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1 Corinthians 1:1 (AMP) Amplified Bibles

1 PAUL, SUMMONED by the will and purpose of God to be an apostle (special messenger) of Christ Jesus, and our brother Sosthenes,
2 To the church (assembly) of God which is in Corinth, to those consecrated and purified and made holy in Christ Jesus, who are selected and called to be saints (God's people), together with all those who in any place call upon and give honor to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours:
3 Grace (favor and spiritual blessing) be to you and heart peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
4 I thank my God at all times for you because of the grace (the favor and spiritual blessing) of God which was bestowed on you in Christ Jesus,
5 So that in Him in every respect you were enriched, in full power and readiness of speech to speak of your faith and complete knowledge and illumination to give you full insight into its meaning.
6 In this way our witnessing concerning Christ (the Messiah) was so confirmed and established and made sure in you
7 That you are not consciously falling behind or lacking in any special spiritual endowment or Christian grace the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating in your souls by the Holy Spirit, while you wait and watch constantly living in hope for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and His being made visible to all.
8 And He will establish you to the end keep you steadfast, give you strength, and guarantee your vindication; He will be your warrant against all accusation or indictment so that you will be guiltless and irreproachable in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).
9 God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
10 But I urge and entreat you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in perfect harmony and full agreement in what you say, and that there be no dissensions or factions or divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in your common understanding and in your opinions and judgments.
11 For it has been made clear to me, my brethren, by those of Chloe's household, that there are contentions and wrangling and factions among you.
12 What I mean is this, that each one of you either says, I belong to Paul, or I belong to Apollos, or I belong to Cephas (Peter), or I belong to Christ.
13 Is Christ (the Messiah) divided into parts? Was Paul crucified on behalf of you? Or were you baptized into the name of Paul?
14 I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius,
15 Lest anyone should say that I baptized in my own name.
16 Yes I did baptize the household of Stephanas also. More than these, I do not remember that I baptized anyone.
17 For Christ (the Messiah) sent me out not to baptize but to evangelize by preaching the glad tidings (the Gospel), and that not with verbal eloquence, lest the cross of Christ should be deprived of force and emptied of its power and rendered vain (fruitless, void of value, and of no effect).
18 For the story and message of the cross is sheer absurdity and folly to those who are perishing and on their way to perdition, but to us who are being saved it is the manifestation of the power of God.
19 For it is written, I will baffle and render useless and destroy the learning of the learned and the philosophy of the philosophers and the cleverness of the clever and the discernment of the discerning; I will frustrate and nullify them and bring them to nothing. Isa. 29:14.
20 Where is the wise man (the philosopher)? Where is the scribe (the scholar)? Where is the investigator (the logician, the debater) of this present time and age? Has not God shown up the nonsense and the folly of this world's wisdom?
21 For when the world with all its earthly wisdom failed to perceive and recognize and know God by means of its own philosophy, God in His wisdom was pleased through the foolishness of preaching salvation, procured by Christ and to be had through Him, to save those who believed (who clung to and trusted in and relied on Him).
22 For while Jews demandingly ask for signs and miracles and Greeks pursue philosophy and wisdom,
23 We preach Christ (the Messiah) crucified, preaching which to the Jews is a scandal and an offensive stumbling block that springs a snare or trap, and to the Gentiles it is absurd and utterly unphilosophical nonsense.
24 But to those who are called, whether Jew or Greek (Gentile), Christ is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God.
25 This is because the foolish thing that has its source in God is wiser than men, and the weak thing that springs from God is stronger than men.
26 For simply consider your own call, brethren; not many of you were considered to be wise according to human estimates and standards, not many influential and powerful, not many of high and noble birth.
27 No for God selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is foolish to put the wise to shame, and what the world calls weak to put the strong to shame.
28 And God also selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is lowborn and insignificant and branded and treated with contempt, even the things that are nothing, that He might depose and bring to nothing the things that are,
29 So that no mortal man should have pretense for glorying and boast in the presence of God.
30 But it is from Him that you have your life in Christ Jesus, Whom God made our Wisdom from God, revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as our Righteousness thus making us upright and putting us in right standing with God, and our Consecration making us pure and holy, and our Redemption providing our ransom from eternal penalty for sin.
