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Ezekiel 23:1 (NASB) New American Standard Bible

1 Thus the word of the LORD came to me:
2 Son of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother,
3 who even as young girls played the harlot in Egypt. There the Egyptians caressed their bosoms and fondled their virginal breasts.
4 Oholah was the name of the elder, and the name of her sister was Oholibah. They became mine and bore sons and daughters. (As for their names: Samaria is Oholah, and Jerusalem is Oholibah.)
5 Oholah became a harlot faithless to me; she lusted after her lovers, the Assyrians, warriors
6 dressed in purple, governors and officers, all of them attractive young men, knights mounted on horses.
7 Thus she gave herself as a harlot to them, to all the elite of the Assyrians, and she defiled herself with all those for whom she lusted (with all their idols).
8 She did not give up the harlotry which she had begun in Egypt, when they had lain with her as a young girl, fondling her virginal breasts and pouring out their impurities on her.
9 Therefore I handed her over to her lovers, the Assyrians for whom she had lusted.
10 They exposed her nakedness, her sons and daughters they took away, and herself they slew with the sword. Thus she became a byword for women, for they punished her grievously.
11 Though her sister Oholibah saw all this, her lust was more depraved than her sister's, and she outdid her in harlotry.
12 She too lusted after the Assyrians, governors and officers, warriors impeccably clothed, knights mounted on horses, all of them attractive young men.
13 I saw that she had defiled herself. Both had gone down the same path,
14 yet she went further in her harlotry. When she saw men drawn on the wall, the images of Chaldeans drawn with vermillion,
15 with sashes girded about their waists, flowing turbans on their heads, all looking like chariot warriors, the portraits of Babylonians, natives of Chaldea,
16 she lusted for them; no sooner had she set eyes on them than she sent messengers to them in Chaldea.
17 Then the Babylonians came to her, to the love couch, and defiled her with their intercourse. As soon as she was defiled by them, she became disgusted with them.
18 Her harlotry was discovered and her shame was revealed, and I became disgusted with her as I had become disgusted with her sister.
19 But she played the harlot all the more, recalling the days of her girlhood, when she had been a harlot in the land of Egypt.
20 She lusted for the lechers of Egypt, whose members are like that of an ass, and whose heat is like that of stallions.
21 You yearned for the lewdness of your girlhood, when the Egyptians fondled your breasts, caressing your bosom.
22 Therefore, Oholibah, thus says the Lord GOD: I will now stir up your lovers against you, those with whom you are disgusted, and I will bring them against you from every side:
23 the men of Babylon and all of Chaldea, Pekod, Shoa and Koa, along with all those of Assyria, attractive young men, all of them governors and officers, charioteers and warriors, all of them horsemen.
24 They shall come against you from the north with chariots and wagons and many peoples. Shields, bucklers, and helmets they shall array against you everywhere.
25 I will leave it to them to judge, and they will judge you by their own ordinances. I will let loose my jealousy against you, so that they shall deal with you in fury, cutting off your nose and ears; and what is left of you shall fall by the sword. They shall take away your sons and daughters, and what is left of you shall be devoured by fire.
26 They shall strip off your clothes and seize your splendid ornaments.
27 I will put an end to your lewdness and to the harlotry you began in Egypt; you shall no longer look toward it, nor shall you remember Egypt again.
28 For thus says the Lord GOD: I am now handing you over to those whom you hate, to those who fill you with disgust.
29 They shall deal with you in hatred, seizing all that you have worked for and leaving you stark naked, so that your indecent nakedness is exposed. Your lewdness and harlotry
30 have brought these things upon you, because you played the harlot with the nations by defiling yourself with their idols.
31 Because you followed in the path of your sister, I will hand you her cup.
32 Thus says the Lord GOD: The cup of your sister you shall drink, so wide and deep, which holds so much,
33 Filled with destruction and grief, a cup of dismay, the cup of your sister.
34 You shall drain it dry, and gnaw at the very sherds of the cup, and you shall tear out your breasts; for I have spoken, says the Lord GOD.
