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1 Chronicles 6:1 (NASB) New American Standard Bible

1 The sons of Levi were Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
2 The sons of Gershon were named Libni and Shimei.
3 The sons of Kohath were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
4 The sons of Merari were Mahli and Mushi.The following were the clans of Levi, distributed according to their ancestors:
5 of Gershon: his son Libni, whose son was Jahath, whose son was Zimmah,
6 whose son was Joah, whose son was Iddo, whose son was Zerah, whose son was Jetherai.
7 The descendants of Kohath were: his son Amminadab, whose son was Korah, whose son was Assir,
8 whose son was Elkanah, whose son was Ebiasaph, whose son was Assir,
9 whose son was Tahath, whose son was Uriel, whose son was Uzziah, whose son was Shaul.
10 The sons of Elkanah were Amasai and Ahimoth,
11 whose son was Elkanah, whose son was Zophai, whose son was Nahath,
12 whose son was Eliab, whose son was Jeroham, whose son was Elkanah, whose son was Samuel.
13 The sons of Samuel were Joel, the first-born, and Abijah, the second.
14 The descendants of Merari were Mahli, whose son was Libni, whose son was Shimei, whose son was Uzzah,
15 whose son was Shimea, whose son was Haggiah, whose son was Asaiah.
16 The following were entrusted by David with the choir services in the LORD'S house from the time when the ark had obtained a permanent resting place.
17 They served as singers before the Dwelling of the meeting tent until Solomon built the temple of the LORD in Jerusalem, and they performed their services in an order prescribed for them.
18 Those who so performed are the following, together with their descendants. Among the Kohathites: Heman, the chanter, son of Joel, son of Samuel,
19 son of Elkanah, son of Jeroham, son of Eliel, son of Toah,
20 son of Zuth, son of Elkanah, son of Mahath, son of Amasi,
21 son of Elkanah, son of Joel, son of Azariah, son of Zaphaniah,
22 son of Tahath, son of Assir, son of Ebiasaph, son of Korah,
23 son of Izhar, son of Kohath, son of Levi, son of Israel.
24 His brother Asaph stood at his right hand. Asaph was the son of Berechiah, son of Shimea,
25 son of Michael, son of Baaseiah, son of Malchijah,
26 son of Ethni, son of Zerah, son of Adaiah,
27 son of Ethan, son of Zimmah, son of Shimei,
28 son of Jahath, son of Gershon, son of Levi.
29 Their brothers, the Merarites, stood at the left: Ethan, son of Kishi, son of Abdi, son of Malluch,
30 son of Hashabiah, son of Amaziah, son of Hilkiah,
31 son of Amzi, son of Bani, son of Shemer,
32 son of Mahli, son of Mushi, son of Merari, son of Levi.
33 Their brother Levites were appointed to all the other services of the Dwelling of the house of God.
34 However, it was Aaron and his descendants who burnt the offerings on the altar of holocausts and on the altar of incense; they alone had charge of the holy of holies and of making atonement for Israel, as Moses, the servant of God, had ordained.
35 These were the descendants of Aaron: his son Eleazar, whose son was Phinehas, whose son was Abishua,
36 whose son was Bukki, whose son was Uzzi, whose son was Zerahiah,
37 whose son was Meraioth, whose son was Amariah, whose son was Ahitub,
38 whose son was Zadok, whose son was Ahimaaz.
39 The following were their dwelling places to which their encampment was limited. To the descendants of Aaron who belonged to clan of the Kohathites, since the first lot fell to them,
40 was assigned Hebron with its adjacent pasture lands in the land of Judah,
41 although the open country and the villages belonging to the city had been given to Caleb, the son of Jephunneh.
42 There were assigned to the descendants of Aaron: Hebron a city of asylum, Libnah with its pasture lands, Jattir with its pasture lands, Eshtemoa with its pasture lands,
43 Holon with its pasture lands, Debir with its pasture lands,
44 Ashan with its pasture lands, Jetta with its pasture lands, and Beth-shemesh with its pasture lands.
45 Also from the tribe of Benjamin: Gibeon with its pasture lands, Geba with its pasture lands, Almon with its pasture lands, Anathoth with its pasture lands. In all, they had thirteen cities with their pasture lands.
