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Leviticus 25:1 (NIRV) New International Reader's Version

1 The Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai. He said,
2 "Speak to the people of Israel. Tell them, 'You will enter the land I am going to give you. When you do, you must honor me every seventh year by not farming the land that year.
3 " 'For six years plant your fields. Trim the branches in your vineyards and gather your crops.
4 " 'But the seventh year must be a sabbath for the land. The land must rest during it. It is a sabbath year in my honor. Do not plant your fields. Do not trim the branches in your vineyards.
5 Do not gather what grows without being planted. And do not gather the grapes from the vines you have not taken care of. The land must have a year of rest.
6 " 'Anything the land produces during the sabbath year will be food for you. It will be for you and your male and female servants. Your hired workers will eat it. So will people who live with you for a while.
7 And so will your livestock and the wild animals that are in your land. Anything the land produces can be eaten.
8 " 'Count off seven sabbaths of years. Count off seven times seven years. The seven sabbaths of years add up to a total of 49 years.
9 The tenth day of the seventh month is the day when sin is paid for. On that day blow the trumpet all through your land.
10 " 'Set the 50th year apart. Announce freedom all over the land to everyone who lives there. The 50th year will be a Year of Jubilee for you. Each of you must return to your own family property. And each of you must return to your own tribe.
11 " 'The 50th year will be a Year of Jubilee for you. Do not plant anything. Do not gather what grows without being planted. And do not gather the grapes from the vines you have not taken care of.
12 It is a Year of Jubilee. It will be holy for you. Eat only what the fields produce.
13 " 'In the Year of Jubilee all of you must return to your own property.
14 " 'Suppose you sell land to one of your own people. Or you buy land from him. Then do not take advantage of each other.
15 The price you pay must be based on the number of years since the last Year of Jubilee. And the price you charge must be based on the number of years left for gathering crops before the next Year of Jubilee.
16 " 'When there are many years left, you must raise the price. When there are only a few years left, you must lower the price. That is because what the man is really selling you is the number of crops the land will produce.
17 Do not take advantage of each other. Instead, have respect for me. I am the Lord your God.
18 " 'Follow my rules. Be careful to obey my laws. Then you will live safely in the land.
19 The land will produce its fruit. You will eat as much as you want. And you will live there in safety.
20 " 'Suppose you say, "In the seventh year we will not plant anything or gather our crops. So what will we eat?"
21 I will send you a great blessing in the sixth year. The land will produce enough for three years.
22 While you plant during the eighth year, you will eat food from the old crop. You will continue to eat food from it until the crops from the ninth year are gathered.
23 " 'The land must not be sold without a way of getting it back. That is because it belongs to me. You are only outsiders who rent my land.
24 You must make sure that you can buy the land back. That applies to all of the land that belongs to you.
25 " 'Suppose one of your own people becomes poor. And suppose he has to sell some of his land. Then his nearest relative must come and buy back what he has sold.
26 " 'But suppose he does not have anyone to buy it back for him. And suppose things go well for him and he earns enough money to buy it back himself.
27 Then he must decide how much the crops have become worth since the time he sold the land. He must take that amount off the price the land was sold for. He must give the man who is selling it back to him the money that is left. Then he can go back to his own property.
28 " 'But suppose he has not earned enough money to pay the man back. Then the buyer he sold the land to will keep it until the Year of Jubilee. At that time it will be returned to him. Then he can go back to his property.
29 " 'Suppose a man sells a house in a city that has a wall around it. Then for a full year after he sells it he has the right to buy it back.
30 " 'But suppose he does not buy it back before the full year has passed. Then the house in the walled city will continue to belong to the buyer and his children after him. It will not be returned to the seller in the Year of Jubilee.
31 " 'But houses in villages that do not have walls around them must be treated like property outside walled cities. Those houses can be bought back at any time. And they must be returned in the Year of Jubilee.
32 " 'The Levites always have the right to buy back their houses in the towns that belong to them.
33 So their property among the people of Israel can be bought back. That applies to a house that is sold in any of their towns. Any house that is sold must be returned to its original owner in the Year of Jubilee. That is because the houses of the Levites will always belong to them.
34 " 'But the grasslands around their towns must never be sold. They will belong to them for all time to come.
35 " 'Suppose one of your own people becomes poor. And suppose he can't take care of himself. Then help him just as you would help an outsider or someone who is living among you for a while. In that way, the man who is poor can continue to live among you.
36 " 'Do not charge him interest of any kind. Instead, have respect for me. Then the man who has become poor can continue to live among you.
