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Acts 28:1 (NIRV) New International Reader's Version

1 When we were safe on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta.
2 The people of the island were unusually kind. It was raining and cold. So they built a fire and welcomed all of us.
3 Paul gathered some sticks and put them on the fire. A poisonous snake was driven out by the heat. It fastened itself on Paul's hand.
4 The people of the island saw the snake hanging from his hand. They said to each other, "This man must be a murderer. He escaped from the sea. But Justice won't let him live." Justice was the name of a goddess.
5 Paul shook the snake off into the fire. He was not harmed.
6 The people expected him to swell up. They thought he would suddenly fall dead. They waited for a long time. But they didn't see anything unusual happen to him. So they changed their minds. They said he was a god.
7 Publius owned property nearby. He was the chief official on the island. He welcomed us to his home. For three days he took care of us. He treated us with kindness.
8 His father was sick in bed. The man suffered from fever and dysentery. So Paul went in to see him. Paul prayed for him. He placed his hands on him and healed him.
9 Then the rest of the sick people on the island came. They too were healed.
10 The people of the island honored us in many ways. When we were ready to sail, they gave us the supplies we needed.
11 After three months we headed out to sea. We sailed in a ship that had stayed at the island during the winter. It was a ship from Alexandria. On the front of it the figures of twin gods were carved. Their names were Castor and Pollux.
12 We landed at Syracuse and stayed there for three days.
13 From there we sailed to Rhegium. The next day the south wind came up. The day after that, we reached Puteoli.
14 There we found some believers. They invited us to spend a week with them. At last we came to Rome.
15 The brothers and sisters there had heard we were coming. They traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. When Paul saw these people, he thanked God and was cheered up.
16 When we got to Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself. But a soldier guarded him.
17 Three days later Paul called a meeting of the Jewish leaders. So they came. Paul said to them, "My brothers, I have done nothing against our people. I have also done nothing against what our people of long ago practiced. But I was arrested in Jerusalem. I was handed over to the Romans.
18 "They questioned me. And they wanted to let me go. They saw I wasn't guilty of any crime worthy of death.
19 But the Jews objected. So I had to make an appeal to Caesar. "It wasn't that I had anything against my own people.
20 I share Israel's hope. That is why I am held with this chain. So I have asked to see you and talk with you."
21 They replied, "We have not received any letters from Judea about you. None of our companions who came from there has reported or said anything bad about you.
22 But we want to hear what your ideas are. We know that people everywhere are talking against those who believe as you do."
23 They decided to meet Paul on a certain day. At that time even more people came to the place where he was staying. From morning until evening, he told them about God's kingdom and explained it to them. Using the Law of Moses and the Prophets, he tried to get them to believe in Jesus.
24 Some believed what he said. Others did not.
25 They didn't agree with each other. They began to leave after Paul had made a final statement. He said, "The Holy Spirit was right when he spoke to your people long ago. Through Isaiah the prophet the Spirit said,
26 " 'Go to your people. Say to them, "You will hear but never understand. You will see but never know what you are seeing."
27 These people's hearts have become stubborn. They can barely hear with their ears. They have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes. They might hear with their ears. They might understand with their hearts. They might turn, and then I would heal them.' --(Isaiah 6:9,10)
28 "Here is what I want you to know. God has sent his salvation to people who are not Jews. And they will listen!"
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30 For two whole years Paul stayed there in a house he rented. He welcomed all who came to see him.
31 He preached boldly about God's kingdom. No one could keep him from teaching people about the Lord Jesus Christ.
1 And G2532 CONJ when they were escaped G1295 V-APP-NPM , then G5119 ADV they knew G1921 V-2AAI-3P that G3754 CONJ the G3588 T-NSF island G3520 N-NSF was called G2564 V-PPI-3S Melita G3194 N-NSF .
