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Genesis 38:1 (NIRV) New International Reader's Version

1 At that time, Judah left his brothers. He went down to stay with a man named Hirah. Hirah was from the town of Adullam.
2 There Judah met the daughter of a man from Canaan. His name was Shua. Judah married her and made love to her.
3 She became pregnant. She had a son. They named him Er.
4 She became pregnant again and had another son. She named him Onan.
5 She had still another son. She named him Shelah. He was born at Kezib.
6 Judah got a wife for his oldest son Er. Her name was Tamar.
7 But Judah's oldest son Er was evil in the Lord's eyes. So the Lord put him to death.
8 Then Judah said to Onan, "Make love to your brother's wife. After all, you are her brother-in-law. So carry out your duty to her. Produce children for your brother."
9 But Onan knew that the children wouldn't belong to him. So every time he made love to his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground. He did it so he wouldn't produce children for his brother.
10 What he did was evil in the Lord's eyes. So the Lord put him to death also.
11 Then Judah spoke to his daughter-in-law Tamar. He said, "Live as a widow in your father's home. Wait there until my son Shelah grows up." Judah was thinking, "Shelah might die too, just like his brothers." So Tamar went to live in her father's home.
12 After a long time Judah's wife died. She was the daughter of Shua. When Judah got over his sadness, he went up to Timnah. His friend Hirah from Adullam went with him. Men were clipping the wool from Judah's sheep at Timnah.
13 Tamar was told, "Your father-in-law is on his way to Timnah to clip the wool from his sheep."
14 So she took off her widow's clothes. She covered her face with a veil so people wouldn't know who she was. Then she sat down at the entrance to Enaim. Enaim is on the road to Timnah. Tamar knew that Shelah had grown up. But she hadn't been given to him as his wife.
15 Judah saw her. He thought she was a prostitute because she had covered her face with a veil.
16 He didn't realize that she was his daughter-in-law. He went over to her by the side of the road. He said, "Come. Let me make love to you." "What will you give me to make love to you?" she asked.
17 "I'll send you a young goat from my flock," he said. "Will you give me something that belongs to you?" she asked. "I'll keep it until you send the goat."
18 He said, "What should I give you?" "Give me your seal and its string," she answered. "And give me your walking stick." So he gave them to her. Then he had sex with her. And she became pregnant by him.
19 After she left, she took off her veil. She put on her widow's clothes again.
20 Judah sent his friend Hirah with the young goat he had promised. He wanted to get back what he had given to the woman. But his friend Hirah couldn't find her.
21 He asked the men who lived at Enaim, "Where's the temple prostitute? She used to sit beside the road here." "There hasn't been any temple prostitute here," they said.
22 So Hirah went back to Judah. He said, "I couldn't find her. Besides, the men who lived there didn't know anything about her. They said, 'There hasn't been any temple prostitute here.' "
23 Then Judah said, "Let her keep what she has. I don't want people making fun of us. After all, I did send her this young goat. We can't help it if you couldn't find her."
24 About three months later people brought word to Judah. They said, "Your daughter-in-law Tamar is guilty of being a prostitute. Now she's pregnant." Judah said, "Bring her out! Have her burned to death!"
25 As Tamar was being brought out, she sent a message to her father-in-law. She said, "I am pregnant by the man who owns these." She continued, "Do you recognize this seal and string and walking stick? Do you know who they belong to?"
26 Judah recognized them. He said, "She's a better person than I am. I should have given her to my son Shelah, but I didn't." Judah never had sex with Tamar again.
27 The time came for Tamar to have her baby. There were twin boys inside her.
28 As the babies were being born, one of them stuck out his hand. So the woman who was helping Tamar took a bright red thread. The woman tied it on the baby's wrist. She said, "This one came out first."
29 But he pulled his hand back, and his brother came out first instead. She said, "Just look at how you have broken out!" So he was called Perez.
30 Then his brother, who had the red thread on his wrist, came out. So he was named Zerah.
1 And it came to pass H1961 W-VPY3MS at that H1931 D-PPRO-3FS time H6256 , that Judah H3063 went down H3381 W-VQY3MS from his brethren H251 NMP-3MS , and turned in H5186 W-VQY3MS to H5704 PREP a certain H376 NMS Adullamite H5726 , whose name H8034 was Hirah H2437 .
2 And Judah H3063 saw H7200 W-VIY3MS there H8033 ADV a daughter H1323 CFS of a certain H376 NMS Canaanite H3669 , whose name H8034 was Shuah H7770 ; and he took H3947 W-VQY3MS her , and went in H935 W-VQY3MS unto H413 her .
3 And she conceived H2029 W-VQY3FS , and bore H3205 W-VQY3FS a son H1121 NMS ; and he called H7121 W-VQY3MS his name H8034 CMS-3MS Er H6147 .
