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James 2:1 (AMP) Amplified Bibles

1 MY BRETHREN, pay no servile regard to people show no prejudice, no partiality. Do not attempt to hold and practice the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory together with snobbery!
2 For if a person comes into your congregation whose hands are adorned with gold rings and who is wearing splendid apparel, and also a poor man in shabby clothes comes in,
3 And you pay special attention to the one who wears the splendid clothes and say to him, Sit here in this preferable seat! while you tell the poor man, Stand there! or, Sit there on the floor at my feet!
4 Are you not discriminating among your own and becoming critics and judges with wrong motives?
5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and in their position as believers and to inherit the kingdom which He has promised to those who love Him?
6 But you in contrast have insulted (humiliated, dishonored, and shown your contempt for) the poor. Is it not the rich who domineer over you? Is it not they who drag you into the law courts?
7 Is it not they who slander and blaspheme that precious name by which you are distinguished and called the name of Christ invoked in baptism?
8 If indeed you really fulfill the royal Law in accordance with the Scripture, You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself, you do well. Lev. 19:18.
9 But if you show servile regard (prejudice, favoritism) for people, you commit sin and are rebuked and convicted by the Law as violators and offenders.
10 For whosoever keeps the Law as a whole but stumbles and offends in one single instance has become guilty of breaking all of it.
11 For He Who said, You shall not commit adultery, also said, You shall not kill. If you do not commit adultery but do kill, you have become guilty of transgressing the whole Law. Exod. 20:13, 14; Deut. 5:17, 18.
12 So speak and so act as people should who are to be judged under the law of liberty the moral instruction given by Christ, especially about love.
13 For to him who has shown no mercy the judgment will be merciless, but mercy full of glad confidence exults victoriously over judgment.
14 What is the use (profit), my brethren, for anyone to profess to have faith if he has no good works to show for it? Can such faith save his soul?
15 If a brother or sister is poorly clad and lacks food for each day,
16 And one of you says to him, Good-bye! Keep yourself warm and well fed, without giving him the necessities for the body, what good does that do?
17 So also faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead).
18 But someone will say to you then, You say you have faith, and I have good works. Now you show me your alleged faith apart from any good works if you can, and I by good works of obedience will show you my faith.
19 You believe that God is one; you do well. So do the demons believe and shudder in terror and horror such as make a man's hair stand on end and contract the surface of his skin!
20 Are you willing to be shown proof, you foolish (unproductive, spiritually deficient) fellow, that faith apart from good works is inactive and ineffective and worthless?
21 Was not our forefather Abraham shown to be justified (made acceptable to God) by his works when he brought to the altar as an offering his own son Isaac? Gen. 22:1-14.
22 You see that his faith was cooperating with his works, and his faith was completed and reached its supreme expression when he implemented it by good works.
23 And so the Scripture was fulfilled that says, Abraham believed in (adhered to, trusted in, and relied on) God, and this was accounted to him as righteousness (as conformity to God's will in thought and deed), and he was called God's friend. Gen. 15:6; II Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8.
24 You see that a man is justified (pronounced righteous before God) through what he does and not alone through faith through works of obedience as well as by what he believes.
25 So also with Rahab the harlot--was she not shown to be justified (pronounced righteous before God) by good deeds when she took in the scouts (spies) and sent them away by a different route? Josh. 2:1-21.
26 For as the human body apart from the spirit is lifeless, so faith apart from its works of obedience is also dead.
1 My G3450 P-1GS brethren G80 N-VPM , have G2192 V-PAM-2P not G3361 PRT-N the G3588 T-ASF faith G4102 N-ASF of G3588 T-GSM our G3588 T-GSM Lord G2962 N-GSM Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM , the G3588 T-GSF Lord of glory G1391 N-GSF , with G1722 PREP respect of persons G4382 N-DPF .
2 For G1063 CONJ if G1437 COND there come G1525 V-2AAS-3S unto G1519 PREP your G3588 T-ASF assembly G4864 N-ASF a man G435 N-NSM with a gold ring G5554 A-NSM , in G1722 PREP goodly G2986 A-DSF apparel G2066 N-DSF , and G1161 CONJ there come in G1525 V-2AAS-3S also G2532 CONJ a poor man G4434 A-NSM in G1722 PREP vile G4508 A-DSF raiment G2066 N-DSF ;
3 And G2532 CONJ ye have respect G1914 V-AAS-2P to G1909 PREP him that weareth G5409 V-PAP-ASM the G3588 T-ASF gay G2986 A-ASF clothing G2066 N-ASF , and G2532 CONJ say G2036 V-2AAS-2P unto him G846 P-DSM , Sit G2521 V-PNM-2S thou G4771 P-2NS here G5602 ADV in a good place G2573 ADV ; and G2532 CONJ say G2036 V-2AAS-2P to the G3588 T-DSM poor G4434 A-DSM , Stand G2476 V-2AAM-2S thou G4771 P-2NS there G1563 ADV , or G2228 PRT sit G2521 V-PNM-2S here G5602 ADV under G5259 PREP my G3588 T-ASN footstool G5286 N-ASN :
4 Are ye not then partial G1252 V-API-2P in G1722 PREP yourselves G1438 F-3DPM , and G2532 CONJ are become G1096 V-2ADI-2P judges G2923 N-NPM of evil G4190 A-GPM thoughts G1261 N-GPM ?