46 The other Kohathites obtained ten cities by lot for their clans from the tribe of Ephraim, from the tribe of Dan, and from the half-tribe of Manasseh.
47 The clans of the Gershonites obtained thirteen cities from the tribes of Issachar, Asher, and Naphtali, and from the half-tribe of Manasseh in Bashan.
48 The clans of the Merarites obtained twelve cities by lot from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Zebulun.
49 The Israelites assigned these cities with their pasture lands to the Levites,
50 designating them by name and assigning them by lot from the tribes of the Judahites, Simeonites, and Benjaminites.
51 The clans of the Kohathites obtained cities by lot from the tribe of Ephraim.
52 They were assigned: Shechem in the mountain region of Ephraim, a city of asylum, with its pasture lands, Gezer with its pasture lands,
53 Kibzaim with its pasture lands, and Beth-horon with its pasture lands.
54 From the tribe of Dan: Elteke with its pasture lands, Gibbethon with its pasture lands, Aijalon with its pasture lands, and Gath-rimmon with its pasture lands.
55 From the half-tribe of Manasseh: Taanach with its pasture lands and Ibleam with its pasture lands. These belonged to the rest of the Kohathite clan.
56 The clans of the Gershonites received from the half-tribe of Manasseh: Golan in Bashan with its pasture lands and Ashtaroth with its pasture lands.
57 From the tribe of Issachar: Kedesh with its pasture lands, Daberath with its pasture lands,
58 Ramoth with its pasture lands, and Engannim with its pasture lands.
59 From the tribe of Asher: Mashal with its pasture lands, Abdon with its pasture lands,
60 Hilkath with its pasture lands, and Rehob with its pasture lands.
61 From the tribe of Naphtali: Kedesh in Galilee with its pasture lands, Hammon with its pasture lands, and Kiriathaim with its pasture lands.
62 The rest of the Merarites received from the tribe of Zebulun: Jokneam with its pasture lands, Kartah with its pasture lands, Rimmon with its pasture lands, and Tabor with its pasture lands.
63 Across the Jordan at Jericho (that is, east of the Jordan) they received from the tribe of Reuben: Bezer in the desert with its pasture lands, Jahzah with its pasture lands,
64 Kedemoth with its pasture lands, and Mephaath with its pasture lands.
65 From the tribe of Gad: Ramoth in Gilead with its pasture lands, Mahanaim with its pasture lands,
66 Heshbon with its pasture lands, and Jazer with its pasture lands.
1 The sons H1121 of Levi H3878 ; Gershon H1648 , Kohath H6955 , and Merari H4847 .
2 And the sons H1121 W-CMP of Kohath H6955 ; Amram H6019 , Izhar H3324 , and Hebron H2275 , and Uzziel H5816 .
3 And the children H1121 W-CMP of Amram H6019 ; Aaron H175 , and Moses H4872 , and Miriam H4813 . The sons H1121 W-CMP also of Aaron H175 ; Nadab H5070 , and Abihu H30 , Eleazar H499 , and Ithamar H385 .
4 Eleazar H499 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Phinehas H6372 , Phinehas H6372 begot H3205 Abishua H50 ,
5 And Abishua H50 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Bukki H1231 , and Bukki H1231 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Uzzi H5813 ,
6 And Uzzi H5813 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Zerahiah H2228 , and Zerahiah H2228 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Meraioth H4812 ,
7 Meraioth H4812 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Amariah H568 , and Amariah H568 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Ahitub H285 ,
8 And Ahitub H285 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Zadok H6659 , and Zadok H6659 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Ahimaaz H290 ,
9 And Ahimaaz H290 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Azariah H5838 , and Azariah H5838 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Johanan H3110 ,
10 And Johanan H3110 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Azariah H5838 , ( PPRO-3MS he PPRO-3MS it is that H834 executed the priest\'s office H3547 in the temple H1004 that H834 Solomon H8010 MMS built H1129 VQQ3MS in Jerusalem H3389 : )
11 And Azariah H5838 begot H3205 W-VHY3MS Amariah H568 , and Amariah H568 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Ahitub H285 ,
12 And Ahitub H285 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Zadok H6659 , and Zadok H6659 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Shallum H7967 ,
13 And Shallum H7967 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Hilkiah H2518 , and Hilkiah H2518 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Azariah H5838 ,
14 And Azariah H5838 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Seraiah H8304 , and Seraiah H8304 begot H3205 VHQ3MS Jehozadak H3087 ,
15 And Jehozadak H3087 went H1980 VQQ3MS into captivity , when the LORD H3068 EDS carried away H1540 Judah H3063 and Jerusalem H3389 by the hand H3027 B-CFS of Nebuchadnezzar H5019 .