4 And she conceived H2029 W-VQY3FS again H5750 ADV , and bore H3205 W-VQY3FS a son H1121 NMS ; and she called H7121 W-VQY2MS his name H8034 CMS-3MS Onan H209 .
5 And she yet again H5750 ADV conceived H3254 W-VQY3FS , and bore H3205 W-VQY3FS a son H1121 NMS ; and called H7121 W-VQY2MS his name H8034 CMS-3MS Shelah H7956 : and he was H1961 W-VQQ3MS at Chezib H3580 , when she bore H3205 him .
6 And Judah H3063 took H3947 W-VQY3MS a wife H802 NFS for Er H6147 his firstborn H1060 , whose name H8034 was Tamar H8559 .
7 And Er H6147 , Judah H3063 \'s firstborn H1060 CMS , was H1961 W-VQY3MS wicked H7451 AMS in the sight H5869 B-CMP of the LORD H3068 EDS ; and the LORD H3068 NAME-4MS slew H4191 him .
8 And Judah H3063 said H559 W-VQY3MS unto Onan H209 , Go in H935 unto H413 PREP thy brother H251 CMS-2MS \'s wife H802 CFS , and marry H2992 her , and raise up H6965 seed H2233 NMS to thy brother H251 CMS-2MS .
9 And Onan H209 knew H3045 W-VQY3MS that H3588 CONJ the seed H2233 should not H3808 NPAR be H1961 W-VQQ3MS his ; and it came to pass H1961 W-VQQ3MS , when H518 PART he went in H935 VQPMS unto H413 PREP his brother H251 CMS-3MS \'s wife H802 CFS , that he spilled H7843 it on the ground H776 NFS-3FS , lest H1115 L-NPAR that he should give H5414 seed H2233 NMS to his brother H251 .
10 And the thing which H834 RPRO he did H6213 VQQ3MS displeased H7489 W-VQY3MS the LORD H3068 EDS : wherefore he slew H4191 him also H1571 CONJ .
11 Then said H559 W-VQY3MS Judah H3063 to Tamar H8559 his daughter H3618 CFS-3MS - in - law , Remain H3427 a widow H490 NFS at thy father H1 \'s house H1004 CMS , till H5704 PREP Shelah H7956 my son H1121 be grown H1431 : for H3588 CONJ he said H559 W-VQY3MS , Lest peradventure H6435 CONJ he H1931 PPRO-3MS die H4191 VQY3MS also H1571 CONJ , as his brethren H251 did . And Tamar H8559 went H1980 W-VQQ3FS and dwelt H3427 in her father H1 \'s house H1004 CMS .
12 And in process of time H7235 W-VQY3MP the daughter H1323 CFS of Shuah H7770 Judah H3063 \'s wife H802 CFS died H4191 ; and Judah H3063 was comforted H5162 W-VNY3MS , and went up H5927 W-VHY3MS unto H5921 PREP his sheepshearers H1494 to Timnath H8553 , he H1931 PPRO-3MS and his friend H7453 NMS-3MS Hirah H2437 the Adullamite H5726 .
13 And it was told H5046 Tamar H8559 , saying H559 L-VQFC , Behold H2009 IJEC thy father H2524 - in - law goeth up H5927 to Timnath H8553 to shear H1494 his sheep H6629 .
14 And she put H5493 her widow H491 \'s garments H899 off from PREP her , and covered H3680 her with a veil H6809 , and wrapped herself H5968 , and sat H3427 in an open H5879 place H6607 , which H834 RPRO is by H5921 PREP the way H1870 NMS to Timnath H8553 ; for H3588 CONJ she saw H7200 VQQ3FS that H3588 CONJ Shelah H7956 was grown H1431 VQQ3MS , and she H1931 was not H3808 ADV given H5414 VNQ3FS unto him to wife H802 .
15 When Judah H3063 saw H7200 her , he thought H2803 her to be a harlot H2181 ; because H3588 CONJ she had covered H3680 her face H6440 .
16 And he turned H5186 W-VQY3MS unto H413 PREP her by H413 PREP the way H1870 D-NMS , and said H559 W-VQY3MS , Go to H3051 , I pray thee H4994 IJEC , let me come in H935 VQI1MS unto H413 PREP thee H3588 CONJ ; ( CONJ for CONJ he knew H3045 VQQ3MS not H3808 NADV that H3588 CONJ she H1931 PPRO-3FS was his daughter H3618 - in - law . ) And she said H559 W-VQY3MS , What H4100 IPRO wilt thou give H5414 VQY2MS me , that H3588 CONJ thou mayest come in H935 VQY3FS unto H413 PREP me ?
17 And he said H559 W-VQY3MS , I H595 PPRO-1MS will send H7971 thee a kid H1423 from H4480 PREP the flock H6629 . And she said H559 W-VQY3MS , Wilt thou give H5414 VQY2MS me a pledge H6162 , till H5704 PREP thou send H7971 it ?