2 And G1161 CONJ the G3588 T-NPM barbarous people G915 A-NPM showed G3930 V-IAI-3P us G2254 P-1DP no G3756 PRT-N little G5177 V-2AAP-ASF kindness G5363 N-ASF : for G1063 CONJ they kindled G381 V-AAP-NPM a fire G4443 N-ASF , and received G4355 V-2AMI-3P us G2248 P-1AP every one G3956 A-APM , because G1223 PREP of G3588 T-ASM the G3588 T-ASM present G2186 V-RAP-ASM rain G5205 N-ASM , and G2532 CONJ because G1223 PREP of G3588 T-ASN the G3588 T-ASN cold G5592 N-ASN .
3 And G1161 CONJ when Paul G3972 N-GSM had gathered G4962 V-AAP-GSM a bundle G4128 N-ASN of sticks G5434 N-GPN , and G2532 CONJ laid G2007 V-2AAP-GSM them on G1909 PREP the G3588 T-ASF fire G4443 N-ASF , there came G1831 V-2AAP-NSF a viper G2191 N-NSF out of G1537 PREP the G3588 T-GSF heat G2329 N-GSF , and fastened G2510 V-AAI-3S on his G3588 T-GSF hand G5495 N-GSF .
4 And G1161 CONJ when G5613 ADV the G3588 T-NPM barbarians G915 A-NPM saw G1492 V-2AAI-3P the G3588 T-ASN venomous beast G2342 N-ASN hang G2910 V-PMP-ASN on G1537 PREP his G3588 T-GSF hand G5495 N-GSF , they said G3004 V-IAI-3P among G4314 PREP themselves G240 C-APM , No doubt G3843 ADV this G3588 T-NSM man G444 N-NSM is G2076 V-PXI-3S a murderer G5406 N-NSM , whom G3739 R-ASM , though he hath escaped G1295 V-APP-ASM the G3588 T-GSF sea G2281 N-GSF , yet vengeance G1349 N-NSF suffereth G1439 V-AAI-3S not G3756 PRT-N to live G2198 V-PAN .
5 And G3767 CONJ he T-NSM shook off G660 V-AAP-NSM the G3588 T-ASN beast G2342 N-ASN into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-ASN fire G4442 N-ASN , and felt G3958 V-2AAI-3S no G3762 A-ASN harm G2556 A-ASN .
6 Howbeit G1161 CONJ they G3588 T-NPM looked G4328 V-IAI-3P when he G846 P-ASM should G3195 V-PAN have swollen G4092 V-PPN , or G2228 PRT fallen down G2667 V-PAN dead G3498 A-ASM suddenly G869 ADV : but G1161 CONJ after they G846 P-GPM had looked G4328 V-PAP-GPM a great while G1909 PREP , and G2532 CONJ saw G2334 V-PAP-GPM no harm G3367 A-ASN come G1096 V-PNP-ASN to G1519 PREP him G846 P-ASM , they changed their minds G3328 V-PMP-NPM , and said G3004 V-IAI-3P that he G846 P-ASM was G1511 V-PXN a god G2316 N-ASM .
7 In G1722 PREP the G3588 T-ASM same quarters G5117 N-ASM were G5225 V-IAI-3S possessions G5564 N-NPN of G3588 T-DSM the G3588 T-DSM chief man G4413 A-DSM of G3588 T-GSF the G3588 T-GSF island G3520 N-GSF , whose name G3686 N-DSN was Publius G4196 N-DSM ; who G3739 R-NSM received G324 V-ADP-NSM us G2248 P-1AP , and lodged G3579 V-AAI-3S us three G5140 A-APF days G2250 N-APF courteously G5390 ADV .
8 And G1161 CONJ it came to pass G1096 V-2ADI-3S , that G3588 T-ASM the G3588 T-ASM father G3962 N-ASM of Publius G4196 N-GSM lay G2621 V-PNN sick G4912 V-PPP-ASM of a fever G4446 N-DPM and G2532 CONJ of a bloody flux G1420 N-DSF : to G4314 PREP whom G3588 T-NSM Paul G3972 N-NSM entered in G1525 V-2AAP-NSM , and G2532 CONJ prayed G4336 V-ADP-NSM , and laid G2007 V-2AAP-NSM his hands G5495 N-APF on him G846 P-DSM , and healed G2390 V-ADI-3S him G846 P-ASM .