16 The sons H1121 of Levi H3878 ; Gershom H1648 , Kohath H6955 , and Merari H4847 .
17 And these H428 W-PMP be the names H8034 of the sons H1121 CMP of Gershom H1648 ; Libni H3845 , and Shimei H8096 .
18 And the sons H1121 W-CMP of Kohath H6955 were , Amram H6019 , and Izhar H3324 , and Hebron H2275 , and Uzziel H5816 .
19 The sons H1121 of Merari H4847 ; Mahli H4249 , and Mushi H4187 . And these H428 W-PMP are the families H4940 CFP of the Levites H3881 according to their fathers H1 .
20 Of Gershom H1648 ; Libni H3845 his son H1121 , Jahath H3189 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Zimmah H2155 his son H1121 ,
21 Joah H3098 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Iddo H5714 his son H1121 , Zerah H2226 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Jeaterai H2979 his son H1121 .
22 The sons H1121 CMS-3MS of Kohath H6955 ; Amminadab H5992 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Korah H7141 his son H1121 , Assir H617 his son H1121 CMS-3MS ,
23 Elkanah H511 his son H1121 , and Ebiasaph H43 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , and Assir H617 his son H1121 ,
24 Tahath H8480 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Uriel H222 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Uzziah H5818 his son H1121 , and Shaul H7586 his son H1121 .
25 And the sons H1121 W-CMP of Elkanah H511 ; Amasai H6022 , and Ahimoth H287 .
26 As for Elkanah H511 : the sons H1121 of Elkanah H511 ; Zophai H6689 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , and Nahath H5184 his son H1121 ,
27 Eliab H446 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Jeroham H3395 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Elkanah H511 his son H1121 .
28 And the sons H1121 W-CMP of Samuel H8050 ; the firstborn H1060 Vashni H2059 , and Abiah H29 .
29 The sons H1121 of Merari H4847 ; Mahli H4249 , Libni H3845 his son H1121 , Shimei H8096 his son H1121 , Uzza H5798 his son H1121 ,
30 Shimea H8092 his son H1121 , Haggiah H2293 his son H1121 , Asaiah H6222 his son H1121 .
31 And these H428 W-PMP are they whom H834 David H1732 set H5975 over H5921 PREP the service H3027 CFD of song H7892 in the house H1004 CMS of the LORD H3068 EDS , after that the ark H727 had rest H4494 .
32 And they ministered H8334 before H6440 the dwelling place H4908 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 NMS with singing H7892 , until H5704 PREP Solomon H8010 MMS had built H1129 the house H1004 CMS of the LORD H3068 EDS in Jerusalem H3389 : and then they waited H5975 on H5921 PREP their office H5656 according to their order H4941 .
33 And these H428 W-PMP are they that waited H5975 with their children H1121 . Of the sons H1121 of the Kohathites H6956 : Heman H1968 a singer H7891 , the son H1121 of Joel H3100 , the son H1121 of Shemuel H8050 ,
34 The son H1121 of Elkanah H511 , the son H1121 of Jeroham H3395 , the son H1121 of Eliel H447 , the son H1121 of Toah H8430 ,
35 The son H1121 of Zuph H6689 , the son H1121 of Elkanah H511 , the son H1121 of Mahath H4287 , the son H1121 of Amasai H6022 ,
36 The son H1121 of Elkanah H511 , the son H1121 of Joel H3100 , the son H1121 of Azariah H5838 , the son H1121 of Zephaniah H6846 ,
37 The son H1121 of Tahath H8480 , the son H1121 of Assir H617 , the son H1121 of Ebiasaph H43 , the son H1121 of Korah H7141 ,
38 The son H1121 of Izhar H3324 , the son H1121 of Kohath H6955 , the son H1121 of Levi H3878 , the son H1121 of Israel H3478 LMS .
