Bible Versions
Bible Books

Mark 1:10 (AMP) Amplified Bibles

1 THE BEGINNING of the facts of the good news (the Gospel) of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
2 Just as it is written in the prophet Isaiah: Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who will make ready Your way--Mal. 3:1.
3 A voice of one crying in the wilderness shouting in the desert, Prepare the way of the Lord, make His beaten tracks straight (level and passable)! Isa. 40:3.
4 John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness (desert), preaching a baptism obligating repentance (a change of one's mind for the better, heartily amending one's ways, with abhorrence of his past sins) in order to obtain forgiveness of and release from sins.
5 And there kept going out to him continuously all the country of Judea and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, as they were confessing their sins.
6 And John wore clothing woven of camel's hair and had a leather girdle around his loins and ate locusts and wild honey.
7 And he preached, saying, After me comes He Who is stronger (more powerful and more valiant) than I, the strap of Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to stoop down and unloose.
8 I have baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
10 And when He came up out of the water, at once he John saw the heavens torn open and the Holy Spirit like a dove coming down to enter into Him. John 1:32.
11 And there came a voice out from within heaven, You are My Beloved Son; in You I am well pleased. Ps. 2:7; Isa. 42:1.
12 Immediately the Holy Spirit from within drove Him out into the wilderness (desert),
13 And He stayed in the wilderness (desert) forty days, being tempted all the while by Satan; and He was with the wild beasts, and the angels ministered to Him continually.
14 Now after John was arrested and put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the good news (the Gospel) of the kingdom of God,
15 And saying, The appointed period of time is fulfilled (completed), and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent (have a change of mind which issues in regret for past sins and in change of conduct for the better) and believe (trust in, rely on, and adhere to) the good news (the Gospel).
16 And passing along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon Peter and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net to and fro in the sea, for they were fishermen.
17 And Jesus said to them, Come after Me and be My disciples, and I will make you to become fishers of men.
18 And at once they left their nets and yielding up all claim to them followed with Him joining Him as disciples and siding with His party.
19 He went on a little farther and saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who were in their boat putting their nets in order.
20 And immediately He called out to them, and abandoning all mutual claims they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and went off after Him to be His disciples, side with His party, and follow Him.
21 And they entered into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath He went into the synagogue and began to teach.
22 And they were completely astonished at His teaching, for He was teaching as One Who possessed authority, and not as the scribes.
23 Just at that time there was in their synagogue a man who was in the power of an unclean spirit; and now immediately he raised a deep and terrible cry from the depths of his throat, saying,
24 What have You to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are--the Holy One of God!
25 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hush up (be muzzled, gagged), and come out of him!
26 And the unclean spirit, throwing the man into convulsions and screeching with a loud voice, came out of him.
27 And they were all so amazed and almost terrified that they kept questioning and demanding one of another, saying, What is this? What new (fresh) teaching! With authority He gives orders even to the unclean spirits and they obey Him!
28 And immediately rumors concerning Him spread everywhere throughout all the region surrounding Galilee.
29 And at once He left the synagogue and went into the house of Simon Peter and Andrew, accompanied by James and John.
30 Now Simon's mother-in-law had for some time been lying sick with a fever, and at once they told Him about her.
31 And He went up to her and took her by the hand and raised her up; and the fever left her, and she began to wait on them.
32 Now when it was evening, after the sun had set, they brought to Him all who were sick and those under the power of demons,
33 Until the whole town was gathered together about the door.
34 And He cured many who were afflicted with various diseases; and He drove out many demons, but would not allow the demons to talk because they knew Him intuitively.
35 And in the morning, long before daylight, He got up and went out to a deserted place, and there He prayed.
36 And Simon Peter and those who were with him followed Him pursuing Him eagerly and hunting Him out,
37 And they found Him and said to Him, Everybody is looking for You.
38 And He said to them, Let us be going on into the neighboring country towns, that I may preach there also; for that is why I came out.
39 So He went throughout the whole of Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
40 And a leper came to Him, begging Him on his knees and saying to Him, If You are willing, You are able to make me clean.