37 If you lend him money, you must not charge him interest. And you must not sell him food for more than it cost you.
38 " 'I am the Lord your God. I brought you out of Egypt. I did it to give you the land of Canaan. I wanted to be your God.
39 " 'Suppose one of your own people becomes poor. And suppose he sells himself to you. Then do not make him work as a slave.
40 You must treat him like a hired worker. Or you must treat him like someone who is living among you for a while. " 'He must work for you until the Year of Jubilee.
41 Then he and his children must be set free. He will go back to his own tribe. He will go back to the property his people have always owned.
42 " 'The people of Israel are my servants. I brought them out of Egypt. So they must not be sold as slaves.
43 Show them pity when you rule over them. Have respect for me.
44 " 'You must get your male and female slaves from the nations that are around you. You can buy slaves from them.
45 You can buy as slaves some of the people who are living among you for a while. You can also buy members of their families who were born among you. They will become your property.
46 You can leave them to your children as their share of your property. You can make them slaves for life. But when you rule over your own people, you must be kind to them.
47 " 'Suppose an outsider or someone who is living among you for a while becomes rich. Then suppose one of your own people becomes poor. He sells himself to the outsider who is living among you. Or he sells himself to a member of the outsider's family.
48 Then he keeps the right to buy himself back after he has sold himself. One of his relatives can buy him back.
49 An uncle or a cousin can buy himself back after he has sold himself. In fact, any relative in his tribe can do it. Or suppose things go well for him. Then he can buy himself back.
50 " 'He and his buyer must count the number of years from the time of the sale up to the Year of Jubilee. The price for his freedom must be based on the amount that is paid to a hired man for that number of years.
51 " 'Suppose there are many years until the Year of Jubilee. Then for his freedom he must pay a larger share of the price that was paid for him.
52 But suppose there are only a few years left until the Year of Jubilee. Then he must count the number of years that are left. The payment for his freedom must be based on that number.
53 " 'He must be treated as if he had been hired from year to year. You must make sure that his owner is kind to him when he rules over him.
54 " 'Suppose he is not bought back in any of those ways. Then he and his children must still be set free in the Year of Jubilee.
55 That is because the people of Israel belong to me. They are my servants. I brought them out of Egypt. I am the Lord their God.
1 And the LORD H3068 EDS spoke H1696 W-VPY3MS unto H413 PREP Moses H4872 in mount H2022 Sinai H5514 , saying H559 L-VQFC ,
2 Speak H1696 VPFC unto H413 PREP the children H1121 of Israel H3478 , and say H559 unto H413 PREP them , When H3588 CONJ ye come H935 into H413 PREP the land H776 D-GFS which H834 RPRO I H589 PPRO-1MS give H5414 VQPMS you , then shall the land H776 D-GFS keep H7673 a sabbath H7676 unto the LORD H3068 .
3 Six H8337 RFS years H8141 NFP thou shalt sow H2232 thy field H7704 , and six H8337 W-RFS years H8141 NFP thou shalt prune H2168 thy vineyard H3754 , and gather in W-VQQ2MS the fruit H8393 thereof ;
4 But in the seventh H7637 year H8141 shall be H1961 VQY3MS a sabbath H7676 of rest H7677 unto the land H776 LD-NFS , a sabbath H7676 for the LORD H3068 L-EDS : thou shalt neither H3808 NADV sow H2232 thy field H7704 , nor H3808 NADV prune H2168 thy vineyard H3754 .
5 That which groweth of its own accord H5599 of thy harvest H7105 thou shalt not H3808 NADV reap H7114 , neither H3808 NADV gather H1219 the grapes H6025 of thy vine undressed H5139 : for it is H1961 VQY3MS a year H8141 of rest H7677 unto the land H776 .
6 And the sabbath H7676 of the land H776 D-GFS shall be H1961 W-VQQ3FS meat H402 L-NFS for you ; for thee , and for thy servant H5650 , and for thy maid H519 , and for thy hired servant H7916 , and for thy stranger H8453 that sojourneth H1481 with H5973 PREP-2FS thee ,
7 And for thy cattle H929 , and for the beast H2416 that H834 RPRO are in thy land H776 , shall all H3605 CMS the increase H8393 thereof be H1961 VQY3FS meat H398 L-VQFC .
8 And thou shalt number H5608 seven H7651 MFS sabbaths H7676 of years H8141 NFP unto thee , seven H7651 MFS times H6471 NFP seven H7651 MFS years H8141 NFP ; and the space H3117 CMP of the seven H7651 MFS sabbaths H7676 of years H8141 shall be H1961 W-VQQ3MS unto thee forty H705 W-MMP and nine H8672 MFS years H8141 NFS .