18 And he said H559 W-VQY3MS , What H4100 IGAT pledge H6162 shall I give H5414 thee ? And she said H559 W-VQY3MS , Thy signet H2368 , and thy bracelets H6616 , and thy staff H4294 that H834 RPRO is in thine hand H3027 B-CFS-2MS . And he gave H5414 W-VQY3MS it her , and came in H935 W-VQY3MS unto H413 PREP-3FS her , and she conceived H2029 W-VQY3FS by him .
19 And she arose H6965 , and went away H1980 W-VQQ3FS , and laid by H5493 her veil H6809 from her , and put on H3847 the garments H899 of her widowhood H491 .
20 And Judah H3063 sent H7971 W-VQY3MS the kid H1423 by the hand H3027 B-CFS of his friend H7453 NMS-3MS the Adullamite H5726 , to receive H3947 L-VQFC his pledge H6162 from the woman H802 D-NFS \'s hand H3027 M-GFS : but he found H4672 her not H3808 W-NPAR .
21 Then he asked H7592 W-VQY3MS the men H376 of that place H4725 , saying H559 L-VQFC , Where H346 IGAT is the harlot H6948 , that H1931 PPRO-3FS was openly H5879 by H5921 PREP the way side H1870 D-NMS ? And they said H559 W-VQY3MP , There was H1961 VQQ3FS no H3808 NADV harlot H6948 in this H2088 place .
22 And he returned H7725 to H413 PREP Judah H3063 , and said H559 W-VQY3MS , I cannot H3808 NADV find H4672 her ; and also H1571 W-CONJ the men H376 CMP of the place H4725 D-NMS said H559 W-VQY3MS , that there was H1961 VQQ3FS no H3808 NADV harlot H6948 in this H2088 place .
23 And Judah H3063 said H559 W-VQY3MS , Let her take H3947 it to her , lest H6435 CONJ we be H1961 shamed H937 : behold H2009 IJEC , I sent H7971 this H2088 D-PMS kid H1423 , and thou H859 W-PPRO-2MS hast not H3808 NADV found H4672 her .
24 And it came to pass H1961 W-VQY3MS about three H7969 months H2320 after , that it was told H5046 Judah H3063 , saying H559 W-VQY3MS , Tamar H8559 thy daughter H3618 - in - law hath played the harlot H2181 ; and also H1571 W-CONJ , behold H2009 IJEC , she is with child H2030 by whoredom H2183 . And Judah H3063 said H559 W-VQY3MS , Bring her forth H3318 , and let her be burnt H8313 .
25 When she H1931 PPRO-3FS was brought forth H3318 , she H1931 sent H7971 to H413 PREP her father H2524 - in - law , saying H559 L-VQFC , By the man H376 , whose H834 RPRO these H428 PMP are , am I H595 PPRO-1MS with child H2030 : and she said H559 W-VQY3FS , Discern H5234 , I pray thee H4994 IJEC , whose H4310 L-IPRO are these H428 , the signet H2858 , and bracelets H6616 , and staff H4294 .
26 And Judah H3063 acknowledged H5234 them , and said H559 W-VQY3MS , She hath been more righteous H6663 than H4480 M-PREP-1MS I ; because H3588 CONJ that PREP I gave H5414 her not H3808 NADV to Shelah H7956 my son H1121 . And he knew H3045 her again H3254 no H3808 ADV more H5750 ADV .
27 And it came to pass H1961 W-VQY3MS in the time H6256 of her travail H3205 , that , behold H2009 IJEC , twins H8380 were in her womb H990 .
28 And it came to pass H1961 W-VQY3MS , when she travailed H3205 , that the one put out H5414 W-VQY3MS his hand H3027 NFS : and the midwife H3205 took H3947 W-VQY3FS and bound H7194 upon H5921 PREP his hand H3027 CFS-3MS a scarlet thread H8144 , saying H559 L-VQFC , This H2088 DPRO came out H3318 VQQ3MS first H7223 .
29 And it came to pass H1961 W-VQY3MS , as he drew back H7725 his hand H3027 CFS-3MS , that , behold H2009 IJEC , his brother H251 CMS-3MS came out H3318 VQQ3MS : and she said H559 W-VQY3FS , How H4100 IPRO hast thou broken forth H6555 ? this breach H6556 be upon H5921 PREP-2MS thee : therefore his name H8034 CMS-3MS was called H7121 W-VQY3MS Pharez H6557 .
30 And afterward H310 W-ADV came out H3318 VQQ3MS his brother H251 CMS-3MS , that H834 RPRO had the scarlet thread H8144 upon H5921 PREP his hand H3027 CFS-3MS : and his name H8034 CMS-3MS was called H7121 W-VQY3MS Zarah H2226 .
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