41 And being moved with pity and sympathy, Jesus reached out His hand and touched him, and said to him, I am willing; be made clean!
42 And at once the leprosy completely left him and he was made clean by being healed.
43 And Jesus charged him sternly (sharply and threateningly, and with earnest admonition) and acting with deep feeling thrust him forth and sent him away at once,
44 And said to him, See that you tell nothing of this to anyone; but begone, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your purification what Moses commanded, as a proof (an evidence and witness) to the people that you are really healed. Lev. 13:49; 14:2-32.
45 But he went out and began to talk so freely about it and blaze abroad the news spreading it everywhere that Jesus could no longer openly go into a town but was outside in lonely desert places. But the people kept on coming to Him from all sides and every quarter.
1 The beginning G746 N-NSF of G3588 T-GSN the G3588 T-GSN gospel G2098 N-GSN of Jesus G2424 N-GSM Christ G5547 N-GSM , the G3588 T-GSM Son G5207 N-GSM of God G2316 N-GSM ;
2 As G5613 ADV it is written G1125 V-RPI-3S in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DPM prophets G4396 N-DPM , Behold G2400 V-2AAM-2S , I G1473 P-1NS send G649 V-PAI-1S my G3588 T-ASM messenger G32 N-ASM before G4253 PREP thy G4675 P-2GS face G4383 N-GSN , which G3739 R-NSM shall prepare G2680 V-FAI-3S thy G3588 T-ASF way G3598 N-ASF before G1715 PREP thee G4675 P-2GS .
3 The voice G5456 N-NSF of one crying G994 V-PAP-GSM in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSF wilderness G2048 A-DSF , Prepare G2090 V-AAM-2P ye G3588 T-ASF the G3588 T-ASF way G3598 N-ASF of the Lord G2962 N-GSM , make G4160 V-PAM-2P his G3588 T-APF paths G5147 N-APF straight G2117 A-APF .
4 John G2491 N-NSM did G1096 V-2ADI-3S baptize G907 V-PAP-NSM in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSF wilderness G2048 A-DSF , and G2532 CONJ preach G2784 V-PAP-NSM the baptism G908 N-ASN of repentance G3341 N-GSF for G1519 PREP the remission G859 N-ASF of sins G266 N-GPF .
5 And G2532 CONJ there went out G1607 V-INI-3S unto G4314 PREP him G846 P-ASM all G3956 A-NSF the G3588 T-NSF land G5561 N-NSF of Judea G2449 N-NSF , and G2532 CONJ they of Jerusalem G2415 N-NPM , and G2532 CONJ were all G3956 A-NPM baptized G907 V-IPI-3P of G5259 PREP him G846 P-GSM in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-NPM river G4215 N-DSM of Jordan G2446 N-DSM , confessing G1843 V-PMP-NPM their G3588 T-APF sins G266 N-APF .
6 And G1161 CONJ John G2491 N-NSM was G2258 V-IXI-3S clothed with G1746 V-RMP-NSM camel G2574 N-GSM \'s hair G2359 N-APF , and G2532 CONJ with a girdle G2223 N-ASF of a skin G1193 A-ASF about G4012 PREP his G3588 T-ASF loins G3751 N-ASF ; and G2532 CONJ he did eat G2068 V-PAP-NSM locusts G200 N-APF and G2532 CONJ wild G66 A-ASN honey G3192 N-ASN ;
7 And G2532 CONJ preached G2784 V-IAI-3S , saying G3004 V-PAP-NSM , There cometh G2064 V-PNI-3S one G3588 T-NSM mightier G2478 A-NSM-C than I G3450 P-1GS after G3694 ADV me G3450 P-1GS , the G3588 T-ASM latchet G2438 N-ASM of G3588 T-GPN whose G848 shoes G5266 N-GPN I G3739 R-GSM am G1510 V-PXI-1S not G3756 PRT-N worthy G2425 A-NSM to stoop down G2955 V-AAP-NSM and unloose G3089 V-AAN .