31 So then, as it is written, Let him who boasts and proudly rejoices and glories, boast and proudly rejoice and glory in the Lord. Jer. 9:24.
1 Paul G3972 N-NSM called G2822 A-NSM to be an apostle G652 N-NSM of Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM through G1223 PREP the will G2307 N-GSN of God G2316 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ Sosthenes G4988 N-NSM our brother G80 N-NSM ,
2 Unto the G3588 T-DSF church G1577 N-DSF of G3588 T-DSF God G2316 N-GSM which is G5607 V-PXP-DSF at G1722 PREP Corinth G2882 N-DSF , to them that are sanctified G37 V-RPP-DPM in G1722 PREP Christ G5547 N-DSM Jesus G2424 N-DSM , called G2822 A-DPM to be saints G40 A-DPM , with G4862 PREP all G3956 A-DPM that in G1722 PREP every G3956 A-DSM place G5117 N-DSM call upon G1941 V-PMP-DPM the G3588 T-ASN name G3686 N-ASN of Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM our G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM , both G5037 PRT theirs G848 and G2532 CONJ ours G2257 P-1GP :
3 Grace G5485 N-NSF be unto you G5213 P-2DP , and G2532 CONJ peace G1515 N-NSF , from G575 PREP God G2316 N-GSM our G2257 P-1GP Father G3962 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ from the Lord G2962 N-GSM Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM .
4 I thank G2168 V-PAI-1S my G3588 T-DSM God G2316 N-DSM always G3842 ADV on your behalf G4012 PREP , for G1909 PREP the G3588 T-DSF grace G5485 N-DSF of G3588 T-DSF God G2316 N-GSM which is given G1325 V-APP-DSF you G5213 P-2DP by G1722 PREP Jesus G2424 N-DSM Christ G5547 N-DSM ;
5 That G3754 CONJ in G1722 PREP every thing G3956 A-DSN ye are enriched G4148 V-API-2P by G1722 PREP him G846 P-DSM , in G1722 PREP all G3956 A-DSM utterance G3056 N-DSM , and G2532 CONJ in all G3956 A-DSF knowledge G1108 N-DSF ;
6 Even as G2531 ADV the G3588 T-NSN testimony G3142 N-NSN of Christ G5547 N-GSM was confirmed G950 V-API-3S in G1722 PREP you G5213 P-2DP :
7 So that G5620 CONJ ye G5209 P-2AP come behind G5302 V-PPN in G1722 PREP no G3367 A-DSN gift G5486 N-DSN ; waiting for G553 V-PNP-APM the G3588 T-ASF coming G602 N-ASF of G3588 T-GSM our G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM :
8 Who G3739 R-NSM shall also G2532 CONJ confirm G950 V-FAI-3S you G5209 P-2AP unto G2193 CONJ the end G5056 N-GSN , that ye may be blameless G410 A-APM in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSF day G2250 N-DSF of G3588 T-GSM our G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM .
9 God G2316 N-NSM is faithful G4103 A-NSM , by G1223 PREP whom G3739 R-GSM ye were called G2564 V-API-2P unto G1519 PREP the fellowship G2842 N-ASF of G3588 T-GSM his G3588 T-GSM Son G5207 N-GSM Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM our G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM .
10 Now G1161 CONJ I beseech G3870 V-PAI-1S you G5209 P-2AP , brethren G80 N-VPM , by G1223 PREP the G3588 T-GSN name G3686 N-GSN of G3588 T-GSM our G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM , that G2443 CONJ ye all G3956 A-NPM speak G3004 V-PAS-2P the G3588 T-ASN same thing G846 P-ASN , and G2532 CONJ that there be G5600 V-PXS-3S no G3361 PRT-N divisions G4978 N-NPN among G1722 PREP you G5213 P-2DP ; but G1161 CONJ that ye be G5600 V-PXS-2P perfectly joined together G2675 V-RPP-NPM in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSM same G846 P-DSM mind G3563 N-DSM and G2532 CONJ in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSF same G846 P-DSF judgment G1106 N-DSF .