39 And his brother H251 Asaph H623 , who stood H5975 on H5921 PREP his right hand H3225 CFS-3MS , even Asaph H623 the son H1121 of Berachiah H1296 , the son H1121 of Shimea H8092 ,
40 The son H1121 of Michael H4317 , the son H1121 of Baaseiah H1202 , the son H1121 of Malchiah H4441 ,
41 The son H1121 CMS of Ethni H867 , the son H1121 CMS of Zerah H2226 , the son H1121 CMS of Adaiah H5718 ,
42 The son H1121 of Ethan H387 , the son H1121 of Zimmah H2155 , the son H1121 of Shimei H8096 ,
43 The son H1121 of Jahath H3189 , the son H1121 of Gershom H1648 , the son H1121 of Levi H3878 .
44 And their brethren H251 the sons H1121 W-CMP of Merari H4847 stood on H5921 PREP the left hand H8040 : Ethan H387 the son H1121 W-CMP of Kishi H7029 , the son H1121 W-CMP of Abdi H5660 , the son H1121 W-CMP of Malluch H4409 ,
45 The son H1121 CMS of Hashabiah H2811 , the son H1121 CMS of Amaziah H558 , the son H1121 CMS of Hilkiah H2518 ,
46 The son H1121 CMS of Amzi H557 , the son H1121 CMS of Bani H1137 , the son H1121 CMS of Shamer H8106 ,
47 The son H1121 of Mahli H4249 , the son H1121 of Mushi H4187 , the son H1121 of Merari H4847 , the son H1121 of Levi H3878 .
48 Their brethren H251 also the Levites H3881 were appointed H5414 unto all manner H3605 L-CMS of service H5656 of the tabernacle H4908 of the house H1004 CMS of God H430 .
49 But Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 W-CMP-3MS offered H6999 upon H5921 PREP the altar H4196 of the burnt offering H5930 , and on H5921 PREP the altar H4196 of incense H7004 , and were appointed for all H3605 the work H4399 of the place most holy H6944 , and to make an atonement H3722 for H5921 PREP Israel H3478 , according to all H3605 K-NMS that H834 Moses H4872 the servant H5650 NMS of God H430 had commanded H6680 VPQ3MS .
50 And these H428 W-PMP are the sons H1121 CMS-3MS of Aaron H175 ; Eleazar H499 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Phinehas H6372 his son H1121 , Abishua H50 his son H1121 CMS-3MS ,
51 Bukki H1231 his son H1121 , Uzzi H5813 his son H1121 , Zerahiah H2228 his son H1121 ,
52 Meraioth H4812 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Amariah H568 his son H1121 , Ahitub H285 his son H1121 ,
53 Zadok H6659 his son H1121 CMS-3MS , Ahimaaz H290 his son H1121 .
54 Now these H428 W-PMP are their dwelling places H4186 throughout their castles H2918 in their coasts H1366 , of the sons H1121 L-CMP of Aaron H175 , of the families H4940 of the Kohathites H6956 : for H3588 theirs was H1961 VQQ3MS the lot H1486 .
55 And they gave H5414 them Hebron H2275 in the land H776 B-GFS of Judah H3063 , and the suburbs H4054 thereof round about H5439 it .
56 But the fields H7704 CMS of the city H5892 D-GFS , and the villages H2691 thereof , they gave H5414 to Caleb H3612 the son H1121 of Jephunneh H3312 .
57 And to the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 they gave H5414 the cities H5892 of Judah H3063 , namely , Hebron H2275 , the city of refuge H4733 , and Libnah H3841 with her suburbs H4054 , and Jattir H3492 , and Eshtemoa H851 , with their suburbs H4054 ,
58 And Hilen H2432 with her suburbs H4054 , Debir H1688 with her suburbs H4054 ,
59 And Ashan H6228 with her suburbs H4054 , and Beth H1053 - shemesh with her suburbs H4054 :
60 And out of the tribe H4294 of Benjamin H1144 ; Geba H1387 with her suburbs H4054 , and Alemeth H5964 with her suburbs H4054 , and Anathoth H6068 with her suburbs H4054 . All H3605 their cities H5892 throughout their families H4940 were thirteen H7969 BFS cities H5892 GFS .
61 And unto the sons H1121 of Kohath H6955 , which were left H3498 of the family H4940 M-CFS of that tribe H4294 , were cities given out of the half H2677 tribe H4294 , namely , out of the half H4276 tribe of Manasseh H4519 , by lot H1486 , ten H6235 cities H5892 GFP .