8 I G1473 P-1NS indeed G3303 PRT have baptized G907 V-AAI-1S you G5209 P-2AP with G1722 PREP water G5204 N-DSN : but G1161 CONJ he G846 P-NSM shall baptize G907 V-FAI-3S you G5209 P-2AP with G1722 PREP the Holy G40 A-DSN Ghost G4151 N-DSN .
9 And G2532 CONJ it came to pass G1096 V-2ADI-3S in G1722 PREP those G3588 T-DPF days G2250 N-DPF , that Jesus G2424 N-NSM came G2064 V-2AAI-3S from G575 PREP Nazareth G3478 N-PRI of Galilee G1056 N-GSF , and G2532 CONJ was baptized G907 V-API-3S of G5259 PREP John G2491 N-GSM in G1519 PREP Jordan G2446 N-ASM .
10 And G2532 CONJ straightway G2112 ADV coming up G305 V-PAP-NSM out of G575 PREP the G3588 T-GSN water G5204 N-GSN , he saw G1492 V-2AAI-3S the G3588 T-APM heavens G3772 N-APM opened G4977 V-PPP-APM , and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-ASN Spirit G4151 N-ASN like G5616 ADV a dove G4058 N-ASF descending G2597 V-PAP-ASN upon G1909 PREP him G846 P-ASM :
11 And G2532 CONJ there came G1096 V-2ADI-3S a voice G5456 N-NSF from G1537 PREP heaven G3772 N-GPM , saying , Thou G4771 P-2NS art G1488 V-PXI-2S my G3588 T-NSM beloved G27 A-NSM Son G5207 N-NSM , in G1722 PREP whom G3739 R-DSM I am well pleased G2106 V-AAI-1S .
12 And G2532 CONJ immediately G2117 ADV the G3588 T-NSN Spirit G4151 N-NSN driveth G1544 V-PAI-3S him G846 P-ASM into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-ASF wilderness G2048 A-ASF .
13 And G2532 CONJ he was G2258 V-IXI-3S there G1563 ADV in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSF wilderness G2048 A-DSF forty G5062 A-NUI days G2250 N-APF , tempted G3985 V-PPP-NSM of G3588 T-GSM Satan G4567 N-GSM ; and G2532 CONJ was G2258 V-IXI-3S with G3326 PREP the G3588 T-GPN wild beasts G2342 N-GPN ; and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-NPM angels G32 N-NPM ministered G1247 V-IAI-3P unto him G846 P-DSM .
14 Now G1161 CONJ after G3326 PREP that G3588 T-ASN John G2491 N-ASM was put in prison G3860 V-APN , Jesus G2424 N-NSM came G2064 V-2AAI-3S into G1519 PREP Galilee G1056 N-ASF , preaching G2784 V-PAP-NSM the G3588 T-ASN gospel G2098 N-ASN of G3588 T-GSF the G3588 T-GSF kingdom G932 N-GSF of God G2316 N-GSM ,
15 And G2532 CONJ saying G3004 V-PAP-NSM , The G3588 T-NSM time G2540 N-NSM is fulfilled G4137 V-RPI-3S , and G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-NSF kingdom G932 N-NSF of God G2316 N-GSM is at hand G1448 V-RAI-3S : repent G3340 V-PAM-2P ye , and G2532 CONJ believe G4100 V-PAM-2P the G3588 T-DSN gospel G2098 N-DSN .
16 Now G1161 CONJ as he walked G4043 V-PAP-NSM by G3844 PREP the G3588 T-ASF sea G2281 N-ASF of Galilee G1056 N-GSF , he saw G1492 V-2AAI-3S Simon G4613 N-ASM and G2532 CONJ Andrew G406 N-ASM his G3588 T-ASM brother G80 N-ASM casting G906 V-PAP-APM a net G293 N-ASN into G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSF sea G2281 N-DSF : for G1063 CONJ they were G2258 V-IXI-3P fishers G231 N-NPM .