9 So G3767 CONJ when this G5127 D-GSN was done G1096 V-2ADP-GSN , others G3062 A-NPM also G2532 CONJ , which had G2192 V-PAP-NPM diseases G769 N-APF in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSF island G3520 N-DSF , came G4334 V-INI-3P , and G2532 CONJ were healed G2323 V-IPI-3P :
10 Who G3739 R-NPM also G2532 CONJ honored G5092 N-DPF us G2248 P-1AP with many G4183 A-DPF honors G5091 V-AAI-3P ; and G2532 CONJ when we departed G321 V-PPP-DPM , they laded G2007 V-2AMI-3P us G3588 T-ASF with such things as were necessary G5532 N-ASF .
11 And G1161 CONJ after G3326 PREP three G5140 A-APM months G3376 N-APM we departed G321 in G1722 PREP a ship G4143 N-DSN of Alexandria G222 A-DSN , which had wintered G3914 V-RAP-DSM in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSF isle G3520 N-DSF , whose sign G3902 N-DSN was Castor and Pollux G1359 N-DPM .
12 And G2532 CONJ landing G2609 V-APP-NPM at G1519 PREP Syracuse G4946 N-APF , we tarried G1961 V-AAI-1P there three G5140 A-APF days G2250 N-APF .
13 And from thence G3606 ADV we fetched a compass G4022 V-2AAP-NPM , and came G2658 V-AAI-1P to G1519 PREP Rhegium G4484 N-ASN : and G2532 CONJ after G3326 PREP one G3391 day G2250 N-ASF the south wind G3558 N-GSM blew G1920 V-2ADP-GSM , and we came G2064 V-2AAI-1P the next day G1206 A-NPM to G1519 PREP Puteoli G4223 N-APM :
14 Where G3757 ADV we found G2147 V-2AAP-NPM brethren G80 N-APM , and were desired G3870 V-API-1P to tarry G1961 V-AAN with G1909 PREP them G846 P-DPM seven G2033 A-NUI days G2250 N-APF : and G2532 CONJ so G3779 ADV we went G2064 V-2AAI-1P toward G1519 PREP Rome G4516 N-ASF .
15 And from thence G2547 ADV-C , when the G3588 T-NPM brethren G80 N-NPM heard G191 V-AAP-NPM of G4012 PREP us G2257 P-1GP , they came G1831 V-2AAI-3P to G1519 PREP meet G529 N-ASF us G2254 P-1DP as far as G891 PREP Appii G675 N-GSM Forum G5410 N-GSN , and G2532 CONJ The Three G5140 A-GPF Taverns G4999 N-GPF : whom G3588 T-NSM when Paul G3972 N-NSM saw G1492 V-2AAP-NSM , he G3588 T-DSM thanked G2168 V-AAP-NSM God G2316 N-DSM , and took G2983 V-2AAI-3S courage G2294 N-ASN .
16 And G1161 CONJ when G3753 ADV we came G2064 V-2AAI-1P to G1519 PREP Rome G4516 N-ASF , the G3588 T-NSM centurion G1543 N-NSM delivered G3860 V-AAI-3S the G3588 T-APM prisoners G1198 N-APM to the G3588 T-DSM captain of G3588 T-DSM the G3588 T-DSM guard G4759 N-DSM : but G1161 CONJ Paul G3972 N-DSM was suffered G2010 V-API-3S to dwell G3306 V-PAN by G2596 PREP himself G1438 F-3ASM with G4862 PREP a soldier G4757 N-DSM that kept G5442 V-PAP-DSM him G846 P-ASM .