35 Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Because you have forgotten me and cast me behind your back, it is for you to bear the penalty of your lewdness and harlotry.
36 Then the LORD said to me: Son of man, would you judge Oholah and Oholibah? Then make known to them their abominations.
37 For they committed adultery, and blood is on their hands. They committed adultery with their idols; to feed them they immolated the children they had borne me.
38 (This, too, they did to me: they defiled my sanctuary and desecrated my sabbaths.
39 On the very day they slew their children for their idols, they entered my sanctuary to desecrate it. Thus they acted within my house.)
40 Moreover, they sent for men who had to come from afar, to whom messengers were sent. And so they came-- and for them you bathed yourself, painted your eyes, and put on ornaments.
41 You sat on a couch prepared for them, with a table spread before it, on which you had set my incense and oil.
42 Then was heard the shout of a carefree mob in the city, and these were men brought in from the desert, who put bracelets on the women's arms and splendid diadems on their heads.
43 So I said: "Oh, this woman jaded with adulteries! Now they will commit whoredom with her, and as for her...."
44 And indeed they did come to her as men come to a harlot. Thus they came to Oholah and Oholibah, the lewd women.
45 But just men shall punish them with the sentence meted out to adulteresses and murderesses, for they have committed adultery, and blood is on their hands.
46 Thus says the Lord GOD: Summon an assembly against them, and deliver them over to terror and plunder.
47 The assembly shall stone them and hack them to pieces with their swords. They shall slay their sons and daughters, and burn their houses with fire.
48 Thus I will put an end to lewdness in the land, and all the women will be warned not to imitate your lewdness.
49 They shall inflict on you the penalty of your lewdness, and you shall pay for your sins of idolatry. Thus you shall know that I am the LORD.
1 The word H1697 NMS of the LORD H3068 EDS came H1961 W-VQY3MS again unto H413 PREP-1MS me , saying H559 L-VQFC ,
2 Son H1121 of man H120 NMS , there were H1961 two H8147 MFD women H802 GFP , the daughters H1323 CFP of one H259 OFS mother H517 GFS :
3 And they committed whoredoms H2181 in Egypt H4714 ; they committed whoredoms H2181 in their youth H5271 : there H8033 ADV-3FS were their breasts H7699 pressed H4600 , and there H8033 W-ADV they bruised H6213 the teats H1717 of their virginity H1331 .
4 And the names H8034 of them were Aholah H170 the elder H1419 D-AFS , and Aholibah H172 her sister H269 : and they were H1961 mine , and they bore H3205 sons H1121 NMP and daughters H1323 W-CFP . Thus were their names H8034 ; Samaria H8111 is Aholah H170 , and Jerusalem H3389 Aholibah H172 .
5 And Aholah H170 played the harlot H2181 when she was H8478 mine ; and she doted H5689 on H5921 PREP her lovers H157 , on H413 PREP the Assyrians H804 GFS her neighbors H7138 ,
6 Which were clothed H3847 with blue H8504 , captains H6346 and rulers H5461 , all H3605 CMS-3MP of them desirable H2531 young men H970 , horsemen H6571 riding upon H7392 horses H5483 .
7 Thus she committed H5414 W-VQY3FS her whoredoms H8457 with H5921 PREP-3MP them , with all H3605 CMS-3MP them that were the chosen H4005 men H1121 of Assyria H804 GFS , and with all H3605 on whom H834 RPRO she doted H5689 : with all H3605 B-CMS their idols H1544 she defiled herself H2930 .
8 Neither H3808 NADV left H5800 she her whoredoms H8457 brought from Egypt H4714 M-TFS : for H3588 CONJ in her youth H5271 they lay H7901 with H854 her , and they H1992 bruised H6213 the breasts H1717 of her virginity H1331 , and poured H8210 their whoredom H8457 upon H5921 her .
9 Wherefore H3651 L-ADV I have delivered H5414 her into the hand H3027 B-CFS of her lovers H157 , into the hand H3027 B-CFS of the Assyrians H1121 , upon H5921 PREP-3MP whom H834 RPRO she doted H5689 .