9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet H7782 of the jubilee H8643 to sound H5674 on the tenth H6218 day of the seventh H7637 month H2320 BD-NMS , in the day H3117 B-NMS of atonement H3725 shall ye make the trumpet H7782 sound H5674 throughout all H3605 B-CMS your land H776 .
10 And ye shall hallow H6942 the fiftieth H2572 year H8141 , and proclaim H7121 liberty H1865 throughout all the land H776 B-NFS unto all H3605 L-CMS the inhabitants H3427 thereof : it H1931 PPRO-3FS shall be H1961 VQY3FS a jubilee H3104 unto you ; and ye shall return H7725 every man H376 NMS unto H413 PREP his possession H272 , and ye shall return H7725 every man H376 NMS unto H413 PREP his family H4940 .
11 A jubilee H3104 shall that H1931 PPRO-3FS fiftieth H2572 year H8141 be H1961 VQY3FS unto you : ye shall not H3808 NADV sow H2232 , neither H3808 W-NADV reap H7114 that which groweth of itself H5599 CMP-3FS in it , nor H3808 W-NADV gather H1219 the grapes in it of thy vine undressed H5139 .
12 For H3588 CONJ it H1931 PPRO-3FS is the jubilee H3104 ; it shall be H1961 VQY3FS holy H6944 unto you : ye shall eat H398 the increase H8393 thereof out of H4480 PREP the field H7704 D-NMS .
13 In the year H8141 B-CFS of this H2063 D-DFS jubilee H3104 ye shall return H7725 VQY2MP every man H376 NMS unto H413 PREP his possession H272 .
14 And if H3588 thou sell H4376 aught H4465 unto thy neighbor H5997 , or H176 CONJ buyest H7069 aught of thy neighbor\'s hand H3027 M-GFS , ye shall not H408 NPAR oppress H3238 one H376 NMS another H251 CMP-3MS :
15 According to the number H4557 B-CMS of years H8141 NFP after H310 ADV the jubilee H3104 thou shalt buy H7069 of thy neighbor H5997 , and according unto the number H4557 B-CMS of years H8141 of the fruits H8393 he shall sell H4376 unto thee :
16 According to H6310 L-CMS the multitude H7230 of years H8141 thou shalt increase H7235 the price H4736 thereof , and according to H6310 the fewness H4591 of years H8141 thou shalt diminish H4591 the price H4736 of it : for H3588 CONJ according to the number H4557 CMS of the years of the fruits H8393 doth he H1931 PPRO-3MS sell H4376 unto thee .
17 Ye shall not H3808 W-NPAR therefore oppress H3238 one H376 NMS another H5997 ; but thou shalt fear thy God H3372 : for H3588 CONJ I H589 PPRO-1MS am the LORD H3068 NAME-4MS your God H430 .
18 Wherefore ye shall do H6213 my statutes H2708 , and keep H8104 my judgments H4941 , and do H6213 them ; and ye shall dwell H3427 in H5921 PREP the land H776 D-GFS in safety H983 .
19 And the land H776 D-GFS shall yield H5414 her fruit H6529 , and ye shall eat H398 your fill H7648 , and dwell H3427 therein H5921 in safety H983 L-NMS .
20 And if H3588 W-CONJ ye shall say H559 VQY2MP , What H4100 IPRO shall we eat H398 the seventh H7637 year H8141 ? behold H2005 IJEC , we shall not H3808 NADV sow H2232 , nor H3808 W-NADV gather in our increase H8393 :
21 Then I will command H6680 my blessing H1293 upon you in the sixth H8345 year H8141 , and it shall bring forth fruit H8393 for three H7969 years H8141 .
22 And ye shall sow H2232 the eighth H8066 year H8141 , and eat H398 yet of H4480 PREP old H3465 fruit H8393 until H5704 PREP the ninth H8671 year H8141 ; until H5704 PREP her fruits H8393 come in H935 VQFC ye shall eat H398 of the old H3465 store .
23 The land H776 WD-GFS shall not H3808 NADV be sold H4376 forever H6783 : for H3588 CONJ the land H776 D-GFS is mine ; for H3588 CONJ ye H859 PPRO-2MS are strangers H1616 and sojourners H8453 with H5973 me .
24 And in all H3605 the land H776 GFS of your possession H272 ye shall grant H5414 a redemption H1353 for the land H776 .