17 And G2532 CONJ Jesus G2424 N-NSM said G2036 V-2AAI-3S unto them G846 P-DPM , Come G1205 V-XXM-2P ye after G3694 ADV me G3450 P-1GS , and G2532 CONJ I will make G4160 V-FAI-1S you G5209 P-2AP to become G1096 V-2ADN fishers G231 N-APM of men G444 N-GPM .
18 And G2532 CONJ straightway G2112 ADV they forsook G863 V-2AAP-NPM their G3588 T-APN nets G1350 N-APN , and G2532 CONJ followed G190 V-AAI-3P him G846 P-GPM .
19 And G2532 CONJ when he had gone G4260 V-2AAP-NSM a little farther G3641 ADV thence G1564 ADV , he saw G1492 V-2AAI-3S James G2385 N-ASM the G3588 T-ASM son of Zebedee G2199 N-GSM , and G2532 CONJ John G2491 N-ASM his G3588 T-ASM brother G80 N-ASM , who G846 P-APM also G2532 CONJ were in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSN ship G4143 N-DSN mending G2675 V-PAP-APM their nets G1350 N-APN .
20 And G2532 CONJ straightway G2112 ADV he called G2564 V-AAI-3S them G846 P-APM : and G2532 CONJ they left G863 V-2AAP-NPM their G3588 T-ASM father G3962 N-ASM Zebedee G2199 N-ASM in G1722 PREP the G3588 T-DSN ship G4143 N-DSN with G3326 PREP the G3588 T-GPM hired servants G3411 N-GPM , and G2532 CONJ went G565 V-2AAI-3P after G3694 ADV him G846 P-GPM .
21 And G2532 CONJ they went G1531 V-PNI-3P into G1519 PREP Capernaum G2584 N-PRI ; and G2532 CONJ straightway G2112 ADV on the G3588 T-DPN sabbath day G4521 N-DPN he entered G1525 V-2AAP-NSM into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-ASF synagogue G4864 N-ASF , and taught G1321 V-IAI-3S .
22 And G2532 CONJ they were astonished G1605 V-IPI-3P at G1909 PREP his G3588 T-DSF doctrine G1322 N-DSF : for G1063 CONJ he taught G2258 V-IXI-3S them G846 P-APM as G5613 ADV one that had G2192 V-PAP-NSM authority G1849 N-ASF , and G2532 CONJ not G3756 PRT-N as G5613 ADV the G3588 T-NPM scribes G1122 N-NPM .
23 And G2532 CONJ there was G2258 V-IXI-3S in G1722 PREP their G3588 T-DSF synagogue G4864 N-DSF a man G444 N-NSM with G1722 PREP an unclean G169 A-DSN spirit G4151 N-DSN ; and G2532 CONJ he cried out G349 V-AAI-3S ,
24 Saying G3004 V-PAP-NSM , Let us alone G1436 INJ ; what have we to do with thee G5101 I-NSN , thou Jesus G2424 N-VSM of Nazareth G3479 N-VSM ? art thou come G2064 V-2AAI-2S to destroy G622 V-AAN us G2248 P-1AP ? I know G1492 V-RAI-1S thee G4571 P-2AS who G5101 I-NSM thou art G1488 V-PXI-2S , the G3588 T-NSM Holy One G40 A-NSM of God G2316 N-GSM .
25 And G2532 CONJ Jesus G2424 N-NSM rebuked G2008 V-AAI-3S him G846 P-DSM , saying G3004 V-PAP-NSM , Hold thy peace G5392 V-APM-2S , and G2532 CONJ come G1831 V-2AAM-2S out of G1537 PREP him G846 P-GSM .
26 And G2532 CONJ when the G3588 T-NSN unclean G169 A-NSN spirit G4151 N-NSN had torn G4682 V-AAP-NSN him G846 P-ASM , and G2532 CONJ cried G2896 V-AAP-NSN with a loud G3173 A-DSF voice G5456 N-DSF , he came G1831 V-2AAI-3S out of G1537 PREP him G846 P-GSM .