10 These H1992 PPRO-3MP discovered H1540 her nakedness H6172 : they took H3947 her sons H1121 CMP-3FS and her daughters H1323 CFP-3FS , and slew H2026 her with the sword H2719 : and she became H1961 W-VQY3FS famous H8034 CMS among women H802 ; for they had executed H6213 VQQ3MP judgment H8196 upon her .
11 And when her sister H269 Aholibah H172 saw H7200 W-VQQ3FS this , she was more corrupt H7843 in her inordinate love H5691 than H4480 M-PREP-3FS she , and in her whoredoms H8457 more than her sister H269 in her whoredoms H2183 .
12 She doted H5689 upon H413 PREP the Assyrians H1121 her neighbors H7138 , captains H6346 and rulers H5461 clothed H3847 most gorgeously H4358 , horsemen H6571 riding upon H7392 horses H5483 , all H3605 CMS-3MP of them desirable H2531 young men H970 .
13 Then I saw H7200 that H3588 CONJ she was defiled H2930 , that they took both H8147 one H259 MMS way H1870 NMS ,
14 And that she increased H3254 her whoredoms H8457 : for when she saw H7200 W-VQQ3FS men H376 CMP portrayed H2707 upon H5921 PREP the wall H7023 , the images H6754 of the Chaldeans H3778 portrayed H2710 with vermilion H8350 ,
15 Girded H2289 with girdles H232 NMS upon their loins H4975 , exceeding H5628 in dyed attire H2871 upon their heads H7218 , all H3605 CMS-3MP of them princes H7991 to look to H4758 , after the manner H1823 of the Babylonians H1121 of Chaldea H3778 TMP , the land H776 GFS of their nativity H4138 :
16 And as soon as she saw H4758 them with her eyes H5869 , she doted H5689 upon H5921 PREP-3MP them , and sent H7971 messengers H4397 unto H413 PREP-3MP them into Chaldea H3778 .
17 And the Babylonians H1121 came H935 W-VQY3MP to H413 PREP-3FS her into the bed H4904 of love H1730 , and they defiled H2930 her with their whoredom H8457 , and she was polluted H2930 with them , and her mind H5315 was alienated H3363 from H4480 them .
18 So she discovered H1540 her whoredoms H8457 , and discovered H1540 her nakedness H6172 : then my mind H5315 CFS-1MS was alienated H3363 from M-PREP her , like as H834 K-RPRO my mind H5315 CFS-1MS was alienated H5361 from M-PREP her sister H269 .
19 Yet she multiplied H7235 her whoredoms H8457 , in calling to remembrance H2142 L-VQFC the days H3117 CMP of her youth H5271 , wherein H834 RPRO she had played the harlot H2181 in the land H776 B-GFS of Egypt H4714 .
20 For she doted H5689 upon H5921 PREP their paramours H6370 , whose H834 RPRO flesh H1320 CMS is as the flesh H1320 of asses H2543 , and whose issue H2231 is like the issue H2231 of horses H5483 .
21 Thus thou calledst to remembrance H6485 the lewdness H2154 of thy youth H5271 , in bruising H6213 thy teats H1717 by the Egyptians H4714 M-TFS for H4616 L-CONJ the paps H7699 of thy youth H5271 .
22 Therefore H3651 L-ADV , O Aholibah H172 , thus H3541 saith H559 VQQ3MS the Lord H136 EDS GOD H3069 ; Behold H2009 , I will raise up H5782 thy lovers H157 against H5921 thee , from whom H834 RPRO thy mind H5315 is alienated H5361 , and I will bring H935 them against H5921 thee on every side H5439 ;
23 The Babylonians H1121 , and all H3605 NMS the Chaldeans H3778 TMP , Pekod H6489 , and Shoa H7772 , and Koa H6970 , and all H3605 NMS the Assyrians H1121 with H854 them : all H3605 NMS of them desirable H2531 young men H970 , captains H6346 and rulers H5461 , great lords H7991 and renowned H7121 , all H3605 NMS of them riding upon H7392 horses H5483 .
