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John 16:1 (NIRV) New International Reader's Version

1 "I have told you all of this so that you will not go down the wrong path.
2 You will be thrown out of the synagogue. In fact, a time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing God a favor.
3 They will do things like that because they do not know the Father or me.
4 "Why have I told you this? So that when the time comes, you will remember that I warned you. I didn't tell you this at first because I was with you.
5 "Now I am going to the One who sent me. But none of you asks me, 'Where are you going?'
6 Because I have said these things, you are filled with sadness.
7 "But what I'm about to tell you is true. It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Friend will not come to help you. But if I go, I will send him to you.
8 When he comes, he will prove that the world's people are guilty. He will prove their guilt concerning sin and godliness and judgment.
9 "The world is guilty as far as sin is concerned. That is because people do not believe in me.
10 The world is guilty as far as godliness is concerned. That is because I am going to the Father, where you can't see me anymore.
11 The world is guilty as far as judgment is concerned. That is because the devil, the prince of this world, has already been judged.
12 "I have much more to say to you. It is more than you can handle right now.
13 But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own. He will speak only what he hears. And he will tell you what is still going to happen.
14 "He will bring me glory by receiving something from me and showing it to you.
15 Everything that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Holy Spirit will receive something from me and show it to you.
16 "In a little while, you will no longer see me. Then after a little while, you will see me."
17 Some of his disciples spoke to one another. They said, "What does he mean by saying, 'In a little while, you will no longer see me. Then after a little while, you will see me'? And what does he mean by saying, 'I am going to the Father'?"
18 They kept asking, "What does he mean by 'a little while'? We don't understand what he is saying."
19 Jesus saw that they wanted to ask him about those things. So he said to them, "Are you asking one another what I meant? Didn't you understand when I said, 'In a little while, you will no longer see me. Then after a little while, you will see me'?
20 What I'm about to tell you is true. You will cry and be full of sorrow while the world is full of joy. You will be sad, but your sadness will turn into joy.
21 "A woman giving birth to a baby has pain. This is because her time to give birth has come. But when her baby is born, she forgets the pain. She forgets because she is so happy that a baby has been born into the world.
22 "That's the way it is with you. Now it's your time to be sad. But I will see you again. Then you will be full of joy. And no one will take your joy away.
23 "When that day comes, you will no longer ask me for anything. What I'm about to tell you is true. My Father will give you anything you ask for in my name.
24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask, and you will receive what you ask for. Then your joy will be complete.
25 "I have not been speaking to you plainly. But a time is coming when I will speak clearly. Then I will tell you plainly about my Father.
26 When that day comes, you will ask for things in my name. I am not saying I will ask the Father instead of you asking him.
27 No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me. He also loves you because you have believed that I came from God.
28 "I came from the Father and entered the world. Now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father."
29 Then Jesus' disciples said, "Now you are speaking plainly. You are using examples that are clear.
30 Now we can see that you know everything. You don't even need anyone to ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God."
31 "At last you believe!" Jesus said.
32 "But a time is coming when you will be scattered and go to your own homes. In fact, that time is already here. You will leave me all alone. But I am not really alone. My Father is with me.
33 "I have told you these things, so that you can have peace because of me. In this world you will have trouble. But cheer up! I have won the battle over the world."
1 These things G5023 D-APN have I spoken G2980 V-RAI-1S unto you G5213 P-2DP , that G2443 CONJ ye should not G3361 PRT-N be offended G4624 V-APS-2P .
2 They shall put G4160 V-FAI-3P you G5209 P-2AP out of the synagogues G656 A-APM : yea G235 CONJ , the time G5610 N-NSF cometh G2064 V-PNI-3S , that G2443 CONJ whosoever G3588 T-NSM killeth G615 V-AAP-NSM you G5209 P-2AP will think G1380 V-AAS-3S that he G3588 T-DSM doeth G4374 V-PAN God G2316 N-DSM service G2999 N-ASF .
3 And G2532 CONJ these things G5023 D-APN will they do G4160 V-FAI-3P unto you G5213 , because G3754 CONJ they have not G3756 PRT-N known G1097 V-2AAI-3P the G3588 T-ASM Father G3962 N-ASM , nor G3761 ADV me G1691 P-1AS .
4 But G235 CONJ these things G5023 D-APN have I told G2980 V-RAI-1S you G5213 P-2DP , that G2443 CONJ when G3752 CONJ the G3588 T-NSF time G5610 N-NSF shall come G2064 V-2AAS-3S , ye may remember G3421 V-PAS-2P that G3754 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS told G2036 V-2AAI-1S you G5213 P-2DP of them G846 P-GPN . And G1161 CONJ these things G5023 D-APN I said G2036 V-2AAI-1S not G3756 PRT-N unto you G5213 P-2DP at G1537 PREP the beginning G746 N-GSF , because G3754 CONJ I was G2252 V-IXI-1S with G3326 PREP you G5216 P-2GP .