5 Hearken G191 V-AAM-2P , my G3450 P-1GS beloved G27 A-VPM brethren G80 N-VPM , Hath not G3756 PRT-N God G2316 N-NSM chosen G1586 V-AMI-3S the G3588 T-APM poor G4434 A-APM of G3588 T-GSM this G3588 T-GSM world G2889 N-GSM rich G4145 A-APM in G1722 PREP faith G4102 N-DSF , and G2532 CONJ heirs G2818 N-APM of G3588 T-GSF the G3588 T-GSF kingdom G932 N-GSF which G3739 R-GSF he G3588 T-DPM hath promised G1861 V-ADI-3S to them that love G25 V-PAP-DPM him G846 P-ASM ?
6 But G1161 CONJ ye G5210 P-2NP have despised G818 V-AAI-2P the G3588 T-ASM poor G4434 A-ASM . Do not G3756 PRT-N rich men G4145 A-NPM oppress G2616 V-PAI-3P you G5216 P-2GP , and G2532 CONJ draw G1670 V-PAI-3P you G5209 P-2AP before G1519 PREP the judgment seats G2922 N-APN ?
7 Do not G3756 PRT-N they G846 P-NPM blaspheme G987 V-PAI-3P that worthy G2570 A-ASN name G3686 N-ASN by the which G1909 PREP ye G3588 T-ASN are called G1941 V-APP-ASN ?
8 If G1487 COND ye G3305 CONJ fulfill G5055 V-PAI-2P the royal G937 A-ASM law G3551 N-ASM according G2596 PREP to the G3588 T-ASF Scripture G1124 N-ASF , Thou shalt love G25 V-FAI-2S thy G3588 T-ASM neighbor G4139 ADV as G5613 ADV thyself G4572 F-2ASM , ye do G4160 V-PAI-2P well G2573 ADV :
9 But G1161 CONJ if G1487 COND ye have respect to persons G4380 V-PAI-2P , ye commit G2038 V-PNI-2P sin G266 N-ASF , and are convinced G1651 V-PPP-NPM of G5259 PREP the G3588 T-GSM law G3551 N-GSM as G5613 ADV transgressors G3848 N-NPM .
10 For G1063 CONJ whosoever G3748 R-NSM shall keep G5083 V-FAI-3S the G3588 T-ASM whole G3650 A-ASM law G3551 N-ASM , and G1161 CONJ yet offend G4417 V-FAI-3S in G1722 PREP one G1520 A-DSM point , he is G1096 V-2RAI-3S guilty G1777 A-NSM of all G3956 A-GPM .
11 For G1063 CONJ he that said G2036 V-2AAP-NSM , Do not G3361 PRT-N commit adultery G3431 V-FAI-2S , said G2036 V-2AAP-NSM also G2532 CONJ , Do not G3361 PRT-N kill G5407 V-FAI-2S . Now G1161 CONJ if G1487 COND thou commit no adultery G3431 V-FAI-2S , yet G1161 CONJ if thou kill G5407 V-FAI-2S , thou art become G1096 V-2RAI-2S a transgressor G3848 N-NSM of the law G3551 N-GSM .
12 So G3779 ADV speak G2980 V-PAM-2P ye , and G2532 CONJ so G3779 ADV do G4160 V-PAM-2P , as G5613 ADV they that shall be G3195 V-PAP-NPM judged G2919 V-PPN by G1223 PREP the law G3551 N-GSM of liberty G1657 N-GSF .
13 For G1063 CONJ he shall have judgment G2920 N-NSF without mercy G448 A-NSF , that G3588 T-DSM hath showed G4160 V-AAP-DSM no G3361 PRT-N mercy G1656 N-ASN ; and G2532 mercy G1656 N-ASM rejoiceth against G2620 V-PNI-3S judgment G2920 N-GSF .
14 What G5101 I-NSN doth it profit G3786 N-NSN , my G3450 P-1GS brethren G80 N-VPM , though G1437 COND a man G5100 X-NSM say G3004 V-PAS-3S he hath G2192 V-PAN faith G4102 N-ASF , and G1161 CONJ have G2192 V-PAS-3S not G3361 PRT-N works G2041 N-APN ? can G1410 V-PNI-3S faith G4102 N-NSF save G4982 V-AAN him G846 P-ASM ?