17 And G1161 CONJ it came to pass G1096 V-2ADI-3S , that after G3326 PREP three G5140 A-APF days G2250 N-APF Paul G3972 N-ASM called the chief of the Jews together G4779 V-AMN : and G1161 CONJ when they G848 were come together G4905 V-2AAP-GPM , he said G3004 V-IAI-3S unto G4314 PREP them G846 P-GPM , Men G435 N-VPM and brethren G80 N-VPM , though I G1473 P-1NS have committed G4160 V-AAP-NSM nothing G3762 A-ASN against G1727 A-ASN the G3588 T-DSM people G2992 N-DSM , or G2228 PRT customs G1485 N-DPN of our fathers G3971 A-DPN , yet was I delivered G3860 V-API-1S prisoner G1198 N-NSM from G1537 PREP Jerusalem G2414 N-GPN into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-APF hands G5495 N-APF of G3588 T-GPM the G3588 T-GPM Romans G4514 A-GPM .
18 Who G3748 R-NPM , when they had examined G350 V-AAP-NPM me G3165 P-1AS , would G1014 V-INI-3P have let me go G630 V-AAN , because there was G5225 V-PAN no G3367 A-ASF cause G156 N-ASF of death G2288 N-GSM in G1722 PREP me G1698 P-1DS .
19 But G1161 CONJ when the G3588 T-GPM Jews G2453 A-GPM spake against G483 V-PAP-GPM it , I was constrained G315 V-API-1S to appeal unto G1941 V-AMN Caesar G2541 N-ASM ; not G3756 PRT-N that G5613 ADV I had G2192 V-PAP-NSM aught G5100 X-ASN to accuse G2723 V-AAN my G3588 T-GSN nation G1484 N-GSN of .
20 For G1223 PREP this G3588 T-ASF cause G156 N-ASF therefore G3767 CONJ have I called G3870 V-AAI-1S for you G5209 P-2AP , to see G1492 V-2AAN you , and G2532 CONJ to speak with G4354 V-AAN you : because G1752 ADV that for G1063 CONJ the G3588 T-GSF hope G1680 N-GSF of Israel G2474 N-PRI I am bound G4029 V-PNI-1S with this G3588 T-ASF chain G254 N-ASF .
21 And G1161 CONJ they G3588 T-NPM said G2036 V-2AAI-3P unto G4314 PREP him G846 P-ASM , We G2249 P-1NP neither G3777 CONJ received G1209 V-ADI-1P letters G1121 N-APN out of G3588 T-GSF Judea G2449 N-GSF concerning G4012 PREP thee G4675 P-2GS , neither G3777 CONJ any G5100 X-NSM of G3588 T-GPM the G3588 T-GPM brethren G80 N-GPM that came G3854 V-2ADP-NSM showed G518 V-AAI-3S or G2228 PRT spake G2980 V-AAI-3S any G5100 X-ASN harm G4190 A-ASN of G4012 PREP thee G4675 P-2GS .
22 But G1161 CONJ we desire G515 V-PAI-1P to hear G191 V-AAN of G3844 PREP thee G4675 P-2GS what G3739 R-APN thou thinkest G5426 V-PAI-2S : for G1063 CONJ as G3303 PRT concerning G4012 PREP this G3588 T-GSF sect G139 N-GSF , we G2254 P-1DP know G2076 V-PXI-3S that G3754 CONJ every where G3837 ADV it is spoken against G483 V-PPI-3S .
23 And G1161 CONJ when they had appointed G5021 V-AMP-NPM him G846 P-DSM a day G2250 N-ASF , there came G2240 V-IAI-3P many G4119 A-NPM-C to G4314 PREP him G846 P-ASM into G1519 PREP his lodging G3578 N-ASF ; to whom G3739 R-DPM he expounded G1620 V-IMI-3S and testified G1263 V-PNP-NSM the G3588 T-ASF kingdom G932 N-ASF of God G2316 N-GSM , persuading G3982 V-PAP-NSM them G3588 T-APN concerning G4012 PREP Jesus G2424 N-GSM , both G5037 PRT out of G575 PREP the G3588 T-GSM law G3551 N-GSM of Moses G3475 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ out of G3588 T-GPM the G3588 T-GPM prophets G4396 N-GPM , from G575 PREP morning G4404 ADV till G2193 CONJ evening G2073 N-GSF .