5 But G1161 CONJ now G3568 ADV I go my way G5217 V-PAI-1S to G4314 PREP him that sent G3992 V-AAP-ASM me G3165 P-1AS ; and G2532 CONJ none G3762 A-NSM of G1537 PREP you G5216 P-2GP asketh G2065 V-PAI-3S me G3165 P-1AS , Whither G4226 PRT-I goest G5217 V-PAI-2S thou ?
6 But G235 CONJ because G3754 CONJ I have said G2980 V-RAI-1S these things G5023 D-APN unto you G3588 T-NSF , sorrow G3077 N-NSF hath filled G4137 V-RAI-3S your G3588 T-ASF heart G2588 N-ASF .
7 Nevertheless G235 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS tell G3004 V-PAI-1S you G5213 P-2DP the G3588 T-ASF truth G225 N-ASF ; It is expedient G4851 V-PAI-3S for you G5213 P-2DP that G2443 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS go away G565 V-2AAS-1S : for G1063 CONJ if I G1437 COND go not away G565 V-2AAS-1S , the G3588 T-NSM Comforter G3875 N-NSM will not G3756 PRT-N come G2064 V-FDI-3S unto G4314 PREP you G5209 P-2AP ; but G1161 CONJ if G1437 COND I depart G4198 V-AOS-1S , I will send G3992 V-FAI-1S him G846 P-ASM unto G4314 PREP you G5209 P-2AP .
8 And G2532 CONJ when he G1565 D-NSM is come G2064 V-2AAP-NSM , he will reprove G1651 V-FAI-3S the G3588 T-ASM world G2889 N-ASM of G4012 PREP sin G266 N-GSF , and G2532 CONJ of G4012 PREP righteousness G1343 N-GSF , and G2532 CONJ of G4012 PREP judgment G2920 N-GSF :
9 Of G4012 PREP sin G266 N-GSF , because G3754 CONJ they believe G4100 V-PAI-3P not G3756 PRT-N on G1519 PREP me G1691 P-1AS ;
10 Of G4012 PREP righteousness G1343 N-GSF , because G3754 CONJ I go G5217 V-PAI-1S to G4314 PREP my G3588 T-ASM Father G3962 N-ASM , and G2532 CONJ ye see G2334 V-PAI-2P me G3165 P-1AS no G3756 more G2089 ;
11 Of G4012 PREP judgment G2920 N-GSF , because G3754 CONJ the G3588 T-NSM prince G758 N-NSM of G3588 T-GSM this G3588 T-GSM world G2889 N-GSM is judged G2919 V-RPI-3S .
12 I have G2192 V-PAI-1S yet G2089 ADV many things G4183 A-APN to say G3004 V-PAN unto you G5213 P-2DP , but G235 CONJ ye cannot G1410 V-PNI-2P bear G941 V-PAN them now G737 ADV .
13 Howbeit G1161 CONJ when G3752 CONJ he G1565 D-NSM , the G3588 T-NSN Spirit G4151 N-NSN of truth G225 N-GSF , is come G2064 V-2AAS-3S , he will guide G3594 V-FAI-3S you G5209 P-2AP into G1519 PREP all G3956 A-ASF truth G225 N-ASF : for G1063 CONJ he shall not G3756 PRT-N speak G2980 V-FAI-3S of G575 PREP himself G1438 F-3GSM ; but G235 CONJ whatsoever G3745 K-APN he shall hear G191 V-AAS-3S , that shall he speak G2980 V-FAI-3S : and G2532 CONJ he will show G312 V-FAI-3S you G3588 T-APN things to come G2064 V-PNP-APN .
14 He G1565 D-NSM shall glorify G1392 V-FAI-3S me G1691 P-1AS : for G3754 CONJ he shall receive G2983 V-FDI-3S of G1537 PREP mine G1699 , and G2532 CONJ shall show G312 V-FAI-3S it unto you G5213 P-2DP .
15 All things G3956 A-NPN that G3745 K-APN the G3588 T-NSM Father G3962 N-NSM hath G2192 V-PAI-3S are G2076 V-PXI-3S mine G1699 S-1NPN : therefore G1223 PREP said G2036 V-2AAI-1S I , that G3754 CONJ he shall take G2983 V-PAI-3S of G1537 PREP mine G1699 S-1NPN , and G2532 CONJ shall show G312 V-FAI-3S it unto you G5213 P-2DP .
16 A little while G3397 A-ASN , and G2532 CONJ ye shall not G3756 PRT-N see G2334 V-PAI-2P me G3165 P-1AS : and G2532 CONJ again G3825 ADV , a little while G3397 A-ASN , and G2532 CONJ ye shall see G3700 V-FDI-2P me G3165 P-1AS , because G3754 CONJ I G1473 go G5217 V-PAI-1S to G4314 PREP the G3588 T-ASM Father G3962 N-ASM .
