G1807 V-2AMS-3S us G2248 P-1AP from G1537 PREP this present G1764 V-RAP-GSM evil G4190 A-GSM world G165 N-GSM , according G2596 PREP to the G3588 T-ASN will G2307 N-ASN of God G2316 N-GSM and G2532 CONJ our G2257 P-1GP Father G3962 N-GSM :
5 To whom G3588 T-NSF be glory G1391 N-NSF forever and ever G1519 PREP . Amen G281 HEB .
6 I marvel G2296 V-PAI-1S that G3754 CONJ ye are so G3779 ADV soon G5030 ADV removed G3346 V-PEI-2P from G575 PREP him that called G2564 V-AAP-GSM you G5209 P-2AP into G1722 PREP the grace G5485 N-DSF of Christ G5547 N-GSM unto G1519 PREP another G2087 A-ASN gospel G2098 N-ASN :
7 Which G3739 R-NSN is G2076 V-PXI-3S not G3756 PRT-N another G243 A-NSN ; but G1508 there be G1526 V-PXI-3P some G3588 T-NPM that trouble G5015 V-PAP-NPM you G5209 P-2AP , and G2532 CONJ would G2309 V-PAP-NPM pervert G3344 V-AAN the G3588 T-ASN gospel G2098 N-ASN of Christ G5547 N-GSM .
8 But G235 CONJ though G2532 CONJ we G2249 P-1NP , or G2228 PRT an angel G32 N-NSM from G1537 PREP heaven G3772 N-GSM , preach any other gospel G2097 V-PMS-3S unto you G5213 P-2DP than G3844 PREP that G3739 R-ASN which we have preached G2097 V-AMI-1P unto you G5213 P-2DP , let him be G2077 V-PXM-3S accursed G331 N-NSN .
9 As G5613 ADV we said before G4280 V-RAI-1P , so G2532 CONJ say G3004 V-PAI-1S I now G737 ADV again G3825 ADV , if any G1536 man preach any other gospel G2097 V-PMI-3S unto you G5209 P-2AP than G3844 PREP that G3739 R-ASN ye have received G3880 V-2AAI-2P , let him be G2077 V-PXM-3S accursed G331 N-NSN .
10 For G1063 CONJ do I now G737 ADV persuade G3982 V-PAI-1S men G444 N-APM , or G2228 PRT God G2316 N-ASM ? or G2228 PRT do I seek G2212 V-PAI-1S to please G700 V-PAN men G444 N-DPM ? for G1063 CONJ if G1487 COND I yet G2089 ADV pleased G700 V-IAI-1S men G444 N-DPM , I should not G3756 PRT-N be V-IXI-1S the servant G1401 N-NSM of Christ G5547 N-GSM .
11 But G1161 CONJ I certify G1107 V-PAI-1S you G5213 P-2DP , brethren G80 N-VPM , that G3588 T-ASN the G3588 T-ASN gospel G2098 N-ASN which was preached G2097 V-APP-ASN of G5259 PREP me G1700 P-1GS is G2076 V-PXI-3S not G3756 PRT-N after G2596 PREP man G444 N-ASM .
12 For G1063 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS neither G3761 ADV received G3880 V-2AAI-1S it G846 P-ASN of G3844 PREP man G444 N-GSM , neither G3777 CONJ was I taught G1321 V-API-1S it , but G235 CONJ by G1223 PREP the revelation G602 N-GSF of Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM .
13 For G1063 CONJ ye G3588 T-ASF have heard G191 V-AAI-2P of my G1699 S-1ASF conversation G391 N-ASF in time past G4218 PRT in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSM Jews\' religion G2454 N-DSM , how that G3754 CONJ beyond measure G2596 PREP I persecuted G1377 V-IAI-1S the G3588 T-ASF church G1577 N-ASF of God G2316 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ wasted G4199 V-IAI-1S it G846 P-ASF :
14 And G2532 CONJ profited G4298 V-IAI-1S in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSM Jews\' religion G2454 N-DSM above G5228 PREP many G4183 A-APM my equals G4915 N-APM in G1722 PREP mine G3588 T-DSN own G3450 P-1GS nation G1085 N-DSN , being G5225 V-PAP-NSM more exceedingly G4056 ADV zealous G2207 N-NSM of the traditions G3862 N-GPF of G3588 T-GPM my G3588 T-GPM fathers G3967 A-GPM .