24 And they shall come H935 against H5921 thee with chariots H2021 , wagons H7393 , and wheels H1534 , and with an assembly H6951 of people H5971 NMP , which shall set H7760 VQY3MP against H5921 thee buckler H6793 and shield H4043 and helmet H6959 round about H5439 ADV : and I will set H5414 judgment H4941 NMS before H6440 L-CMP-3MP them , and they shall judge H8199 thee according to their judgments H4941 .
25 And I will set H5414 my jealousy H7068 against thee , and they shall deal H6213 W-VQQ3MP furiously H2534 with H854 thee : they shall take away H5493 thy nose H639 and thine ears H241 ; and thy remnant H319 shall fall H5307 by the sword H2719 : they H1992 PPRO-3MP shall take H3947 thy sons H1121 and thy daughters H1323 ; and thy residue H319 shall be devoured H398 by the fire H784 .
26 They shall also strip H6584 thee out of H854 thy clothes H899 , and take away H3947 thy fair H8597 jewels H3627 .
27 Thus will I make thy lewdness H2154 to cease H7673 from H4480 thee , and thy whoredom H2184 brought from the land H776 M-NFS of Egypt H4714 : so that thou shalt not H3808 ADV lift up H5375 thine eyes H5869 unto H413 PREP-3MP them , nor H3808 NADV remember H2142 Egypt H4714 W-EMS any more H5750 ADV .
28 For H3588 CONJ thus H3541 saith H559 VQQ3MS the Lord H136 EDS GOD H3069 ; Behold H2009 , I will deliver H5414 thee into the hand H3027 B-CFS of them whom H834 RPRO thou hatest H8130 , into the hand H3027 B-CFS of them from whom H834 RPRO thy mind H5315 is alienated H5361 :
29 And they shall deal H6213 W-VQQ3MP with H854 thee hatefully H8135 , and shall take away H3947 all H3605 NMS thy labor H3018 , and shall leave H5800 thee naked H5903 AMS and bare H6181 : and the nakedness H6172 CFS of thy whoredoms H2183 shall be discovered H1540 , both thy lewdness H2154 and thy whoredoms H8457 .
30 I will do H6213 these H428 PMP things unto thee , because thou hast gone a whoring H2181 after H310 PREP the heathen H1471 NMP , and because H5921 PREP thou art polluted H2930 with their idols H1544 .
31 Thou hast walked H1980 in the way H1870 B-NMS of thy sister H269 ; therefore will I give H5414 her cup H3563 into thine hand H3027 .
32 Thus H3541 saith H559 VQQ3MS the Lord H136 EDS GOD H3069 ; Thou shalt drink H8354 of thy sister H269 \'s cup H3563 deep H6013 and large H7342 : thou shalt be H1961 VQY3FS laughed to scorn H6712 and had in derision H3933 ; it containeth H3557 much H4767 .
33 Thou shalt be filled H4390 with drunkenness H7943 and sorrow H3015 , with the cup H3563 of astonishment H8047 and desolation H8077 , with the cup H3563 of thy sister H269 Samaria H8111 .
34 Thou shalt even drink H8354 it and suck it out H4680 , and thou shalt break H1633 the shards H2789 thereof , and pluck off H5423 thine own breasts H7699 : for H3588 CONJ I H589 PPRO-1MS have spoken H1696 it , saith H5002 the Lord H136 EDS GOD H3069 .
35 Therefore H3651 L-ADV thus H3541 saith H559 VQQ3MS the Lord H136 EDS GOD H3069 ; Because H3282 ADV thou hast forgotten H7911 me , and cast H7993 me behind H310 PREP thy back H1458 , therefore bear H5375 thou H859 also H1571 W-CONJ thy lewdness H2154 and thy whoredoms H8457 .