17 Then G3767 CONJ said G2036 V-2AAI-3P some of G1537 PREP his G3588 T-GPM disciples G3101 N-GPM among G4314 PREP themselves G240 C-APM , What G5101 I-NSN is G2076 V-PXI-3S this G5124 D-NSN that G3739 R-ASN he saith G3004 V-PAI-3S unto us G2254 P-1DP , A little while G3397 A-ASN , and G2532 CONJ ye shall not G3756 PRT-N see G2334 V-PAI-2P me G3165 P-1AS : and G2532 CONJ again G3825 ADV , a little while G3397 A-ASN , and G2532 CONJ ye shall see G3700 V-FDI-2P me G3165 P-1AS : and G2532 CONJ , Because G3754 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS go G5217 V-PAI-1S to G4314 PREP the G3588 T-ASM Father G3962 N-ASM ?
18 They said G3004 V-IAI-3P therefore G3767 CONJ , What G5101 I-NSN is G2076 V-PXI-3S this G5124 D-NSN that G3739 R-ASN he saith G3004 V-PAI-3S , A little while G3397 A-ASN ? we cannot tell G1492 V-RAI-1P what G5101 I-ASN he saith G2980 V-PAI-3S .
19 Now G3767 CONJ Jesus G2424 N-NSM knew G1097 V-2AAI-3S that G3754 CONJ they were desirous G2309 V-IAI-3P to ask G2065 V-PAN him G846 P-ASM , and G2532 CONJ said G2036 V-2AAI-3S unto them G846 P-DPM , Do ye inquire G2212 V-PAI-2P among G3326 PREP yourselves G240 C-GPM of G4012 PREP that G3754 CONJ I said G2036 V-2AAI-1S , A little while G3397 A-ASN , and G2532 CONJ ye shall not G3756 PRT-N see G2334 V-PAI-2P me G3165 P-1AS : and G2532 CONJ again G3825 ADV , a little while G3397 A-ASN , and G2532 CONJ ye shall see G3700 V-FDI-2P me G3165 P-1AS ?
20 Verily G281 HEB , verily G281 HEB , I say G3004 V-PAI-1S unto you G5213 P-2DP , That G3754 CONJ ye G5210 P-2NP shall weep G2799 V-FAI-2P and G2532 CONJ lament G2354 V-FAI-2P , but G1161 CONJ the G3588 T-NSM world G2889 N-NSM shall rejoice G5463 V-2FOI-3S : and G1161 CONJ ye G5210 P-2NP shall be sorrowful G3076 V-FPI-2P , but G235 CONJ your G3588 T-NSF sorrow G3077 N-NSF shall be turned G1096 V-FDI-3S into G1519 PREP joy G5479 N-ASF .
21 A woman G1135 N-NSF when G3752 CONJ she is in travail G5088 V-PAS-3S hath G2192 V-PAI-3S sorrow G3077 N-ASF , because G3754 CONJ her G3588 T-NSF hour G5610 N-NSF is come G2064 V-2AAI-3S : but G1161 CONJ as soon as G3752 CONJ she is delivered G1080 V-AAS-3S of G3588 T-ASN the G3588 T-ASN child G3813 N-ASN , she remembereth G3421 V-PAI-3S no G3756 more G2089 the G3588 T-GSF anguish G2347 N-GSF , for G3588 T-ASF joy G5479 N-ASF that G3754 CONJ a man G444 N-NSM is born G1080 V-API-3S into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-ASM world G2889 N-ASM .
22 And G2532 CONJ ye G5210 P-2NP now G3568 ADV therefore G3767 CONJ have G2192 V-PAI-2P sorrow G3077 N-ASF : but G1161 CONJ I will see G3700 V-FDI-1S you G5209 P-2AP again G3825 ADV , and G2532 CONJ your G3588 T-NSF heart G2588 N-NSF shall rejoice G5463 V-2FOI-3S , and G2532 CONJ your G3588 T-ASF joy G5479 N-ASF no man G3762 A-NSM taketh G142 V-PAI-3S from G575 PREP you G5216 P-2GP .
23 And G2532 CONJ in G1722 PREP that G3588 T-DSF day G2250 N-DSF ye shall G3756 PRT-N ask G2065 V-FAI-2P me G1691 P-1AS nothing G3762 A-ASN . Verily G281 HEB , verily G281 HEB , I say G3004 V-PAI-1S unto you G5213 P-2DP , Whatsoever G3745 K-APN ye shall ask G154 V-AAS-2P the G3588 T-ASM Father G3962 N-ASM in G1722 PREP my G3588 T-DSN name G3686 N-DSN , he will give G1325 V-FAI-3S it you G5213 P-2DP .