15 But G1161 CONJ when G3753 ADV it G3588 T-NSM pleased G2106 V-AAI-3S God G2316 N-NSM , who separated G873 V-AAP-NSM me G3165 P-1AS from G1537 PREP my G3450 P-1GS mother G3384 N-GSF \'s womb G2836 N-GSF , and G2532 CONJ called G2564 V-AAP-NSM me by G1223 PREP his G3588 T-GSF grace G5485 N-GSF ,
16 To reveal G601 V-AAN his G3588 T-ASM Son G5207 N-ASM in G1722 PREP me G1698 P-1DS , that G2443 CONJ I might preach G2097 V-PMS-1S him G846 P-GSM among G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DPN heathen G1484 N-DPN ; immediately G2112 ADV I conferred G4323 V-2AMI-1S not G3756 PRT-N with flesh G4561 N-DSF and G2532 CONJ blood G129 N-DSN :
17 Neither G3761 ADV went I up G424 V-2AAI-1S to G1519 PREP Jerusalem G2414 N-ASF to G4314 PREP them G3588 T-APM which G3588 T-APM were apostles G652 N-APM before G4253 PREP me G1700 P-1GS ; but G235 CONJ I went G565 V-2AAI-1S into G1519 PREP Arabia G688 N-ASF , and G2532 CONJ returned G5290 V-AAI-1S again G3825 ADV unto G1519 PREP Damascus G1154 N-ASF .
18 Then G1899 ADV after G3326 PREP three G5140 A-APN years G2094 N-APN I went up G424 V-2AAI-1S to G1519 PREP Jerusalem G2414 N-ASF to see G2477 V-AAN Peter G4074 N-ASM , and G2532 CONJ abode G1961 V-AAI-1S with G4314 PREP him G846 P-ASM fifteen G1178 A-NUI days G2250 N-APF .
19 But G1161 CONJ other G2087 A-ASM of G3588 T-GPM the G3588 T-GPM apostles G652 N-GPM saw G1492 V-2AAI-1S I none G3756 PRT-N , save G1508 James G2385 N-ASM the G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM \'s brother G80 N-ASM .
20 Now G1161 CONJ the things which G3739 R-APN I write G1125 V-PAI-1S unto you G5213 P-2DP , behold G2400 V-2AAM-2S , before G1799 ADV God , I G3754 CONJ lie G5574 V-PNI-1S not G3756 PRT-N .
21 Afterwards G1899 ADV I came G2064 V-2AAI-1S into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-APN regions G2824 N-APN of Syria G4947 N-GSF and G2532 CONJ Cilicia G2791 N-GSF ;
22 And G1161 CONJ was G2252 V-IXI-1S unknown G50 V-PPP-NSM by face G4383 N-DSN unto the G3588 T-DPF churches G1577 N-DPF of Judea G2449 N-GSF which G3588 T-DPF were in G1722 PREP Christ G5547 N-DSM :
23 But G1161 CONJ they had G2258 V-IXI-3P heard G191 V-PAP-NPM only G3440 ADV , That G3588 T-NSM he which persecuted G1377 V-PAP-NSM us G2248 P-1AP in times past G4218 PRT now G3568 ADV preacheth G2097 V-PMI-3S the G3588 T-ASF faith G4102 N-ASF which G3739 R-ASF once G4218 PRT he destroyed G4199 V-IAI-3S .
24 And G2532 CONJ they G3588 T-ASM glorified G1392 V-IAI-3P God G2316 N-ASM in G1722 PREP me G1698 P-1DS .
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