36 The LORD H3068 EDS said H559 W-VQY3MS moreover unto H413 PREP-1MS me ; Son H1121 of man H120 NMS , wilt thou judge H8199 Aholah H170 and Aholibah H172 ? yea , declare H5046 unto them their abominations H8441 ;
37 That H3588 CONJ they have committed adultery H5003 , and blood H1818 is in their hands H3027 , and with H854 W-PART their idols H1544 have they committed adultery H5003 , and have also H1571 W-CONJ caused their sons H1121 , whom H834 RPRO they bore H3205 unto me , to pass for them through H5674 the fire , to devour H402 L-NFS them .
38 Moreover H5750 ADV this H2063 DPRO they have done H6213 VQQ3MP unto me : they have defiled H2930 my sanctuary H4720 in the same H1931 D-PPRO-3MS day H3117 B-AMS , and have profaned H2490 my sabbaths H7676 .
39 For when they had slain H7819 their children H1121 to their idols H1544 , then they came H935 W-VQY3MP the same H1931 D-PPRO-3MS day H3117 B-AMS into H413 PREP my sanctuary H4720 to profane H2490 it ; and , lo H2009 IJEC , thus H3541 have they done H6213 VQQ3MP in the midst H8432 B-NMS of mine house H1004 .
40 And furthermore H637 W-CONJ , that H3588 CONJ ye have sent H7971 for men H376 to come H935 VQQ3MP from far H4801 , unto H413 PREP-3MP whom H834 RPRO a messenger H4397 NMS was sent H7971 ; and , lo H2009 IJEC , they came H935 VQQ3MP : for whom H834 RPRO thou didst wash H7364 thyself , paintedst H3583 thy eyes H5869 , and deckedst H5710 thyself with ornaments H5716 ,
41 And satest H3427 upon H5921 PREP a stately H3520 bed H4296 , and a table H7979 prepared H6186 before H6440 it , whereupon H5921 PREP thou hast set H7760 mine incense H7004 and mine oil H8081 .
42 And a voice H6963 W-CMS of a multitude H1995 NMS being at ease H7961 AMS was with her : and with H413 PREP the men H376 NMP of the common sort H7230 M-NMS were brought H935 Sabeans H5436 from the wilderness H4057 , which put H5414 bracelets H6781 upon H5921 PREP their hands H3027 , and beautiful H8597 crowns H5850 upon H413 PREP their heads H7218 .
43 Then said H559 W-VQY1MS I unto her that was old H1087 in adulteries H5004 , Will they now H6258 commit H2181 whoredoms H8457 with her , and she H1931 with them ?
44 Yet they went in H935 W-VQY3MS unto H413 PREP her , as they go in H935 K-VQFC unto H413 PREP a woman H802 NFS that playeth the harlot H2181 : so H3651 ADV went they in H935 VQQ3MP unto H413 PREP Aholah H170 and unto H413 PREP Aholibah H172 , the lewd H2154 women H802 .
45 And the righteous H6662 men H376 , they H1992 PPRO-3MP shall judge H8199 them after the manner H4941 CMS of adulteresses H5003 , and after the manner of women H4941 W-CMS that shed H8210 blood H1818 NMS ; because H3588 CONJ they H2007 PPRO-3FP are adulteresses H5003 , and blood H1818 is in their hands H3027 .
46 For H3588 CONJ thus H3541 saith H559 VQQ3MS the Lord H136 EDS GOD H3069 ; I will bring up H5927 a company H6951 upon H5921 PREP-3MP them , and will give H5414 them to be removed H2189 and spoiled H957 .
47 And the company H6951 shall stone H7275 them with stones H68 GFS , and dispatch H1254 them with their swords H2719 ; they shall slay H2026 their sons H1121 and their daughters H1323 , and burn up H8313 their houses H1004 with fire H784 .
48 Thus will I cause lewdness H2154 NFS to cease H7673 out of H4480 PREP the land H776 D-GFS , that all H3605 NMS women H802 D-NFP may be taught H3256 not H3808 W-NPAR to do H6213 VQY3FP after your lewdness H2154 .
49 And they shall recompense H5414 your lewdness H2154 upon H5921 you , and ye shall bear H5375 the sins H2399 of your idols H1544 : and ye shall know H3045 that H3588 CONJ I H589 PPRO-1MS am the Lord H136 EDS GOD H3069 .
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