24 Hitherto G2193 CONJ have ye G3756 PRT-N asked G154 V-AAI-2P nothing G3762 A-ASN in G1722 PREP my G3588 T-DSN name G3686 N-DSN : ask G154 V-PAM-2P , and G2532 CONJ ye shall receive G2983 V-FDI-2P , that G2443 CONJ your G3588 T-NSF joy G5479 N-NSF may be G5600 V-PXS-3S full G4137 V-RPP-NSF .
25 These things G5023 D-APN have I spoken G2980 V-RAI-1S unto you G5213 P-2DP in G1722 PREP proverbs G3942 N-DPF : but G235 CONJ the time G5610 N-NSF cometh G2064 V-PNI-3S , when G3753 ADV I shall no G3756 more G2089 speak G2980 V-FAI-1S unto you G5213 P-2DP in G1722 PREP proverbs G3942 N-DPF , but G235 CONJ I shall show G312 V-FAI-1S you G5213 P-2DP plainly G3954 N-DSF of G4012 PREP the G3588 T-GSM Father G3962 N-GSM .
26 At G1722 PREP that G3588 T-DSF day G2250 N-DSF ye shall ask G154 V-FMI-2P in G1722 PREP my G3588 T-DSN name G3686 N-DSN : and G2532 CONJ I say G3004 V-PAI-1S not G3756 PRT-N unto you G5213 P-2DP , that G3754 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS will pray G2065 V-FAI-1S the G3588 T-ASM Father G3962 N-ASM for G4012 PREP you G5216 P-2GP :
27 For G1063 CONJ the G3588 T-NSM Father G3962 N-NSM himself G846 P-NSM loveth G5368 V-PAI-3S you G5209 P-2AP , because G3754 CONJ ye G5210 P-2NP have loved G5368 V-RAI-2P me G1691 P-1AS , and G2532 CONJ have believed G4100 V-RAI-2P that G3754 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS came out G1831 V-2AAI-1S from G3844 PREP God G2316 N-GSM .
28 I came forth G1831 V-2AAI-1S from G3844 PREP the G3588 T-GSM Father G3962 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ am come G2064 V-2RAI-1S into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-ASM world G2889 N-ASM : again G3825 ADV , I leave G863 V-PAI-1S the G3588 T-ASM world G2889 N-ASM , and G2532 CONJ go G4198 V-PNI-1S to G4314 PREP the G3588 T-ASM Father G3962 N-ASM .
29 His G3588 T-NPM disciples G3101 N-NPM said G3004 V-PAI-3P unto him G846 P-GSM , Lo G2396 , now G3568 ADV speakest G2980 V-PAI-2S thou plainly G3954 N-DSF , and G2532 CONJ speakest G3004 V-PAI-2S no G3762 A-ASF proverb G3942 N-ASF .
30 Now G3568 ADV are we sure G1492 V-RAI-1P that G3754 CONJ thou knowest G1492 V-RAI-2S all things G3956 A-APN , and G2532 CONJ needest G5532 N-ASF not G3756 PRT-N that G2443 CONJ any man G5100 X-NSM should ask G2065 V-PAS-3S thee G4571 P-2AS : by G1722 PREP this G5129 D-DSN we believe G4100 V-PAI-1P that G3754 CONJ thou camest forth G1831 V-2AAI-2S from G575 PREP God G2316 N-GSM .
31 Jesus G2424 N-NSM answered G611 V-ADI-3S them G846 P-DPM , Do ye now G737 ADV believe G4100 V-PAI-2P ?
32 Behold G2400 V-2AAM-2S , the hour G5610 N-NSF cometh G2064 V-PNI-3S , yea G2532 CONJ , is now G3568 ADV come G2064 V-2RAI-3S , that G2443 CONJ ye shall be scattered G4650 V-APS-2P , every man G1538 A-NSM to G1519 PREP his own G2398 A-APN , and G2532 CONJ shall leave G863 V-2AAS-2P me G1691 P-1AS alone G3441 A-ASM : and G2532 CONJ yet I am G1510 V-PXI-1S not G3756 PRT-N alone G3441 A-NSM , because G3754 CONJ the G3588 T-NSM Father G3962 N-NSM is G2076 V-PXI-3S with G3326 PREP me G1700 P-1GS .
33 These things G5023 D-APN I have spoken G2980 V-RAI-1S unto you G5213 P-2DP , that G2443 CONJ in G1722 PREP me G1698 P-1DS ye might have G2192 V-PAS-2P peace G1515 N-ASF . In G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSM world G2889 N-DSM ye shall have G2192 V-PAI-2P tribulation G2347 N-ASF : but G235 CONJ be of good cheer G2293 V-PAM-2P ; I G1473 P-1NS have overcome G3528 V-RAI-1S the G3588 T-ASM world G2889 N-ASM .
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