27 And G2532 CONJ they were all G3956 A-NPM amazed G2284 V-API-3P , insomuch that G5620 CONJ they questioned G4802 V-PAN among G4314 PREP themselves G848 saying G3004 V-PAP-APM , What thing G5101 I-NSN is G2076 V-PXI-3S this G5124 D-NSN ? what G3588 T-NSF new G2537 A-NSF doctrine G1322 N-NSF is this G3778 D-NSF ? for G3754 CONJ with G2596 PREP authority G1849 N-ASF commandeth G2004 V-PAI-3S he even G2532 CONJ the G3588 T-DPN unclean G169 A-DPN spirits G4151 N-DPN , and G2532 CONJ they do obey G5219 V-PAI-3P him G846 P-DSM .
28 And G1161 CONJ immediately G2117 ADV his G3588 T-NSF fame G189 N-NSF spread abroad G1831 V-2AAI-3S throughout G1519 PREP all G3650 A-ASF the G3588 T-ASF region round about G4066 A-ASF Galilee G1056 N-GSF .
29 And G2532 CONJ forthwith G2112 ADV , when they were come G1831 V-2AAP-NPM out of G1537 PREP the G3588 T-GSF synagogue G4864 N-GSF , they entered G2064 V-2AAI-3P into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-ASF house G3614 N-ASF of Simon G4613 N-GSM and G2532 CONJ Andrew G406 N-GSM , with G3326 PREP James G2385 N-GSM and G2532 CONJ John G2491 N-GSM .
30 But G1161 CONJ Simon G4613 N-GSM \'s wife\'s mother G3994 N-NSF lay G2621 V-INI-3S sick of a fever G4445 V-PAP-NSF , and G2532 CONJ anon G2112 ADV they tell G3004 V-PAI-3P him G846 P-DSM of G4012 PREP her G846 P-GSF .
31 And G2532 CONJ he came G4334 V-2AAP-NSM and took G2902 V-AAP-NSM her G846 P-ASF by the G3588 T-GSF hand G5495 N-GSF , and lifted her up G1453 V-AAI-3S ; and G2532 CONJ immediately G2112 ADV the G3588 T-NSM fever G4446 N-NSM left G863 V-AAI-3S her G846 P-GSF , and G2532 CONJ she ministered G1247 V-IAI-3S unto them G846 P-ASF .
32 And G1161 CONJ at even G3798 A-GSF , when G3753 ADV the G3588 T-NSM sun G2246 N-NSM did set G1416 V-2AAI-3S , they brought G5342 V-IAI-3P unto G4314 PREP him G846 P-ASM all G3956 A-APM that were diseased G2560 ADV , and G2532 CONJ them that were possessed with devils G1139 V-PNP-APM .
33 And G2532 CONJ all G3650 A-NSF the G3588 T-NSF city G4172 N-NSF was G2258 V-IXI-3S gathered together G1996 V-RPP-NSF at G4314 PREP the G3588 T-ASF door G2374 N-ASF .
34 And G2532 CONJ he healed G2323 V-AAI-3S many G4183 A-APM that were sick G2192 V-PAP-APM of divers G4164 A-DPF diseases G3554 N-DPF , and G2532 CONJ cast out G1544 V-2AAI-3S many G4183 A-APN devils G1140 N-APN ; and G2532 CONJ suffered G863 V-IAI-3S not G3756 PRT-N the G3588 T-APN devils G1140 N-APN to speak G2980 V-PAN , because G3754 CONJ they knew G1492 V-LAI-3P him G846 P-ASM .
35 And G2532 CONJ in the morning G1773 ADV , rising up G450 V-2AAP-NSM a great while before day G3029 ADV , he went out G1831 V-2AAI-3S , and G2532 CONJ departed G565 V-2AAI-3S into G1519 PREP a solitary G2048 A-ASM place G5117 N-ASM , and there G2546 ADV-C prayed G4336 V-INI-3S .
36 And G2532 CONJ Simon G4613 N-NSM and G2532 CONJ they G3588 T-NPM that were with G3326 PREP him G846 P-ASM followed after G2614 V-AAI-3P him G846 P-GSM .