25 If H3588 CONJ thy brother H251 CMS-2MS be waxen poor H4134 , and hath sold away H4376 some of his possession H272 , and if any of his kin H7138 come H935 to redeem H1350 it , then shall he redeem H1350 that which his brother sold H4465 .
26 And if H3588 CONJ the man H376 W-NMS have H1961 VQY3MS none to redeem H3808 NADV it , and himself H3027 CFS-3MS be able H4672 to redeem H1353 it ;
27 Then let him count H2803 the years H8141 of the sale H4465 thereof , and restore H7725 the surplus H5736 unto the man H376 LD-NMS to whom H834 RPRO he sold H4376 it ; that he may return H7725 W-VQQ3MS unto his possession H272 .
28 But if H518 W-PART he H3027 CFS-3MS be not able H3808 ADV to restore H7725 it to him , then that which is sold H4465 shall remain H1961 W-VQQ3MS in the hand H3027 B-CFS of him that hath bought H7069 it until H5704 PREP the year H8141 of jubilee H3104 : and in the jubilee H3104 it shall go out H3318 , and he shall return H7725 W-VQQ3MS unto his possession H272 .
29 And if H3588 CONJ a man H376 W-NMS sell H4376 a dwelling H4186 house H1004 CMS in a walled H2346 city H5892 GFS , then he may redeem H1961 W-VQQ3FS it within H5704 PREP a whole H8552 year H8141 after it is sold H4465 ; within a full year H3117 NMP may he redeem H1961 VQY3FS it .
30 And if H518 W-PART it be not H3808 ADV redeemed H1350 within H5704 PREP the space H4390 of a full H8549 year H8141 NFS , then the house H1004 D-NMS that H834 RPRO is in the walled H2346 city H5892 BD-NFS shall be established H6965 forever H6783 to him that bought H7069 it throughout his generations H1755 : it shall not H3808 ADV go out H3318 VQY3MS in the jubilee H3104 .
31 But the houses H1004 of the villages H2691 which H834 RPRO have no H369 NPAR wall H2346 round about H5439 ADV them shall be counted H2803 as H5921 PREP the fields H7704 CMS of the country H776 D-GFS : they may be H1961 VQY3FS redeemed H1353 , and they shall go out H3318 VQY3MS in the jubilee H3104 .
32 Notwithstanding the cities H5892 of the Levites H3881 , and the houses H1004 of the cities H5892 of their possession H272 , may the Levites H3881 redeem H1961 VQY3FS at any time H5769 NMS .
33 And if a man H834 W-RPRO purchase H1350 of H4480 PREP the Levites H3881 , then the house H1004 NMS that was sold H4465 , and the city H5892 of his possession H272 , shall go out H3318 in the year of jubilee H3104 : for H3588 CONJ the houses H1004 of the cities H5892 of the Levites H3881 are their possession H272 among H8432 B-NMS the children H1121 of Israel H3478 LMS .
34 But the field H7704 of the suburbs H4054 of their cities H5892 may not H3808 NADV be sold H4376 ; for H3588 CONJ it H1931 PPRO-3MS is their perpetual H5769 NMS possession H272 .
35 And if H3588 thy brother H251 CMS-2MS be waxen poor H4134 , and fallen in decay H4131 with H5973 PREP-2FS thee ; then thou shalt relieve H2388 him : yea , though he be a stranger H1616 NMS , or a sojourner H8453 ; that he may live H2421 with H5973 PREP-2FS thee .
36 Take H3947 VQY2MS thou no H408 NPAR usury H5392 of him , or increase H8636 : but fear thy God H3372 ; that thy brother H251 CMS-2MS may live H2421 with H5973 PREP-2FS thee .
37 Thou shalt not H3808 ADV give H5414 him thy money H3701 upon usury H5392 , nor H3808 NADV lend H5414 him thy victuals H400 for increase H4768 .
38 I H589 PPRO-1MS am the LORD H3068 EDS your God H430 , which H834 RPRO brought you forth out of the land H776 M-NFS of Egypt H4714 , to give H5414 L-VQFC you the land H776 GFS of Canaan H3667 LMS , and to be H1961 your God H430 L-NMP .
39 And if H3588 thy brother H251 CMS-2MS that dwelleth by H5973 PREP-2FS thee be waxen poor H4134 , and be sold H4376 unto thee ; thou shalt not H3808 NADV compel him to serve H5647 as a bondservant H5656 :
40 But as a hired servant H7916 K-AMS , and as a sojourner H8453 , he shall be H1961 VQY3MS with H5973 PREP-2FS thee , and shall serve H5647 thee unto H5704 PREP the year H8141 of jubilee H3104 :
41 And then shall he depart H3318 from thee , both he H1931 PPRO-3MS and his children H1121 W-CMP-3MS with H5973 him , and shall return H7725 W-VQQ3MS unto H413 PREP his own family H4940 , and unto H413 PREP the possession H272 of his fathers H1 shall he return H7725 VQY3MS .