15 If G1437 COND a brother G80 N-NSM or G2228 PRT sister G79 N-NSF be G5225 V-PAS-3P naked G1131 A-NPM , and G2532 CONJ destitute G3007 V-PPP-NPM of daily G2184 A-GSF food G5160 N-GSF ,
16 And G1161 CONJ one G5100 X-NSM of G1537 PREP you G5216 P-2GP say G2036 V-2AAS-3S unto them G846 P-DPM , Depart G5217 V-PAM-2P in G1722 PREP peace G1515 N-DSF , be ye warmed G2328 V-PEM-2P and G2532 CONJ filled G5526 V-PPM-2P ; notwithstanding G1161 CONJ ye give G1325 V-2AAS-2P them G846 P-DPM not G3361 PRT-N those things which are needful G2006 A-APN to the G3588 T-GSN body G4983 N-GSN ; what G3588 T-NSN doth it profit G3786 N-NSN ?
17 Even G2532 CONJ so G3779 ADV faith G4102 N-NSF , if G1437 COND it hath G2192 V-PAS-3S not G3361 PRT-N works G2041 N-APN , is G2076 V-PXI-3S dead G3498 A-NSF , being alone G2596 PREP .
18 Yea G235 CONJ , a man G5100 X-NSM may say G2046 V-FAI-3S , Thou G4771 P-2NS hast G2192 V-PAI-2S faith G4102 N-ASF , and I G2504 P-1NS-C have G2192 V-PAI-1S works G2041 N-APN : show G1166 V-AAM-2S me G3427 P-1DS thy G3588 T-ASF faith G4102 N-ASF without G5565 thy G3588 T-GPN works G2041 N-GPN , and I G2504 P-1NS-C will show G1166 V-FAI-1S thee G4671 P-2DS my G3588 T-ASF faith G4102 N-ASF by G1537 PREP my G3588 T-GPN works G2041 N-GPN .
19 Thou G4771 P-2NS believest G4100 V-PAI-2S that G3754 CONJ there is G2076 V-PXI-3S one G1520 A-NSM God G2316 N-NSM ; thou doest G4160 V-PAI-2S well G2573 ADV : the G3588 T-NPN devils G1140 N-NPN also G2532 CONJ believe G4100 V-PAI-3P , and G2532 CONJ tremble G5425 V-PAI-3P .
20 But G1161 CONJ wilt G2309 V-PAI-2S thou know G1097 V-2AAN , O G5599 INJ vain G2756 A-VSM man G444 N-VSM , that G3588 T-NSF faith G4102 N-NSF without G5565 ADV works G2041 N-GPN is G2076 V-PXI-3S dead G3498 A-NSF ?
21 Was not G3756 PRT-N Abraham G11 N-PRI our G3588 T-NSM father G3962 N-NSM justified G1344 V-API-3S by G1537 PREP works G2041 N-GPN , when he had offered G399 V-AAP-NSM Isaac G2464 N-PRI his G3588 T-ASM son G5207 N-ASM upon G1909 PREP the G3588 T-ASN altar G2379 N-ASN ?
22 Seest G991 V-PAI-2S thou how G3754 CONJ faith G4102 N-NSF wrought with G4903 V-IAI-3S his G3588 T-DPN works G2041 N-DPN , and G2532 CONJ by G1537 PREP works G2041 N-GPN was faith G4102 N-NSF made perfect G5048 V-API-3S ?
23 And G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-NSF Scripture G1124 N-NSF was fulfilled G4137 V-API-3S which saith G3004 V-PAP-NSF , Abraham G11 N-PRI believed G4100 V-AAI-3S God G2316 N-DSM , and G2532 CONJ it was imputed G3049 V-API-3S unto him G846 P-DSM for G1519 PREP righteousness G1343 N-ASF : and G2532 CONJ he was called G2564 V-API-3S the Friend G5384 A-NSM of God G2316 N-GSM .
24 Ye see G3708 V-PAM-2P then G5106 PRT how G3754 CONJ that by G1537 PREP works G2041 N-GPN a man G444 N-NSM is justified G1344 V-PPI-3S , and G2532 CONJ not G3756 PRT-N by G1537 PREP faith G4102 N-GSF only G3440 .
25 Likewise G3668 ADV also G2532 CONJ was not G3756 PRT-N Rahab G4460 N-PRI the G3588 T-NSF harlot G4204 N-NSF justified G1344 V-API-3S by G1537 PREP works G2041 N-GPN , when she had received G5264 V-ADP-NSF the G3588 T-APM messengers G32 N-APM , and G2532 CONJ had sent them out G1544 V-2AAP-NSF another G2087 A-DSF way G3598 N-DSF ?
26 For G1063 CONJ as G5618 ADV the G3588 T-NSN body G4983 N-NSN without G5565 ADV the spirit G4151 N-GSN is G2076 V-PXI-3S dead G3498 A-NSN , so G3779 ADV faith G4102 N-NSF without G5565 ADV works G2041 N-GPN is G2076 V-PXI-3S dead G3498 A-NSF also G2532 CONJ .
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