62 And to the sons H1121 of Gershom H1648 throughout their families H4940 out of the tribe H4294 of Issachar H3485 , and out of the tribe H4294 of Asher H836 , and out of the tribe H4294 of Naphtali H5321 , and out of the tribe H4294 of Manasseh H4519 in Bashan H1316 , thirteen H7969 BFS cities H5892 GFP .
63 Unto the sons H1121 L-CMP of Merari H4847 were given by lot H1486 , throughout their families H4940 , out of the tribe H4294 of Reuben H7205 , and out of the tribe H4294 of Gad H1410 , and out of the tribe H4294 of Zebulun H2074 , twelve H8147 MFS cities H5892 GFP .
64 And the children H1121 CMP of Israel H3478 gave H5414 W-VQY3MP to the Levites H3881 these cities H5892 with their suburbs H4054 .
65 And they gave H5414 W-VQY3MP by lot H1486 out of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 CMP of Judah H3063 , and out of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 CMP of Simeon H8095 , and out of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 CMP of Benjamin H1144 , these H428 D-DPRO-3MP cities H5892 , which H834 are called H7121 by their names H8034 .
66 And the residue of the families H4940 of the sons H1121 of Kohath H6955 had H1961 W-VQY3MS cities H5892 of their coasts H1366 out of the tribe H4294 of Ephraim H669 .
67 And they gave H5414 W-VQY3MP unto them , of the cities H5892 of refuge H4733 , Shechem H7927 LMS in mount H2022 Ephraim H669 with her suburbs H4054 ; they gave also Gezer H1507 with her suburbs H4054 ,
68 And Jokmeam H3361 with her suburbs H4054 , and Beth H1032 - horon with her suburbs H4054 ,
69 And Aijalon H357 with her suburbs H4054 , and Gath H1667 - rimmon with her suburbs H4054 :
70 And out of H4480 the half H4276 tribe H4294 of Manasseh H4519 ; Aner H6063 EMS with her suburbs H4054 , and Bileam H1109 with her suburbs H4054 , for the family H4940 of the remnant H3498 of the sons H1121 L-CMP of Kohath H6955 .
71 Unto the sons H1121 L-CMP of Gershom H1648 were given out of the family H4940 M-CFS of the half H2677 tribe H4294 of Manasseh H4519 , Golan H1474 in Bashan H1316 with her suburbs H4054 , and Ashtaroth H6252 with her suburbs H4054 :
72 And out of the tribe H4294 of Issachar H3485 ; Kedesh H6943 with her suburbs H4054 , Daberath H1705 with her suburbs H4054 ,
73 And Ramoth H7216 with her suburbs H4054 , and Anem H6046 with her suburbs H4054 :
74 And out of the tribe H4294 of Asher H836 ; Mashal H4913 with her suburbs H4054 , and Abdon H5658 with her suburbs H4054 ,
75 And Hukok H2712 with her suburbs H4054 , and Rehob H7340 with her suburbs H4054 :
76 And out of the tribe H4294 of Naphtali H5321 ; Kadesh H6943 in Galilee H1551 with her suburbs H4054 , and Hammon H2540 with her suburbs H4054 , and Kirjathaim H7156 with her suburbs H4054 .
77 Unto the rest H3498 of the children H1121 L-CMP of Merari H4847 were given out of the tribe H4294 of Zebulun H2074 , Rimmon H7417 with her suburbs H4054 , Tabor H8396 with her suburbs H4054 :
78 And on the other side H5676 Jordan H3383 by Jericho H3405 , on the east side H4217 of Jordan H3383 D-EFS , were given them out of the tribe H4294 of Reuben H7205 , Bezer H1221 in the wilderness H4057 with her suburbs H4054 , and Jahzah H3096 with her suburbs H4054 ,
79 Kedemoth H6932 also with her suburbs H4054 , and Mephaath H4158 with her suburbs H4054 :
80 And out of the tribe H4294 of Gad H1410 ; Ramoth H7216 in Gilead H1568 with her suburbs H4054 , and Mahanaim H4266 with her suburbs H4054 ,
81 And Heshbon H2809 with her suburbs H4054 , and Jazer H3270 with her suburbs H4054 .
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