37 And G2532 CONJ when they had found G2147 V-2AAP-NPM him G846 P-ASM , they said G3004 V-PAI-3P unto him G846 P-DSM , All G3956 A-NPM men seek for G2212 V-PAI-3P thee G4571 P-2AS .
38 And G2532 CONJ he said G3004 V-PAI-3S unto them G846 P-DPM , Let us go G71 V-PAS-1P into G1519 PREP the G3588 T-APF next G2192 V-PPP-APF towns G2969 N-APF , that G2443 CONJ I may preach G2784 V-AAS-1S there also G2546 : for G1063 CONJ therefore G1519 PREP came I forth G1831 V-RAI-1S .
39 And G2532 CONJ he preached G2784 V-PAP-NSM in G1722 PREP their G3588 T-DPF synagogues G4864 N-DPF throughout G1519 PREP all G3650 A-ASF Galilee G1056 N-ASF , and G2532 CONJ cast out G1544 V-PAP-NSM devils G1140 N-APN .
40 And G2532 CONJ there came G2064 V-PNI-3S a leper G3015 A-NSM to G4314 PREP him G846 P-ASM , beseeching G3870 V-PAP-NSM him G846 P-ASM , and G2532 CONJ kneeling down G1120 V-PAP-NSM to him G846 P-ASM , and G2532 CONJ saying G3004 V-PAP-NSM unto him G846 P-DSM , If G1437 COND thou wilt G2309 V-PAS-2S , thou canst G1410 V-PNI-2S make me clean G2511 V-AAN .
41 And G1161 CONJ Jesus G2424 N-NSM , moved with compassion G4697 V-AOP-NSM , put forth G1614 V-AAP-NSF his hand G5495 N-ASF , and touched G680 V-ADI-3S him G846 P-GSM , and G2532 CONJ saith G3004 V-PAI-3S unto him G846 P-DSM , I will G2309 V-PAI-1S ; be thou clean G2511 V-APM-2S .
42 And G2532 CONJ , as soon as he G846 P-GSM had spoken G2036 V-2AAP-GSM , immediately G2112 ADV the G3588 T-NSF leprosy G3014 N-NSF departed G565 V-2AAI-3S from G575 PREP him G846 P-GSM , and G2532 CONJ he was cleansed G2511 V-API-3S .
43 And G2532 CONJ he straitly charged G1690 V-ADP-NSM him G846 P-DSM , and forthwith G2112 ADV sent him away G1544 V-2AAI-3S ;
44 And G2532 CONJ saith G3004 V-PAI-3S unto him G846 P-DSM , See G3708 V-PAM-2S thou say G2036 V-2AAS-2S nothing G3367 A-DSM to any man G3367 A-ASN : but G235 CONJ go thy way G5217 V-PAM-2S , show G1166 V-AAM-2S thyself G4572 F-2ASM to the G3588 T-DSM priest G2409 N-DSM , and G2532 CONJ offer G4374 V-2AAM-2S for G4012 PREP thy G3588 T-GSM cleansing G2512 N-GSM those things which G3739 R-APN Moses G3475 N-NSM commanded G4367 V-AAI-3S , for G1519 PREP a testimony G3142 N-ASN unto them G846 P-DPM .
45 But G1161 CONJ he G3588 T-NSM went out G1831 V-2AAP-NSM , and began G756 V-ADI-3S to publish G2784 V-PAN it much G4183 A-APN , and G2532 CONJ to blaze abroad G1310 V-PAN the G3588 T-ASM matter G3056 N-ASM , insomuch that G5620 CONJ Jesus G846 P-ASM could G1410 V-PNN no more G3371 ADV openly G5320 ADV enter G1525 V-2AAN into G1519 PREP the city G4172 N-ASF , but G235 CONJ was G2258 V-IXI-3S without G1854 ADV in G1722 PREP desert G2048 A-DPM places G5117 N-DPM : and G2532 CONJ they came G2064 V-INI-3P to G4314 PREP him G846 P-ASM from every quarter G3836 ADV .
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