11 For G1063 CONJ it hath been declared G1213 V-API-3S unto me G3427 P-1DS of G4012 PREP you G5216 P-2GP , my G3450 P-1GS brethren G80 N-VPM , by G5259 PREP them G3588 T-GPM which G3588 T-GPM are of G3588 T-GPM the G3588 T-GPM house of Chloe G5514 N-GSF , that G3754 CONJ there are G1526 V-PXI-3P contentions G2054 N-NPF among G1722 PREP you G5213 P-2DP .
12 Now G1161 CONJ this G5124 D-ASN I say G3004 V-PAI-1S , that G3754 CONJ every one G1538 A-NSM of you G5216 P-2GP saith G3004 V-PAI-3S , I G1473 P-1NS am G1510 V-PXI-1S of Paul G3972 N-GSM ; and G1161 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS of Apollos G625 N-GSM ; and G1161 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS of Cephas G2786 N-GSM ; and G1161 CONJ I G1473 P-1NS of Christ G5547 N-GSM .
13 Is Christ G5547 N-NSM divided G3307 V-RPI-3S ? was G3361 PRT-N Paul G3972 N-NSM crucified G4717 V-API-3S for G5228 PREP you G5216 P-2GP ? or G2228 PRT were ye baptized G907 V-API-2P in G1519 PREP the G3588 T-ASN name G3686 N-ASN of Paul G3972 N-GSM ?
14 I G3588 T-DSM thank G2168 V-PAI-1S God G2316 N-DSM that G3754 CONJ I baptized G907 V-AAI-1S none G3762 A-ASM of you G5216 P-2GP , but G1508 Crispus G2921 N-ASM and G2532 CONJ Gaius G1050 N-ASM ;
15 Lest G3363 any G5100 X-NSM should say G2036 V-2AAS-3S that G3754 CONJ I had baptized G907 V-AAI-1S in G1519 PREP mine own G1699 S-1ASN name G3686 N-ASN .
16 And G1161 CONJ I baptized G907 V-AAI-1S also G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-ASM household G3624 N-ASM of Stephanas G4734 N-GSM : besides G3063 A-ASN , I know G1492 V-RAI-1S not G3756 PRT-N whether I baptized any G1536 other G243 A-ASM .
17 For G1063 CONJ Christ G5547 N-NSM sent G649 V-AAI-3S me G3165 P-1AS not G3756 PRT-N to baptize G907 V-PAN , but G235 CONJ to preach the gospel G2097 V-PMN : not G3756 PRT-N with G1722 PREP wisdom G4678 N-DSF of words G3056 N-GSM , lest G3363 the G3588 T-NSM cross G4716 N-NSM of Christ G5547 N-GSM should be made of none effect G2758 V-APS-3S .
18 For G1063 CONJ the G3588 T-NSM preaching G3056 N-NSM of G3588 T-NSM the G3588 T-GSM cross G4716 N-GSM is G2076 V-PXI-3S to them that perish G622 V-PEP-DPM foolishness G3472 N-NSF ; but G1161 CONJ unto us G2254 P-1DP which G3588 T-DPM are saved G4982 V-PPP-DPM it is G2076 V-PXI-3S the power G1411 N-NSF of God G2316 N-GSM .
19 For G1063 CONJ it is written G1125 V-RPI-3S , I will destroy G622 V-FAI-1S the G3588 T-ASF wisdom G4678 N-ASF of G3588 T-GPM the G3588 T-GPM wise G4680 A-GPM , and G2532 CONJ will bring to nothing G114 V-FAI-1S the G3588 T-ASF understanding G4907 N-ASF of G3588 T-GPM the G3588 T-GPM prudent G4908 A-GPM .
20 Where G4226 PRT-I is the wise G4680 A-NSM ? where G4226 PRT-I is the scribe G1122 N-NSM ? where G4226 PRT-I is the disputer G4804 N-NSM of G3588 T-GSM this G3588 T-GSM world G165 N-GSM ? hath not G3780 PRT-I God G2316 N-NSM made foolish G3471 V-AAI-3S the G3588 T-ASF wisdom G4678 N-ASF of G3588 T-GSM this G3588 T-GSM world G2889 N-GSM ?