24 And G2532 CONJ some G3588 T-NPM believed G3982 V-IPI-3P the G3588 T-NPM things which G3588 T-NPM were spoken G3004 V-PPP-DPN , and G1161 CONJ some G3588 T-DPN believed not G569 V-IAI-3P .
25 And G1161 CONJ when they agreed not G5607 V-PXP-NPM among G4314 PREP themselves G240 C-APM , they departed G630 V-IMI-3P , after that Paul G3972 N-GSM had spoken G2036 V-2AAP-GSM one G1520 A-ASN word G4487 N-ASN , Well G2573 ADV spake G2980 V-AAI-3S the G3588 T-NSN Holy G40 A-NSN Ghost G4151 N-NSN by G1223 PREP Isaiah G2268 N-GSM the G3588 T-GSM prophet G4396 N-GSM unto G4314 PREP our G3588 T-APM fathers G3962 N-APM ,
26 Saying G3004 V-PAP-NSN , Go G4198 V-AOM-2S unto G4314 PREP this G3588 T-ASM people G2992 N-ASM , and G2532 CONJ say G2036 , Hearing G189 N-DSF ye shall hear G191 V-FAI-2P , and G2532 CONJ shall not G3364 understand G4920 V-2AXS-2P ; and G2532 CONJ seeing G991 V-PAP-NPM ye shall see G991 V-FAI-2P , and G2532 CONJ not G3364 perceive G1492 V-2AAS-2P :
27 For G1063 CONJ the G3588 T-NSF heart G2588 N-NSF of G3588 T-GSM this G3588 T-GSM people G2992 N-GSM is waxed gross G3975 V-API-3S , and G2532 CONJ their ears G3775 N-DPN are dull of hearing G191 V-AAI-3P , and G2532 CONJ their G3588 T-APM eyes G3788 N-APM have they closed G2576 V-AAI-3P ; lest G3379 ADV they G3588 T-DPM should see G1492 V-2AAS-3P with their eyes G3788 N-DPM , and G2532 CONJ hear G191 V-AAS-3P with their ears G3775 N-DPN , and G2532 CONJ understand G4920 V-2AAS-3P with their heart G2588 N-DSF , and G2532 CONJ should be converted G1994 V-AAS-3P , and G2532 CONJ I should heal G2390 V-FDI-1S them G846 P-GPM .
28 Be G2077 V-PXM-3S it known G1110 A-NSN therefore G3767 CONJ unto you G5213 P-2DP , that G3754 CONJ the G3588 T-NSN salvation G4992 A-NSN of God G2316 N-GSM is sent G649 V-2API-3S unto the G3588 T-DPN Gentiles G1484 N-DPN , and G2532 CONJ that they G846 P-NPM will hear G191 V-FDI-3P it .
29 And G2532 CONJ when he G846 P-GSM had said G2036 V-2AAP-GSM these words G5023 D-APN , the G3588 T-NPM Jews G2453 A-NPM departed G565 V-2AAI-3P , and had G2192 V-PAP-NPM great G4183 A-ASF reasoning G4803 N-ASF among G1722 PREP themselves G1438 F-3DPM .
30 And G1161 CONJ Paul G3972 N-NSM dwelt G3306 V-AAI-3S two whole years G1333 N-ASF in G1722 PREP his own G2398 A-DSM hired house G3410 N-DSN , and G2532 CONJ received G588 V-INI-3S all G3956 A-APM that came in G1531 V-PNP-APM unto G4314 PREP him G846 P-ASM ,
31 Preaching G2784 V-PAP-NSM the G3588 T-ASF kingdom G932 N-ASF of God G2316 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ teaching G1321 V-PAP-NSM those G3588 T-APN things G3588 T-GSM which concern G4012 PREP the G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM , with G3326 PREP all G3956 A-GSF confidence G3954 N-GSF , no man forbidding him G209 ADV .
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