42 For H3588 CONJ they H1992 PPRO-3MP are my servants H5650 , which H834 RPRO I brought forth H3318 out of the land H776 M-NFS of Egypt H4714 : they shall not H3808 NADV be sold H4376 as bondmen H5650 .
43 Thou shalt not H3808 NADV rule H7287 over him with rigor H6531 ; but shalt fear thy God H3372 .
44 Both thy bondmen H5650 , and thy bondmaids H519 , which H834 RPRO thou shalt have H1961 VQY3MP , shall be of the heathen H1471 D-NMP that H834 RPRO are round about H5439 you ; of H4480 them shall ye buy H7069 bondmen H5650 NMS and bondmaids H519 .
45 Moreover H1571 W-CONJ of the children H1121 of the strangers H8453 that do sojourn H1481 among H5973 PREP-3MP you , of H4480 them shall ye buy H7069 , and of their families H4940 that H834 RPRO are with H5973 PREP-3MP you , which H834 RPRO they begot H3205 in your land H776 : and they shall be H1961 W-VQQ3MS your possession H272 .
46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance H5157 for your children H1121 after H310 you , to inherit H3423 them for a possession H272 ; they shall be your bondmen H5647 forever H5769 L-NMS : but over your brethren H251 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 , ye shall not H3808 NADV rule H7287 one H376 NMS over another H251 with rigor H6531 .
47 And if H3588 W-CONJ a sojourner H1616 NMS or stranger H8453 wax rich H5381 by H5973 PREP-2FS thee , and thy brother H251 CMS-2MS that dwelleth by H5973 PREP-3MS him wax poor H4134 , and sell himself H4376 unto the stranger H1616 or sojourner H8453 by H5973 PREP-2FS thee , or H176 CONJ to the stock H6133 of the stranger H1616 \'s family H4940 :
48 After that H310 PREP he is sold H4376 he may be H1961 VQY3FS redeemed again H1353 ; one H259 MMS of his brethren H251 may redeem H1350 him :
49 Either H176 CONJ his uncle H1730 , or H176 CONJ his uncle H1730 \'s son H1121 CMS , may redeem H1350 him , or H176 CONJ any that is nigh H7607 of kin H1320 CMS-3MS unto him of his family H4940 may redeem H1350 him ; or H176 CONJ if he be able H5381 , he may redeem himself H1350 .
50 And he shall reckon H2803 with H5973 PREP him that bought H7069 him from the year H8141 that he was sold H4376 to him unto H5704 PREP the year H8141 of jubilee H3104 : and the price H3701 NMS of his sale H4465 shall be H1961 W-VQQ3MS according unto the number H4557 B-CMS of years H8141 NFP , according to the time H3117 K-CMP of a hired servant H7916 AMS shall it be H1961 W-VQQ3MS with H5973 PREP-3MS him .
51 If H518 PART there be yet H5750 ADV many H7227 AFP years H8141 behind , according unto H6310 them he shall give again H7725 VHY3MS the price of his redemption H1353 out of the money H3701 that he was bought H4736 for .
52 And if H518 W-PART there remain H7604 VNQ3MS but few H4592 AMS years H8141 unto H5704 PREP the year H8141 of jubilee H3104 , then he shall count H2803 with him , and according unto H6310 K-CMS his years H8141 CFP-3MS shall he give him again H7725 VHY3MS the price of his redemption H1353 .
53 And as a yearly H8141 NFS hired servant H7916 shall he be H1961 VQY3MS with H5973 PREP-3MS him : and the other shall not H3808 ADV rule with rigor over H7287 him in thy sight H5869 .
54 And if H518 W-PART he be not H3808 NADV redeemed H1350 in these H428 years , then he shall go out H3318 in the year H8141 B-CFS of jubilee H3104 , both he H1931 PPRO-3MS , and his children H1121 W-CMP-3MS with H5973 PREP-3MS him .
55 For H3588 CONJ unto me the children H1121 of Israel H3478 are servants H5650 NMP ; they H1992 PPRO-3MP are my servants H5650 whom H834 RPRO I brought forth H3318 out of the land H776 M-NFS of Egypt H4714 : I H589 PPRO-1MS am the LORD H3068 EDS your God H430 .
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