21 For G1063 CONJ after that G1894 CONJ in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSF wisdom G4678 N-DSF of God G2316 N-GSM the G3588 T-NSM world G2889 N-NSM by G1223 PREP wisdom G4678 N-GSF knew G1097 V-2AAI-3S not G3756 PRT-N God G2316 N-ASM , it G3588 T-NSM pleased G2106 V-AAI-3S God G2316 N-NSM by G1223 PREP the G3588 T-GSF foolishness G3472 N-GSF of preaching G2782 N-GSN to save G4982 V-AAN them that believe G4100 V-PAP-APM .
22 For G1894 CONJ the G2532 CONJ Jews G2453 A-NPM require G154 V-PAI-3P a sign G4592 N-ASN , and G2532 CONJ the Greeks G1672 N-NPM seek after G2212 V-PAI-3P wisdom G4678 N-ASF :
23 But G1161 CONJ we G2249 P-1NP preach G2784 V-PAI-1P Christ G5547 N-ASM crucified G4717 V-RPP-ASM , unto the Jews G2453 A-DPM a G3303 PRT stumblingblock G4625 N-ASN , and G1161 CONJ unto the Greeks G1672 N-DPM foolishness G3472 N-ASF ;
24 But G1161 CONJ unto them G3588 T-DPM which are called G2822 A-DPM , both G5037 PRT Jews G2453 A-DPM and G2532 CONJ Greeks G1672 N-DPM , Christ G5547 N-ASM the power G1411 N-ASF of God G2316 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ the wisdom G4678 N-ASF of God G2316 N-GSM .
25 Because G3754 CONJ the G3588 T-NSN foolishness G3474 A-NSN of God G2316 N-GSM is G2076 V-PXI-3S wiser G4680 A-NSN-C than men G444 N-GPM ; and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-NSN weakness G772 A-NSN of God G2316 N-GSM is G2076 V-PXI-3S stronger G2478 A-NSN-C than men G444 N-GPM .
26 For G1063 CONJ ye see G991 V-PAI-2P your G3588 T-ASF calling G2821 N-ASF , brethren G80 N-VPM , how that G3754 CONJ not G3756 PRT-N many G4183 A-NPM wise men G4680 A-NPM after G2596 PREP the flesh G4561 N-ASF , not G3756 PRT-N many G4183 A-NPM mighty G1415 A-NPM , not G3756 PRT-N many G4183 A-NPM noble G2104 A-NPM , are called :
27 But G235 CONJ God G2316 N-NSM hath chosen G1586 V-AMI-3S the G3588 T-APN foolish things G3474 A-APN of G3588 T-GSM the G3588 T-GSM world G2889 N-GSM to G2443 CONJ confound G2617 V-PAS-3S the G3588 T-APM wise G4680 A-APM ; and G2532 CONJ God G2316 N-NSM hath chosen G1586 V-AMI-3S the G3588 T-APN weak things G772 A-APN of G3588 T-GSM the G3588 T-GSM world G2889 N-GSM to G2443 CONJ confound G2617 V-PAS-3S the things which are mighty G2478 A-APN ;
28 And G2532 CONJ base things G36 A-APN of G3588 T-GSM the G3588 T-GSM world G2889 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ things which are despised G1848 V-RPP-APN , hath God G2316 N-NSM chosen G1586 V-AMI-3S , yea , and G2532 CONJ things G3588 T-GSM which G3588 T-APN are G5607 V-PXP-APN not G3361 PRT-N , to G2443 CONJ bring to naught G2673 V-AAS-3S things that are G5607 V-PXP-APN :
29 That G3704 ADV no G3956 A-NSF flesh G4561 N-NSF should glory G2744 V-ADS-3S in his presence G1799 ADV .
30 But G1161 CONJ of G1537 PREP him G846 P-GSM are G2075 V-PXI-2P ye G5210 P-2NP in G1722 PREP Christ G5547 N-DSM Jesus G2424 N-DSM , who G3739 R-NSM of G575 PREP God G2316 N-GSM is made G1096 V-AOI-3S unto us G2254 P-1DP wisdom G4678 N-NSF , and G5037 PRT righteousness G1343 N-NSF , and G2532 CONJ sanctification G38 N-NSM , and G2532 CONJ redemption G629 N-NSF :
31 That G2443 CONJ , according as G2531 ADV it is written G1125 V-RPI-3S , He G3588 T-NSM that glorieth G2744 V-PNP-NSM , let him glory G2744 V-PNM-3S in G1722 PREP the Lord G2962 N-DSM .
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