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Titus 2:1 (AMP) Amplified Bibles

1 BUT as for you, teach what is fitting and becoming to sound (wholesome) doctrine the character and right living that identify true Christians.
2 Urge the older men to be temperate, venerable (serious), sensible, self-controlled, and sound in the faith, in the love, and in the steadfastness and patience of Christ.
3 Bid the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment as becomes those engaged in sacred service, not slanderers or slaves to drink. They are to give good counsel and be teachers of what is right and noble,
4 So that they will wisely train the young women to be sane and sober of mind (temperate, disciplined) and to love their husbands and their children,
5 To be self-controlled, chaste, homemakers, good-natured (kindhearted), adapting and subordinating themselves to their husbands, that the word of God may not be exposed to reproach (blasphemed or discredited).
6 In a similar way, urge the younger men to be self-restrained and to behave prudently taking life seriously.
7 And show your own self in all respects to be a pattern and a model of good deeds and works, teaching what is unadulterated, showing gravity having the strictest regard for truth and purity of motive, with dignity and seriousness.
8 And let your instruction be sound and fit and wise and wholesome, vigorous and irrefutable and above censure, so that the opponent may be put to shame, finding nothing discrediting or evil to say about us.
9 Tell bond servants to be submissive to their masters, to be pleasing and give satisfaction in every way. Warn them not to talk back or contradict,
10 Nor to steal by taking things of small value, but to prove themselves truly loyal and entirely reliable and faithful throughout, so that in everything they may be an ornament and do credit to the teaching which is from and about God our Savior.
11 For the grace of God (His unmerited favor and blessing) has come forward (appeared) for the deliverance from sin and the eternal salvation for all mankind.
12 It has trained us to reject and renounce all ungodliness (irreligion) and worldly (passionate) desires, to live discreet (temperate, self-controlled), upright, devout (spiritually whole) lives in this present world,
13 Awaiting and looking for the fulfillment, the realization of our blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One),
14 Who gave Himself on our behalf that He might redeem us (purchase our freedom) from all iniquity and purify for Himself a people to be peculiarly His own, people who are eager and enthusiastic about living a life that is good and filled with beneficial deeds. Deut. 14:2; Ps. 130:8; Ezek. 37:23.
15 Tell them all these things. Urge (advise, encourage, warn) and rebuke with full authority. Let no one despise or disregard or think little of you conduct yourself and your teaching so as to command respect.
1 But G1161 CONJ speak G2980 V-PAM-2S thou G4771 P-2NS the things which G3739 R-APN become G4241 V-PQI-3S sound G5198 V-PAP-DSF doctrine G1319 N-DSF :
2 That the aged men G4246 N-APM be G1511 V-PXN sober G3524 A-APM , grave G4586 A-APM , temperate G4998 A-APM , sound G5198 V-PAP-APM in faith G4102 N-DSF , in charity G26 N-DSF , in patience G5281 N-DSF .
3 The aged women G4247 N-APF likewise G5615 ADV , that they be in G1722 PREP behavior G2688 N-DSN as becometh holiness G2412 A-APF , not G3361 PRT-N false accusers G1228 A-APF , not G3361 PRT-N given G1402 V-RPP-APF to much G4183 A-DSM wine G3631 N-DSM , teachers of good things G2567 A-APF ;
4 That G2443 CONJ they may teach the young women to be sober G4994 V-PAS-3P , to G1511 V-PXN love their husbands G5362 N-APF , to love their children G5388 A-APF ,
5 To be discreet G4998 A-APF , chaste G53 A-APF , keepers at home G3626 A-APF , good G18 A-APF , obedient G5293 V-PPP-APF to their own G2398 A-DPM husbands G435 N-DPM , that G2443 CONJ the G3588 T-NSM word G3056 N-NSM of God G2316 N-GSM be not G3361 PRT-N blasphemed G987 V-PPS-3S .
6 Young men G3501 A-APM-C likewise G5615 ADV exhort G3870 V-PAM-2S to be sober minded G4993 V-PAN .
7 In G4012 PREP all things G3956 A-APN showing G3930 V-PMP-NSM thyself G4572 F-2ASM a pattern G5179 N-ASM of good G2570 A-GPN works G2041 N-GPN : in G1722 PREP doctrine G1319 N-DSF showing uncorruptness G90 N-ASF , gravity G4587 N-ASF , sincerity G861 N-ASF ,
8 Sound G5199 A-ASM speech G3056 N-ASM , that cannot be condemned G176 A-ASM ; that G2443 CONJ he G3588 T-NSM that is of G1537 PREP the contrary part G1727 A-GSF may be ashamed G1788 V-2APS-3S , having G2192 V-PAP-NSM no G3367 A-ASN evil thing G5337 A-ASN to say G3004 V-PAN of G4012 PREP you G5216 .
9 Exhort servants G1401 N-APM to be obedient G5293 V-PMN unto their own G2398 A-DPM masters G1203 N-DPM , and V-PXN to V-PXN please G1511 V-PXN them G1511 V-PXN well G2101 A-APM in G1722 PREP all G3956 A-DPN things ; not G3361 PRT-N answering again G483 V-PAP-APM ;
10 Not G3361 PRT-N purloining G3557 V-PMP-APM , but G235 CONJ showing G1731 V-PMP-APM all G3956 A-ASF good G18 A-ASF fidelity G4102 N-ASF ; that G2443 CONJ they may adorn G2885 V-PAS-3P the G3588 T-ASF doctrine G1319 N-ASF of God G2316 N-GSM our G3588 T-GSM Savior G4990 N-GSM in G1722 PREP all things G3956 A-DPN .
11 For G1063 CONJ the G3588 T-NSF grace G5485 N-NSF of G3588 T-NSF God G2316 N-GSM that bringeth salvation G4992 A-NSM hath appeared G2014 V-2API-3S to all G3956 A-DPM men G444 N-DPM ,
12 Teaching G3811 V-PAP-NSF us G2248 P-1AP that G2443 CONJ , denying G720 V-ADP-NPM ungodliness G763 N-ASF and G2532 CONJ worldly G2886 A-APF lusts G1939 N-APF , we should live G2198 V-AAS-1P soberly , righteously G1346 ADV , and G2532 CONJ godly G2153 ADV , in G1722 PREP this present G3568 ADV world G165 N-DSM ;
13 Looking for G3588 T-ASF that blessed G3107 A-ASF hope G1680 N-ASF , and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-GSF glorious G1391 N-GSF appearing G2015 N-ASF of G3588 T-GSM the G3588 T-GSM great G3173 A-GSM God G2316 N-GSM and G2532 CONJ our G2257 P-1GP Savior G4990 N-GSM Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM ;
14 Who G3739 R-NSM gave G1325 V-AAI-3S himself G1438 F-3ASM for G5228 PREP us G2257 P-1GP , that G2443 CONJ he might redeem G3084 V-AMS-3S us G2248 P-1AP from G575 PREP all G3956 A-GSF iniquity G458 N-GSF , and G2532 CONJ purify G2511 V-AAS-3S unto himself G1438 F-3DSM a peculiar G4041 A-ASM people G2992 N-ASM , zealous G2207 N-ASM of good G2570 A-GPN works G2041 N-GPN .
15 These things G5023 D-APN speak G2980 V-PAM-2S , and G2532 CONJ exhort G3870 V-PAM-2S , and G2532 CONJ rebuke G1651 V-PAM-2S with G3326 PREP all G3956 A-GSF authority G2003 N-GSF . Let no man G3367 A-NSM despise G4065 V-PAM-3S thee G4675 P-2GS .
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